Chapter 366 Idiot (Second update)
Ye Chutang thought for a while, wrote a letter again, and placed it under the packets of medicine.

Ye Heng couldn't die now, but she didn't want to see him feel better either.

Mr. Gao died, or died at the hands of his own daughter. I wonder how Ye Heng would react when he saw the news?

The one who had trouble sleeping that night was Murong Ye.

Paper can't contain the fire, not to mention Ye Shixian's incident was so big that it spread throughout the capital.

Even if he wanted to pretend not to know, he couldn't do it.

The classmates in the Imperial College also looked at him very delicately, all of which made Murong Ye extremely tormented.

He couldn't figure out how Ye Shixian could be involved in such a thing?

Wasn't Mr. Gao forced to death by Ye Chutang? How could it be Ye Shixian who moved her hand?

When he first learned about it, Murong Ye's first reaction was not to believe it, but when he found out that Shaoyao personally reported it and Ye Shixian was imprisoned again, he finally realized that something was wrong.

Murong Ye lay with his eyes open all night. When he got up the next morning, his eyes were black and blue, and his eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes.

He and his assistant took leave of absence and planned to go home.

But before he left the gate of the Imperial College, he bumped into the person he least wanted to see right now.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Murong? Why did you get up so early today?" Ye Yunfeng has been holding back his anger for the past few days, and now he can finally express his anger. How could he miss it?

He tsked softly: "Are you planning to work hard to get stronger?"

Murong Ye had no intention of entangled with him at the moment, his face was as frosty, and he was about to leave without saying a word.

Ye Yunfeng raised his hand to stop him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Master Murong's attitude, I wonder when I have offended you? If I have done anything wrong, I can also apologize to you."


This is clearly a provocation!
Murong Ye suppressed his anger and saw a few more students walking towards him out of the corner of his eye. Not wanting to make things worse, he lowered his voice and said, "Ye Yunfeng! I'm too lazy to deal with you now! You'd better be more sensible. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Ye Yunfeng curled up the corner of his mouth, revealing an innocent and curious smile.

"Oh? Do you still have time to deal with me now? Don't you need to go home and apologize first?"

Murong Ye's expression changed: "You!"

Ye Yunfeng's words really touched his pain point - if something big happened to Ye Shixian, his father must have known about it!
He didn't sleep all night last night. In addition to shock and worry, he was more afraid.

He didn't dare think about what kind of storm would be waiting for him when he returned home.

But it's okay if he doesn't go back, otherwise his fate will only be worse.

The scene of the two standing together quickly attracted the attention of others.

Without him, the entire Imperial Academy knew that these two people would not deal with each other, and would become tense once they met.

Just today...

"Brother Murong, are you...going to leave?"

Since they met, they had to say hello. Seeing that Murong Ye seemed to be walking in the opposite direction of Guangye Hall, one person couldn't help but ask a question.

Murong Ye secretly gritted his teeth, glanced at Ye Yunfeng warningly, and then said coldly: "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Ye Yunfeng turned around and said with a smile: "If you don't give way quickly, it will be bad if you delay Young Master Murong's important matters. Others don't matter, but this time human life is at stake."

"Ye Yunfeng!"

If Murong Ye couldn't hear the irony in these words, he would have spent so many years in vain!
Although Ye Yunfeng didn't mention that name word by word, who didn't know that he was referring to Ye Shixian!

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, several people looked at each other with subtle expressions.

Murong Ye was so angry that he was a beauty before. Even if Ye Heng fell from power, he would never leave Ye Shixian. He tried his best to arrange a place for her and solved a lot of troubles for her. I heard that he was still running for Ye Heng privately, which can be said to be careless.

Achieving this step has also attracted praise from many people. They all say that although Murong Ye is arrogant, he is also kind and righteous, and he is a man.

From other people's perspective, it turned out to be a good story.

But all this came to nothing after Ye Shixian was imprisoned for the incident - if she likes a woman who brutally killed her mother, she might not be suffering from a serious illness!
The crow knows how to feed back, and the horrific act of killing his own mother is just like an animal!

Overnight, there were no more people who admired Ye Shixian's beauty, and no more people who admired her talent. All that was left was the unavoidable disgust.

Even Murong Ye fell into the embarrassing situation of being criticized.

How could Murong Ye not feel the attitude of everyone?

He endured it again and again, but still couldn't swallow it.

"Xian'er's matter has not yet been decided, so you guys are making sarcastic remarks like this. Isn't it too much?"

Ye Yunfeng said "yo" and almost applauded.

"Mr. Murong said well! But I remember that when Ye Shixian went to trouble my sister, she didn't say that the matter was unresolved. Later, she even came to the door and insulted her. When she did this, I don't know if she had thought about it. Do you have today?"

The two brothers were having a hard time in the Imperial College these days. Although no one dared to express their displeasure in front of them, they didn't know how unpleasant it was in private.

If it weren't for Ye Jingyan's persuasion and Ye Yunfeng's belief that Sister A had other plans, would Murong Ye still be able to live a peaceful life these days?

Murong Ye's face turned purple, and he breathed heavily in his chest.

"Ye Yunfeng! I think you are looking for death -"

He stepped forward and was about to take action!

Ye Yunfeng's eyes were filled with excitement - it would be great to fight! As long as Murong Ye strikes first, he will have reason to fight back!

When my sister asked about it later, she said it was self-defense——

"What are you doing!"

A sharp shout came, and Murong Ye subconsciously turned around, his heart trembled, and his original aura instantly weakened.

"Si, Sir Si Ye..."

When all the students saw Feng Zhang, they were like a mouse seeing a cat, and they all rushed to greet him.

"I've met Lord Si Ye!"

Feng Zhang had a cold face and said calmly: "This is the Imperial College! Those who want to take action should have the ability to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy! There is no need to show off evil here!"

Of course Murong Ye could tell that these words were scolding him, but he couldn't afford to offend Feng Zhang, so he could only swallow this sigh of frustration.

"Students know their mistakes."

Feng Zhang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, his father would teach him.

Besides, even Murong Yang couldn't teach an idiot well, why should he bother to do that?

Feng Zhang ignored him and turned his eyes to Ye Yunfeng.

Ye Yunfeng straightened his shoulders silently.

This kid is so brave!

Feng Zhang was so angry that he vomited blood. If it had been someone else, he would have asked him to meet his ancestors, but Ye Yunfeng acted as if nothing had happened!
Feng Zhang pointed at him and cursed angrily:

"Ye Yunfeng! Just you! Come here!"

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