Chapter 391 Timing (Update )
Shen Yanchuan shook his head.

Princess Qinyang understood and became a little worried: "How many assassins are here?"

Even a fool could see that these people came prepared, and had made a careful plan from the very beginning and acted separately!

Although they have dealt with six people at the moment, the Third Prince——

Suddenly, a few birds flew out from the forest not far away.

Along with the sound, several familiar figures were running towards this side quickly.

Seeing the leader, Princess Qinyang's eyes lit up: "It's the Third Prince!"

The man was wearing bright blue brocade clothes, had a thin figure and handsome appearance, who else could it be but Xiao Chengqi?
The three people following closely on his left and right seemed to be his guards. They all had obvious bloodstains on their bodies and looked disheveled. Even Xiao Chengqi himself had messy hair and his left shoulder was simply bandaged with a strip of cloth.

It was obvious that these people had just experienced a fierce battle.

At this time, Xiao Chengqi finally discovered them. He looked over with an extremely vigilant gaze. After seeing the faces of this group of people clearly, he was stunned at first, and then he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Yanchuan's gaze fell behind Xiao Chengqi.

They were obviously being hunted down. Xiao Chengqi was quite capable, to be able to force him into this situation...

Shen Yanchuan pulled out three arrows from the quiver smoothly.

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly.

Everyone can see that there is definitely more than one assassin chasing the Third Prince, but now the figures haven't even been seen clearly, and Shen Yanchuan has already determined the other party's position?

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Xiao Chengqi suddenly stopped, turned around, looked behind him, and laughed.

"You've all been tired following me all the way here, and I just happened to meet some friends. Why don't you sit down and take a good rest?"

The threat in the words was obvious.

At this time, the assassins who had been chasing them for a long time finally saw Shen Yanchuan and others not far away, and their hearts skipped a beat.

The person should have been dealt with earlier!
Now these few have come. We are outnumbered. If we fight head-on, won’t we be dead? ?
Several people looked at each other, made a prompt decision, turned around and ran!
This movement inevitably caused noise. At this moment!

Shen Yanchuan's slender fingers suddenly loosened! Three arrows shot out at the same time, and flew quickly in three different directions!

Boo hoo hoo-!
Several muffled sounds were heard.

The figures that had just appeared fell down one after another.

Three arrows, all hit the target!

When Spike woke up, the remaining assassins knew that something was wrong and they didn't care about the life or death of their companions and immediately retreated and fled!

Ye Chutang looked at Ye Yunfeng and raised his chin slightly.


It’s not easy to find a sparring partner of this level.

Now that it’s delivered to my door, I might as well use it.


The sky had completely darkened, with a bright moon hanging in the sky.

The Third Prince and the Marquis of Dingbei's son still haven't returned. Even Princess Qinyang and Ye Chutang, who went into the forest to look for someone, have no news.

Emperor Mu Wu sat there with a gloomy face. No one around him dared to say a word and the atmosphere was tense.

Concubine Ru looked at Emperor Muwu's expression, took a few steps closer, and whispered, "Your Majesty has already sent people, but this forest is too big, so it's normal that they can't find it for a while. Just wait a little longer, maybe they will find it."

The eldest princess sitting next to her frowned.

This is said lightly, but the timing is so critical. If it is delayed for a moment, who knows how much more danger there will be!

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