Chapter 332 Involvement (st update)
He likes Ye Shixian, but he also wants to save face. Now in front of so many people, he is not willing to be related to the Gao family under any circumstances.

Thinking of this, his face darkened: "Mrs. Ye is not in good health and needs to take a good rest. Why are you all standing there in a daze? Why don't you send Mrs. Ye back quickly!"

As he spoke, he looked at his followers warningly.

The attendant understood what he was thinking and immediately stepped forward, clamping down on Gao's arms on one side and on the other. He seemed to be admonishing but actually pulled her away forcefully: "Yes, Mrs. Ye, you'd better go back to recuperate first! I'll send you the young ones right now." go back!"

Mr. Gao didn't even have anyone accompanying him, so he looked like he ran out on his own.

Others don't know, but Murong Ye knows that this Gao family has been confused for a long time. If he continues to stay here, who knows what kind of trouble will happen!

How could the Gao family be willing to go back like this?

After trying twice to break free, she simply shouted loudly: "Mr. Murong! You can't treat me like this!"

Her eyes were scarlet, her eyes were about to burst, and there was madness in her eyes.

"Why did you make a promise to Xian'er a few days ago? Could it be that you have forgotten it!"

Murong Ye suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart, but before he could react, Gao had already shouted out the rest of the words.

"If you have forgotten, I still remember it! You said you would never let her be wronged again! Not only will you help me to ask Duo to take care of me, but I will also find a doctor to treat me! It sounded nice at the time, why, this time In the blink of an eye, everything was forgotten!"

Murong Ye was shocked and angry: "Nonsense! How could I ever-"

"I knew it! Men in the world are all such wolf-hearted people!" Mrs. Gao got louder and louder as she scolded her, and she had obviously lost her mind. "You keep saying that you love and protect Xian'er, but now you are not even willing to help. After all, you are a heartless person. People! They just say some nice words to make Xian'er happy!"

Murong Ye took a breath, and anger rushed to his forehead: "You!"

He was from a noble family, but had he ever seen such a shrew scolding the streets? For a moment, I was so angry that I couldn't even utter a word in rebuttal.

Hearing this, many people around him secretly exchanged glances, pondering and chewing on Gao's words.

Everyone in the capital knew that Ye Heng's house was confiscated and exiled, and Murong Ye's help was also known to everyone.

With so many eyes staring at them, and they have remained in the capital, their every move is easily known.

There had been many rumors about the relationship between Murong Ye and Ye Shixian, but now that Gao had made such a statement, those speculations were confirmed.

——If there was nothing going on between these two people, would Murong Ye be willing to help them so wholeheartedly?
You must know that once Ye Heng lost power, even the officials he had been friends with in the past shunned him for fear of being implicated. Everyone knew why Murong Ye could do this.

What's more, it is possible that these two people have already...

Some people had teasing looks on their faces, and when they looked at Murong Ye again, there was even more jealousy in their eyes.

A young man who came with Murong Ye couldn't help but joke directly: "Murong Ye is really infatuated with Miss Ye! This deep and profound love is unparalleled by ordinary people! Speaking of which, with such a beautiful blessing , Brother Murong deserves it too! Haha——"

Halfway through his laughter, the person next to him gave him a hard elbow.

——Didn’t you see how ugly Murong Ye’s face looked now? And adding fuel to the fire!
There is nothing wrong with liking a woman, especially if she is a beautiful woman, but what is the situation of the Ye family now?
Let alone a wife, she is just a concubine. I am afraid that Lord Murong will not agree!

The man was reminded, and then realized that he had said the wrong thing, and looked embarrassed.

"That, that, brother Murong, I was just joking, don't take it seriously-" Murong Ye interrupted him with a livid face:

"I suddenly remembered that I have important matters at home. I'm afraid I won't be able to have a drink with you all today. Sorry!"

After that, he didn't care what other people's reactions were, he turned around and left quickly. Several people tried to stay but could not stop him.

Of course, Gao was also forcibly taken away.

The people around him voluntarily stepped aside, but the eyes looking at Murong Ye still contained a bit of gossip and excitement for watching the excitement.

Murong Ye didn't want to stay here for another quarter of an hour, he just wanted to quickly escape from this place that made him feel suffocated.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a while, the front suddenly became quiet.

He seemed to be aware of it, frowning and raising his head, but the moment he saw the other person clearly, he froze on the spot.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly: "Mr. Murong is a rare visitor. Why did he leave without even entering?"

Asking questions knowingly!

Murong Ye was not stupid. His eyes quickly glanced at Ye Yunfeng beside Ye Chutang and Ye Jingyan holding Xiao Wu. He couldn't guess that they had seen everything that happened before!
Now that Ye Chutang opened his mouth, it was a public humiliation!

Murong Ye clenched his fists tightly, trying his best to control the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "I can come when I want, and leave when I want. Why do I need to explain to you!"

Ye Chutang seemed to be completely unaware of his anger, and still smiled slightly: "Mr. Murong misunderstood, I just saw a few of you coming together, but you have to leave in a hurry, and I feel sorry. After all, it is difficult to book a place here. , I must have put some thought and time into it, wouldn’t it be a pity to just leave like this?”

Murong Ye's temples twitched.

She actually said this?
She actually had the nerve to say this! ?
Murong Ye sneered: "It's just a wine shop, what's so big about it!"

Of course he would not admit how much effort he had put into booking the box for today.

After that, he didn't want to continue to pester and left immediately.

However, Mrs. Gao had already seen Ye Chutang at this time.

Her eyes widened instantly, and her eyeballs seemed to bulge out. She pointed at Ye Chutang with a trembling hand, and her hysterical voice was hoarse and shrill: "Bitch! How dare you come back!"

When Mingze died, he was sent to a mass grave by this woman!

Since she returned to Beijing, their family has been in various troubles, and now it has reached the point where their family is broken up!

It's not her fault, but who is her fault! ?
Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly, glanced over Gao's body lightly, and then spoke warmly:
"Second aunt still recognizes me. It seems that my mind is clear and there is no big problem."

Murong Ye's heart thumped - what did Ye Chutang mean by this! Doesn't she mean that what Gao said in a frenzy earlier is true!
Gao's breathing was rapid and his chest heaved violently.

Ye Chutang raised the corners of his lips slightly, as if sarcastically:

"I have just sent my parents and brother back to Qingzhou. Although I am tired from traveling all the way, I feel relieved. Please take care of your health. If there is a chance to meet my second uncle again in the future, it would be best. If not, at least there is someone. Send him back to his hometown with no regrets.”

"What do you think?"

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