Chapter 34

At noon, the sun was already a little hot, but Cao Chengwen stood there, but his whole body was cold.

Everyone around looked at him in surprise.

The countless gazes made Cao Chengwen feel like a light, and he panicked almost instantly, and hurriedly shouted: "No! My lord! I made a mistake just now! That bank note is not mine! It has nothing to do with me. !"

Yang Zhen snorted coldly, and slapped the bank note on the table hard!
"The fingerprints are exactly the same, the evidence is overwhelming, you are still trying to argue!?"

Cao Chengwen was stunned and his body shook.

"How is it possible... how is this possible!"

What he gave Liu Si back then was indeed a silver ingot, but where did this silver ticket come from! ?

Above the teahouse, Shen Yanchuan watched this scene from afar, his brows slightly raised.

"I see."

No wonder she went out for so long yesterday, presumably she was busy with this matter.

Originally, the case was a foregone conclusion. To reverse the case, there must be conclusive evidence.

Even if not, with Ye Chutang's ability, there will be eventually.

Lian Zhou, who was standing behind him, was also a little shocked: "I can't tell, then Liu Si still has such a brain, and actually kept such ironclad evidence in advance! And he specially picked it on the execution ground to expose it in public! In this way, the county magistrate for his own sake In consideration of reputation, someone will definitely be sent to investigate, but as long as the finger and the bank note are found, Cao Chengwen will not be able to deny it no matter how much he wants to."

Shen Yanchuan took a sip of his tea: "If he really wanted to do this, he wouldn't have pleaded guilty in the first place."

Lian Zhou was stunned for a moment: "Yes!"

I heard that Liu Si confessed to his crime less than a day after he was arrested in the Yamen, and later Zhou sued Cao Chengwen related to this incident.

That proves that Liu Si didn't want to bite Cao Chengwen into the water at first.

"Then why did he suddenly change his mind?"

Shen Yanchuan smiled faintly: "He would rather die than spit out Cao Chengwen. It's either a lure or a threat. But if Cao Chengwen can do this kind of thing, then of course other people can do it too."

Lian Zhou looked around below, and suddenly thought of something: "Zhou's mother and son didn't come!"

At first, he didn't care about it, he just thought it was Zhou's reluctance to bring the child to face such a scene, but Zhou's was able to fight outside the Yamen for Liu Si before, so why would he be afraid of this?
Unless...someone didn't let her show up on purpose!

Lian Zhou murmured in disbelief: "Could it be Ye—"

He didn't say the rest of the words, but it was very clear who he was referring to.

"This trick is really perfect. It's effortless and forced Cao Chengwen to show his feet. In this way, it will be very difficult for him to kill Cao Chengwu!"

Lian Zhou faintly felt admiration.

Ye Chutang seems gentle and quiet, but in fact his tactics are first-class!

Shen Yanchuan rubbed the bone china teacup in his hand, looking at the slender figure standing outside the crowd below, the corners of his lips curled slightly.

"The good show is probably still to come."


Ye Chutang raised his head slightly and glanced at the sun.

When she was talking to Mrs. Zhou yesterday, she got something on her hands, and added some ingredients to the box of hibiscus cakes that she gave her, to ensure that they could sleep until noon today when they went back.

Everyone thought she was good at medicine, but they didn't know that what she really studied was the use of poison!
It's just that after her rebirth, she never got the chance and almost abandoned this craft.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Counting the time, Zhou's mother and son should wake up in another quarter of an hour.

If it takes another quarter of an hour to arrive, it is estimated that the matter here will be almost resolved.

She went to see Liu Si in prison yesterday and only told him two things.

The first thing: Cao Chengwen wants to kill Zhou's mother and son.

The second thing: she can help him and solve Cao Chengwen.

Although Liu Si is timid by nature, he is willing to work hard for his wife and children.

So without any hesitation, he agreed to Ye Chutang's plan.

At that time, he was still a little worried that there was not enough evidence to prove that Cao Chengwen had something to do with this matter, but Ye Chutang only said that he should not worry, she had her own way.

It is true that he hid the jade ring finger, but he did not know where Ye Chutang found the bank note.


Cao Chengwen also couldn't figure this out.

His mind was spinning wildly, knowing that if he didn't want to clarify at this time, he would never have another chance!

"My lord! I want to see that bank note!"

Yang Zhen frowned, and ordered: "Since you refuse to admit it, then you can see for yourself! Come here, show him a good look!"

Wu Xu took the bank note in his hand and showed it to Cao Chengwen.

"You should recognize your own fingerprints, right?"

Cao Chengwen stared closely at the bank note, and suddenly his eyes widened.

This bank note is indeed his, but the key point is - this is the reward he gave to those gamblers back then!
He couldn't be more clear about the handwriting and seal on it!I will definitely not admit my mistake!

At that time, he gave those three people a total of 500 taels to secretly take Ye Chutang away, but he didn't expect that Ye Chutang was safe and sound the next day, but those three gamblers died in his own yard!
If it wasn't for the help of his cousin Liu Yiyi, he would probably be in prison by now.

At that time, he was full of panic, only thinking about getting rid of the relationship with those three people as soon as possible, and he didn't even check their bodies carefully.

But who knew that the bank notes given to them actually appeared in Liu Si's hands at this time!
This this--

Cao Chengwen suddenly understood something, and suddenly turned around!

Ye Chutang!
It must be her!
At the same moment, Ye Chutang, who was standing behind the crowd, seemed to have noticed Cao Chengwen's gaze, and raised his eyes to greet him without dodging or avoiding.

Her dark and moist eyes curved beautifully, but there was a coolness in the pupils that sent chills down the spine.

The invisible and huge sense of oppression hit Cao Chengwen almost out of breath.

He felt panic and fear for a moment, and couldn't help but staggered back a step.

Ye Chutang raised her red lips and smiled slightly.

——Do you like this gift in return?

Cao Chengwen has never been so afraid.

He opened his mouth to make a clear argument, but when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back.

can not say!
Once it is said, the case of the three lives will be rediscovered and put on his head!

But if you don't say it, if you don't say it—

Yang Zhen took the case, and reprimanded in a deep voice: "Cao Chengwen! You admit it! Or don't admit it!"


Shen Yanchuan's gaze stayed on Ye Chutang for a moment, his eyes darkened slightly.

From everyone's point of view, she seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, she had laid out a good plan from the beginning, just waiting for Cao Chengwen to fall into the trap.

Now before Cao Chengwen, there are only two ways: death, or tragic death.

Shen Yanchuan tapped the table lightly with his fingers and smiled lightly.

"It's pretty fierce."

(End of this chapter)

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