Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 386: Mantis Catches Cicada

Chapter 386: Mantis Catches Cicada (Part )
In the dead silence, Lian Zhou took a breath of cold air:
"This is... a pack of wolves from the beast circle!?"

He looked at Shen Yanchuan in disbelief: "Master?"

There were all kinds of birds and beasts raised in the royal hunting grounds, so it was not surprising to see wolves. But the key point was that these wolves were clearly wild and untamed!
Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Last month, the beast pen did release a few wild wolves into it."

But they shouldn't be here!

"Could there be a mistake in the beast circle?" Lian Zhou was anxious, with countless thoughts flashing through his mind.

Although they were numerous, there were as many as eight or nine wolves in front of them!

If a fight really breaks out, regardless of who wins or loses, it’s hard to say for sure what the safety of the master and the two young masters will be!
The crowd and the wolves confronted each other, and the air seemed to freeze.

The solemn atmosphere was almost suffocating.

But at this moment, there was a "swish" sound!
Shen Yanchuan turned his head and saw Ye Jingyan actually took out a flint and lit a broken dry branch.

The blazing flames leaped and burned, like a tiny lamp that could be extinguished in the wind at any time as the sky grew darker, but they successfully stopped the wolves.

A hint of vigilance and timidity finally appeared in the cold and ferocious brown eyes of the beast.

Ye Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief: "Third brother, it has to be you!"

He almost forgot that wolves are afraid of fire!

Ye Jingyan still stared at the wolves and raised his chin slightly.

"Evacuate slowly."

Ye Yunfeng nodded, then silently raised his foot and retreated step by step, putting distance between himself and the wolf pack.

Lian Zhou and others looked at each other.

These two boys were probably only thirteen or fourteen years old. How come they faced this situation without panicking at all and even came up with a solution quickly?

If it were those children from wealthy families who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun, their legs would probably have gone limp with fear.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows.

Ye Yunfeng had previously won the first place in the monthly examination of the Imperial College, and later stole the limelight in Marseille. Everyone in the capital knew that Ye Chutang's fourth brother was a young man with outstanding spirit and talent.

On the other hand, apart from the fact that Ye Jingyan was loved by Tang Zhongli and received a lot of attention when he first entered school, little has been heard about him since then.

At first glance, he is just a well-educated young man.

However... at this moment, the extreme calmness he displayed in the face of danger was truly impressive.

This is an extremely rare quality.

But... she does have some of her elder sister's style.

Shen Yanchuan raised his hand, and everyone retreated quietly.

After pulling away from them for a distance, Lian Zhou whispered, "Master, there is something wrong with this wolf pack. Why don't I lead them back to the animal pen first and find out more?"

Shen Yanchuan pondered for a moment and nodded: "Okay. This way, no one else will run into this."

Xiao Chengqi has not been found yet, and if he encounters this wolf pack, it will be even worse.

Lian Zhou turned around, looked at the others, and made a quick gesture.

The entourage lit torches and gradually dispersed, forming a semi-encirclement of the wolf pack. Shen Yanchuan turned around and looked at the two brothers.

"I'll take you back first."

Ye Yunfeng was stunned and immediately declined: "No need to trouble you, my lord! We can go back by ourselves! Don't you still need to go find the Third Prince? It would be bad if you are delayed."

Shen Yanchuan said: "There is a problem with the beast circle. It is not safe nearby. Wait until you reach the outer safe area and then you can return to the camp on your own."

Ye Jingyan actually didn't want to owe him a favor, but he also knew that Shen Yanchuan was right.

There are too many problems in the hunting ground now, and it is not easy for them to return safely.

Sister is still waiting for them.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind, clasped his fists and nodded:

"In that case, I would like to thank you, Prince."


Several people moved forward.

Ye Yunfeng looked back, but he could no longer see the scene over there due to the trees.

However, Shen Yanchuan's people are not useless. Since they dare to say that they want to lure the wolves back, they can probably do it.

What happened today kept replaying in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He raised his hand, wanting to discuss it with Ye Jingyan, but when he saw Shen Yanchuan accompanying them, he swallowed it back.

He had a hunch that this was not something he should interfere in, or even... it was unnecessary for him to even know about it!
The branch in his hand was already half burned, and Ye Jingyan bent down and picked up a new one from the ground.

However, at the moment when the flames met, a cold wind suddenly blew from the side!

"Third brother, be careful!"

As Ye Yunfeng screamed, Ye Jingyan instinctively felt the danger coming and immediately rolled forward!

A gray shadow swept by like the wind!

Ye Jingyan supported himself on the ground with one hand and looked up suddenly, only to see that it was another wolf!

Unlike the previous group of wolves, the one in front of him was thin, had messy hair, and was obviously old.

But those eyes became more and more ferocious!

The smell is strong and carries the brutality in its bones!

"It's the old wolf king." Shen Yanchuan's eyes turned cold, and as he spoke, his slender fingers had already put the bowstring on it! The cold arrow was aimed at the wolf's eyes!
Wolves live in groups and usually act together, but the one in front of him was obviously an old wolf king who had been abandoned by the pack.

It looks like it's not having a very good time, but that's precisely why its temper is so violent.

Must hit the target in one shot!

Without any hesitation, Shen Yanchuan pulled the bowstring to its full extent and shot the arrow!
call out--!
The moment the arrow flew out, a meteor with a cold blue light suddenly shot out from the forest and pierced Shen Yanchuan's back!
Ye Yunfeng suddenly opened his eyes wide!


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