Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 42 Long time no see

Chapter 42 Long time no see
The young man surrounded in the middle couldn't hide the color on his face: "My father was once favored by the Dingbeihou's mansion, and when the Dingbeihou's son returns to Beijing, it is also appropriate to hand over an invitation."

These words sounded modest, but they faintly revealed that his family did have contacts with the Dingbeihou's Mansion. Several people around listened with envy on their faces.

"That's the Dingbei Marquis Mansion, the real royal nobles! Not to mention the ordinary people, even the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, how many people can get their favor? Brother Mingze, you will be prosperous in the future, don't forget us! "

Several people flattered him again and again, coaxing the young man to be even happier.

One of them excitedly said: "Hey, since we got together today, why don't we go to the Chunfeng Building? There just came a top player there, he can play the pipa well, and his appearance is also stunning!"

As soon as the words came out, the other people immediately agreed, except for the young man in the middle whose eyes lit up first, and then showed embarrassment behind him.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go. I haven't finished the homework assigned by my father yesterday. If he finds out that I went to Chunfeng Tower again, he will definitely be angry."

A few teenagers didn't care.

"Just to listen to a tune! What's the point? Besides, when can't you do this homework? Why do you have to be like those nerds, buried in that pile of broken books all day long?"

They all have some family background, and the ones they look down on the most are those poor children who study hard.

The young man was a little moved, but in the end he refused, and said a little annoyedly: "You don't know, my father is demanding more from me now, the article I wrote last time was seen by him, and he gave me a good meal. Forget it Come on, let’s wait for a while!”

Hearing what he said, the rest of them all showed regret.

"That's such a pity. Miss Su doesn't come out to play music every day. I missed it today. I don't know when I will be able to see her beauty..."

Ye Chutang looked away.

Ye Yunfeng had already started ordering before Xiao Er reported the name of the dish.

"Crystal fried hoof, stewed lion's head with crab powder, cabbage in white sauce, anchovy shrimp, and steamed pork ribs!"

Xiao Er listened and looked at him twice more.

I thought it was a foreign visitor, but hearing the tone, it is clear that they are very familiar with the signature dishes of Lanyuelou, as if they have been here before.

"Sister, do you want something else?" Ye Yunfeng was already very hungry, and looked at her eagerly.

As the saying goes, half-children eat poor old men, teenagers are just growing up, Ye Jingyan is fine, Ye Yunfeng's appetite is really amazing, if it wasn't for Ye Chutang's occasional misinformation—no, working hard to make money , I'm afraid I can't afford it.

She thought for a while and said, "Let's order mandarin fish with pine nuts and lychee meat."

Xiaowu likes sweets, so he definitely likes them.

The girl's clear and clean voice resounded, like a clear spring flowing through the noisy and lively lobby.

Xiaoer quickly responded.

Not to mention the mandarin fish with pine nuts, the lychee meat is really one of their signboards in Lanyuelou. Most people don't know it, only the real VIPs will order this.

When I saw this woman before, Xiao Er only felt that the demeanor of this whole body was not like ordinary people, so he didn't dare to neglect her. Hearing that she was able to order this dish so familiarly, he believed that she was of extraordinary status, maybe she was a foreigner. The aristocratic daughter of her family did not dare to offend her, and her attitude was much more courteous.

"Okay! You guys, please wait a moment, I'll be here soon!"

A boy who was coming down the stairs couldn't help but look over at the sound, and when he saw the girl's face clearly, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

He immediately nudged the person next to him with his elbow: "Hey, hey! Look over there! You said just now that Miss Su in Chunfenglou is stunning, how does she compare to this one?"

Another thin and tall boy who was busy talking was caught by his voice, and subconsciously glanced at him: "What——"

His voice stopped abruptly.

It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and he kept looking at the girl, his eyes were already a little hot.

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared! I thought that Miss Su was pretty enough, but compared with this one, she is a vulgar fan! I just don't know which girl this is? Why have I never seen it before?"

He is usually the most beautiful, if there is a woman with such a beauty in Beijing, it is impossible for him not to know!

"It doesn't look like a native of the capital?"

"It should be. Judging by the clothes, it is also very ordinary. It is this appearance and demeanor, which is really refined!"

"Why, is your heart moved? Why don't I go and find out for you?"

Sensing the reaction of the two of them, the teenager surrounded in the middle asked a little strangely: "Who are you talking about?"

The thin and tall man quickly gestured with his eyes: "That's right there! The girl sitting in the corner! Isn't she gorgeous?"

The young man in the middle looked over, startled for a moment, then slowly frowned.

For some reason, the woman's side face looked familiar...

Seeing his reaction, the tall and thin man felt a little strange, and hurriedly said: "Of course, she is definitely not as beautiful as your sister! But it is indeed eye-catching, isn't it?"

The boy didn't speak, and his frown didn't relax.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect him to react like this.

The tall and thin man rolled his eyes, and asked tentatively, "How is it? Brother Mingze, if you like it, I promise I won't fight with you!"

There was no response to his words.

The boy took another two steps, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to see more clearly.

It's just that in the eyes of other people, they believed that he had already taken a fancy to the girl, so they couldn't help but exchanged glances with titters.

"Brother Mingze, if you're embarrassed, we'll help you find out!"

"That's right! Brother Mingze takes a fancy to her, that's her luck!"

It seemed that the noise from one side had attracted the attention from the other side. Just as he was hesitating to move forward, the woman suddenly raised her eyes and looked over.

A beautiful and unparalleled face came into view.

All the teenagers fell silent.

Just now, she only saw a side face from a distance, and she already felt that her appearance was stunning, now seeing her facial features clearly, meeting those dark and warm starry eyes, she felt even more breathtaking, almost soul-moving.

The thin and tall man was the first to react, with a smile on his face, he cupped his hands at Ye Chutang: "Han Yao, my father, Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, dare to ask the girl's name?"

He purposely told his family background, thinking that the other party would be terrified, but unexpectedly, the girl on the other side looked calm, as if she didn't hear it at all.

It just so happened that Xiao Er had already started to serve the dishes, she turned her head to the little milk baby beside her and said, "Little Wu, try this."

Han Yao suddenly felt ashamed, and everyone around him was still watching!
He frowned, and his tone became harsh: "Do you know who is next to me! This is the second son of Dali Temple Shaoqing Ye Daren's family! You—"

The girl finally turned around again.

Just when Han Yao thought she was finally scared, he saw the girl's lips curved slightly, smiling at the person beside him, and said:
"Mingze, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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