Chapter 32

Shen Yanchuan withdrew his gaze, casually dropped a piece on the chessboard, and asked with a smile, "Which of your eyes can see that I like her?"

Xie Anbai pointed to his own eyes: "I can see both eyes, okay! Don't tell me that you stay here and don't think about others!"

Shen Yanchuan tilted his head and thought, he wanted to find out the relationship between Xu Fengchi and Ye Chutang, so it was true that he had put a lot of thought on her.

However, there is no clue about this matter for the time being. He didn't want to make it public, so he didn't mention it. In the end, he only said:
"She's good at medicine."

Xie Anbai knew very well that getting his evaluation was enough to prove Ye Chutang's ability.

But he still felt that Shen Yanchuan must have no good intentions.

At the beginning when Shen Yanchuan said Doctor Ye, he thought he was an old man with a sense of demeanor, but who would have thought that he was such a young and beautiful woman!
Although the woman hadn't approached in the courtyard just now, she could still see how beautiful and refined that face was.

That gentle and clean demeanor is not bad at all compared to those noble girls in Beijing.

Xie Anbai leaned on the soft bed, snorting: "When you leave, the hearts of so many women in the capital have followed you. Who would have thought that you would live a happy life here."

Shen Yanchuan's face is really attractive, even though he seldom shows up in Beijing these years, he still easily captures the hearts of many women, who is the man in many women's spring boudoir dreams.

I thought he was cold-hearted and heartless, but now it seems that he just hasn't met the person who can subdue him.

Shen Yanchuan laughed, Xie Anbai just met Ye Chutang once, and concluded that he must be attracted to her because of her appearance, but he didn't know that this little white flower was actually a black heart lotus that killed people without blinking an eye.

Falling in love with such a woman is extremely dangerous.

But he didn't bother to explain, after all, he will continue to stay here for a while.

"If you came here today just to ask these questions, you can leave now."

Xie Anbai straightened up immediately: "Hey! Don't! Let's talk a little longer! What does that little doll have to do with her?"

Shen Yanchuan: "Her sister."

Xie Anbai breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good!"

He almost thought that his brother was really going to be a father.

Shen Yanchuan could naturally hear his subtext, and with a flick of his finger, Heizi changed his position and landed.

One drop, like a sharp dagger, instantly tore through Bai Zi's line of defense!

The originally chaotic chess game became clear in an instant, but it was the sunspots who deliberately set up a trap, attracting the whites, and then encircled and blocked them from the rear!

—— Put it to death and come back to life!
Xie Anbai was shocked immediately: "Your move is too bad! Did you come here like this!"

Shen Yanchuan leaned back: "Take away the chess pieces, you can go."

Xie Anbai: "..."

The previous worries were really unnecessary, who could be his opponent for such a King of Hades!

"Xiao Wu, are you having fun at Mr. Shen's place?" Ye Chutang asked.

Little Naituan nodded vigorously, then shook her head again.

--happy!But I am not happy with my sister!
Ye Chutang was a little surprised.

Xiao Wu's personality is different from other children, and she is usually very wary of outsiders, but she doesn't seem to disagree with Shen Yanchuan, and she even gets along very well.

This is rare.

Xiao Wu lowered his head, took out the golden whistle that Xie Anbai had given him from his bosom, and held it up for Ye Chutang to see.

——Sister, look!Earn Money Money Today!
Ye Chutang took the golden whistle and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That friend of his gave you this?"

In this era, gold is very precious, and the other party is so generous as soon as he makes a move, which shows that his status is extraordinary.

She pondered for a long time and sighed softly.

Sorry, so sorry!
The previous consultation fee was still too little!

As far as Shen Yanchuan's friend's handwriting is concerned, his family must be richer than she predicted before. It only takes a small amount of money to save his life, which is really a big loss!
Xiao Wu blinked blankly.

Why doesn't sister look very happy?Could it be that she doesn't like her casually accepting gifts from others?

Xiao Wu hugged her arm and rubbed against her leg.

——If sister doesn’t like it, then I don’t want it, I’ll go and return it!

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved, and he pinched her little face.

"Mr. Shen will continue to live in our house for a while. It just so happens that your third and fourth brothers are busy with their studies recently and don't have much time to accompany you. If you feel bored, just go to his place."

She thinks that Shen Yanchuan is quite good at taking care of children.

No need to be white.


The second day was a sunny day.

Early in the morning, many people surrounded Caishikou.

Today is the day when Liu Si was beheaded. It has been several years since Jiangling had such a murderous case. This public beheading naturally attracted many people to watch.

The streets were crowded with people, and everyone was waiting for the officials to escort Liu Si over, making a lot of noise.

Time passed, the sun rose high, and finally gradually approached noon.

Liu Si, who was bound and shackled, was finally sent over.

"The murderer is coming!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and then, a piece of rotten vegetable leaf threw towards Liu Si.

It was as if he had started, and the crowd was furious in an instant. Someone spat at him, and stones, vegetables, leaves, and rotten eggs came one after another, all of which fell on Liu Si.

"Murder for life!"

"It's too scary. I usually thought he was quite honest, but who knew he was so cruel!"

"Fortunately, he was caught. Otherwise, such a murderer would stay in Jiangling, who knows what he would do! Scary!"

Liu Si had already been tortured, and the death row clothes on his body were filthy, and he was even more embarrassed at this time.

He lowered his head and said nothing, his face was hidden under the messy hair, so he couldn't see clearly.

Amidst countless abuses, he was put on the execution platform.

Cao Deping and his son were watching this scene from the second floor of Cao Ji Restaurant not far away.

Although there are many twists and turns in the middle, fortunately, Liu Si is the one who will die in the end!

"Father, as long as he dies, this matter will be over!" Cao Chengwen couldn't hide his excitement.

During this period of time, he was worried and frightened every day, but he had waited until this day!
Cao Deping suddenly focused his eyes, and snorted coldly: "That Ye Chutang is here?"

Cao Chengwen followed his line of sight and saw a slender figure behind the crowd.

She stood there quietly, seemingly out of tune with everything around her.

Cao Chengwen sneered: "It's fine if you come, just let her see with her own eyes, my Cao family is not something she can afford!
In the private room of the tea house on the other side of the street, Shen Yanchuan took a sip from the teacup in his hand.


Lian Zhou, who was standing behind him, didn't quite understand what his master said.

At this moment, Yang Zhen who was sitting high on the execution platform threw the token to the ground and shouted in a deep voice:


The executioner immediately raised the knife, and Liu Si, who had been silent all this time, slowly raised his head, looking around the crowd with scarlet eyes, but he did not see Mrs. Zhou and the child.

Great grief and indignation welled up in his heart, a flash of determination flashed across his eyes, and he shouted hoarsely:
"My lord! I want to report! The one who ordered me to kill Cao Chengwu was his half-brother——Cao Chengwen!"

(End of this chapter)

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