Chapter 350 General! (first update)
Ye Yunfeng asked tentatively: "So, does sister already have a way to deal with it?"

Ye Chutang shook his head: "No."

Ye Yunfeng was anxious: "Then -"

"I know one person who does, though."

Ye Yunfeng was stunned and asked quickly: "Who is it? As long as he is willing to come forward and prove sister's innocence, we will invite him here no matter what!"

Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Don't worry, she will come on her own initiative."

Ye Yunfeng was full of curiosity and scratched his head and ears, but if his sister didn't say anything, he could only give up and wait patiently.

"Then, I hope it can be faster!"

Ye Chutang didn't seem to take this matter to heart, and instead talked about him and Feng Zhang.

"Go to Lord Si Ye and ask him how he came back?"

Ye Yunfeng suddenly became embarrassed, blinked, and pretended to be relaxed: "Of course I know everything I know -"

Ye Chutang smiled half-heartedly and glanced at him up and down: "It's good to have less arms and legs, but you still know everything?"

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

I know that I can’t hide anything from my sister!
He scratched his head and then said: "Master Si Ye really didn't have time to beat me."

Only because Qiao Zimo arrived quickly enough did he escape the disaster.

"But..." Ye Yunfeng looked a little disappointed, "He didn't reveal anything. No matter how I asked or how I provoked him, he refused to mention anything about what happened back then."

If possible, he still hoped that Feng Zhang could tell him clearly the ins and outs of the battle at Tongtian Pass.

The results I came up with are just speculations.

Ye Chutang half leaned back in his chair, and was not surprised by the result: "It's a secret matter, so of course he won't tell it to a young boy like you. If he hadn't liked you enough, you would have been carried out of the Imperial Academy today."

Although Feng Zhang has retreated to the front line for several years, how many people who can fight on the battlefield are merciless?
Fortunately, Ah Feng is not afraid of death, so it would be most appropriate for him to fight in the front line.

If Ye Yunfeng knew what his sister was thinking at this time, he might be ready to cry, but at this time he was still immersed in the conversation with Feng Zhang.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Yunfeng lowered his voice and said, "Sister, I suspect that General Huo ended up like that because he was harmed by someone."

Ye Chutang raised his eyes: "Oh?"

"Although Mr. Si Ye said nothing, because of this, he has actually given an answer." Ye Yunfeng's expression became serious. "I asked him at that time whether he had delayed the time of sending troops to support. He was very angry."

Ye Chutang secretly said, "What a good boy." He thought he would ask, but never thought he would be so good at asking.

Isn't this equivalent to asking Feng Zhang to admit that he was wrong?
Delaying the military situation is a serious crime!
But she didn't show it on her face: "Do you think that he and Huo Yu had previously agreed to fight the enemy together, but Feng Zhang's delay in arriving led to the fiasco at Tongtian Pass?"

"Yes." Ye Yunfeng did not shy away and nodded frankly, "The enemy's army was only 30,000 men, not even half of the troops led by General Huo. If not for the dangerous terrain of Tongtian Pass, they would never have won so easily! If Sir Si Ye If we lead 20,000 reinforcements from outside in time, we will be able to turn defeat into victory!"

Ye Chutang listened quietly and suddenly asked: "Do you think that if one hundred thousand versus thirty thousand, the winning rate will be greatly improved?"

"That's not true." Ye Yunfeng shook his head, "On the battlefield, it is not uncommon for a small number to win against a large number, and the number of people is not the only decisive factor. Moreover, the terrain of Tongtian Pass is complex, and the opponent is more familiar with it than our soldiers, so naturally they can make a big fuss. Use clever tricks to win.”

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture: "Tongtian Pass is like a gourd with a narrow mouth. It would be fine if they could detect an ambush in time, but once it goes deep, if the army wants to turn back, they will have no choice but to be beaten inside the gourd." In such a situation, escaping is simply a dream.

There was a bit of smile and appreciation in Ye Chutang's eyes.


Ye Yunfeng was affirmed and became more confident.

"I have seen that there is only Xiaogushan as a cover nearby. As long as Lord Si Ye leads his army to bypass Xiaogushan and march towards Tongtian Pass from both directions, they can avoid the enemy's attention and catch them by surprise. So they Those 20,000 troops are the key to victory or defeat!"

He outputted wildly and heartily. After he finished speaking, he realized that the room was very quiet. Only Ye Chutang held his chin in his hand and looked at him quietly, with a thin layer of mist in his dark eyes.

Ye Yunfeng rarely felt a little embarrassed: "Sister, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ye Chutang smiled: "It's nothing, I just remembered that in the past, whenever my brother mentioned the war, he would always talk like this, as if he had endless things to say."

Ye Yunfeng was startled.

When he was a child, he really liked to run around behind his brother. His brother was so courageous that sometimes even his father couldn't discipline him.

My sister had very little interest in these things, but my brother insisted on dragging her along, watching her helplessly holding the stove, looking out for them, and calling them in a soft voice: "Brother, are you done playing? Are we going to do it?" Is it time to go back? My parents are coming—"

Ye Chutang calmed down his emotions, suppressed those floating memories again, and said happily:
"What you just said is good, even better than I expected."

Ye Yunfeng's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course it's true."

Ye Chutang looked serious,
"Many people have never been on the battlefield and think that fighting a war only requires a large number of people. But in fact, it is far from that simple. The more soldiers you bring, the more complicated it will be and the harder the battle will be. If you understand this, you also know how to observe the terrain and plan the battle. The plan is indeed good.”

After experiencing the baptism of war, some people will gradually understand the rules on the battlefield and become victorious generals with rich experience.

And some people seem to be born with one more pair of eyes than others. They can stand on a high place and overlook everything, anticipate changes on the battlefield, and use the most agile and quick reactions to seize opportunities and win victory.

This kind of person is a natural general!
She asked Ye Yunfeng to conduct a sand table deduction, but she only gave this order from beginning to end and did not say anything else.

He was self-taught and even better than she thought!

It was rare for Ye Yunfeng to hear his sister praise him like this, and he was simply flattered.

But thinking about the battle at Tongtian Pass, he frowned again.

"But that's the problem. Sir Si Ye has no reason to deliberately delay sending troops!"

He sighed somewhat dejectedly.

"Whenever -"

Ye Chutang suddenly interrupted him: "So, you think this is the only solution?"

Ye Yunfeng was stunned for a moment: "...right, other than that, what else can be done?"

Ye Chutang was quiet for a long time and shook his head gently.

"There is another way."

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