Chapter 368 Trial! (Second update)
Here, Murong Ye returned to his house as quickly as possible.

He was filled with anxiety and thought about countless possibilities on the way, feeling that he would definitely suffer the wrath of his father's thunder this time.

However, when he returned home and cautiously entered the study, he found that things developed differently than expected.

Murong Yang only wore regular clothes and was reading behind the desk.

Murong Ye knelt down as soon as he entered, but Murong Yang didn't even raise his head, as if he had never seen him.

As time passed, the room became quieter and quieter, with only the occasional sound of turning pages, which made Murong Ye even more frightened.

He knelt on the ground, the clothes on his back already soaked with cold sweat.

Finally, Murong Yang finished reading the book in his hand. When he turned the last page, he raised his eyes and glanced at Murong Ye, with no expression on his face.

"You came back from leave?"

Murong Ye lowered his head: "My son knows his mistake!"

Murong Yang picked up the book in his hand: "Do you know what this is?"

Murong Ye took a quick look and saw what appeared to be a "biography" on the cover. The paper was rough and did not look like something that would appear in his father's study.

"My son doesn't know."

Murong Yang said: "This is the story of a pair of resentful couples. The down-and-out daughter and the son of a noble family are sentimental and deeply in love. You should take a good look at it!"

When he was halfway through speaking, Murong Ye already had a bad premonition in his heart. When Murong Yang raised his hand and threw the book in front of him, he picked it up tremblingly and turned through a few pages, and his whole body was shaking even more.

Although he used a pseudonym, he recognized it at a glance. This was the story of him and Ye Shixian!
The writing is bold and the words are explicit. If young men and women secretly read this love story, they will definitely like it very much. But if it is put on the table, it will be unbearable!
Murong Ye's face turned green and white: "This, this! My son has never read this book! Let alone who wrote it!"

"Of course you don't know. You spend all day neglecting your studies. Apart from thinking about Ye Shixian, what else is there in your mind?"

Murong Yang mocked,
"This book has been read by many people in private and has sold extremely well! You, Mr. Murong, are now a well-known love story in the capital!"

Murong Ye's heart felt like it had hit rock bottom.

He knew very well what this meant. It was not wrong for a young man to be romantic, and it would even become a good story. But if it was written in such a book, it would become a stain that could not be washed away even if he wanted to!
He didn't care about it himself, and more importantly, it was enough to bring shame to his family!

Murong Ye finally realized that the matter was more terrifying than he thought, and his face turned pale: "Dad, Dad! Someone is trying to harm me! Someone is trying to harm me! Who wrote it? I want to see who this is— —”

As he spoke, he flipped through the book frantically, but there was not even a pen name signed on it.

Nothing to check!

"If you hadn't done those things, how could you have given others the authority to be so passive today!"

Murong Yang was extremely disappointed.

He looked at the son he had so much hope for and wondered when exactly everything started to go off track?
With such an incident, even if Murong Ye becomes an official in the court in the future, he will be laughed at for a long time!

"You don't know yet, this book is not finished yet. I guess there will be another chapter after Ye Shixian's case is settled."

Murong Ye was shocked and finally remembered why he came back today.

His father indeed already knew!

"Dad, there must be something wrong here! Xian—Ye Shixian is not that kind of person. Who would kill his biological mother so cruelly!?"

Murong Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Now he only regrets that he didn't read more of Ye Heng's book and asked his family members to get out of the capital together!
Whether he is exiled or relegated to a lowly status, he will be much better than he is now!
Murong Yang said coldly: "Today is the day of trial. If you don't believe it, just go and hear the trial in person!"

...Shuntian Mansion chose to try Ye Shixian’s case in public.

Mainly because this matter has spread so much that it has been talked about in the streets and alleys, and the impact is really bad.

Early in the morning, there was a crowd of people on three floors outside the yamen, with countless people vying to poke their heads in and look inside.

The daughter killed her own mother and was reported by her personal maid. Such a case is enough to arouse everyone's curiosity.

Not to mention, this person is still Ye Shixian!
Zhao Chengyin patted the gavel and said, "Bring the people up!"

The first person to be escorted to court was Ye Shixian.

When everyone saw Ye Shixian with shackles on her hands, messy hair, and a haggard look, they immediately exploded!

Ye Shixian lowered her head, trying her best to ignore the noisy sounds.

But some words still inevitably fell into her ears.

Her face became even paler, accompanied by deeper resentment and anger.

This suppressed emotion broke out in an instant when he saw the peony being escorted up!

"Bad maid!"

Ye Shixian was so filled with hatred that she wanted to kill her immediately!

"I have been treating you sincerely all these years in vain. In the end, this is how you treated me!"

Shaoyao flinched and looked at Ye Shixian with fearful and sad eyes.

Zhao Chengyin's expression was serious: "This is Shuntian Mansion, not a vegetable market! If anyone messes around again, I will punish him according to law!"

Ye Shixian bit her lip until it bled. She did not rush forward, but her eyes were still fixed on Peony.

"Who in the end instigated you to frame me? Is it Ye Chutang! What benefits did she give you to make you betray me like this!"

"Ye Shixian!" Zhao Chengyin shouted.

Shaoyao knelt down in front of the hall, her voice trembling slightly but her tone firm.

"My lord, what I said before is true! Please tell me!"

Zhao Chengyin had already learned about the case from Zhang Qian before, but for the formal interrogation today, the necessary procedures still had to be followed.

He asked in a deep voice: "You came to report yesterday that at that time seven days ago, Ye Shixian used medicine to stun Gao, and then hung her on a beam with a white silk cloth, making the assumption that Gao had hanged herself. Is that right? no?"

Shaoyao trembled: "Yes. The slave girl didn't know about this at first. She just entered the house and found the eldest lady - she found that Ye Shixian was not in the room. It was already late at night. The slave girl felt strange. She was about to go out to look for someone, but she happened to catch her coming back. . It turned out that she had stunned Gao, but she couldn't lift her up alone, so she came to find the slave girl."

The crowd was in an uproar!

Murong Ye, who had just arrived, stood outside the crowd and heard these words, feeling shocked and angry.

He still didn't want to believe it, but his legs seemed to be nailed in place and he couldn't take another step forward.

Inexplicably, he seemed to be afraid, although he didn't know what he was afraid of.

A clear and pleasant voice suddenly came from behind——

"Master Murong?"

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