Chapter 46 Homeless
Ye Heng came in a hurry, with a fine-quality Yunyan jade pendant on his waist, and red tassels hanging down, moving with him.

Compared with the earnest and cautious appearance three years ago, it really seems to be a different person, full of vigor, and walking with style.

Ye Chutang waited for him to approach before getting up slowly, and saluted politely: "Second Uncle."

This shout made Ye Heng's heart tremble.

——The girl in front of me is indeed Ye Chutang!
He paused, and in an instant, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and the expression on his face changed from shock to disbelief to excitement.

"It's really you!"

His eyes quickly scanned for a week, and his eye sockets were faintly red.

"This, this is Jingyan, right? And Yunfeng! I haven't seen you for three years, you've grown up so much! And this, this is—"

Ye Chutang held Xiao Wu's hand and raised his chin lightly: "Xiao Wu, this is Second Uncle."

Xiao Wu blinked her big black grape-like eyes, leaned closer to Ye Chutang, and clenched her fingers tightly, as if a little shy.

Ye Chutang touched her small face, and smiled at Ye Heng: "Don't mind the second uncle, Xiao Wu is introverted and a little shy."

The phrase "scared of life" was really harsh, but at this moment, Ye Heng couldn't care less about it.

He seemed a little incoherent with excitement.

"You, you guys...are still alive! Great! Great!"

He turned around and shouted: "Shi Xian! Come on!"

Ye Shixian outside the door had actually seen the situation inside the house.

From the first second she came here, she couldn't help but look at the woman sitting at the top, and couldn't believe her eyes.

Is that really Ye Chutang?

She brought a few young siblings, shouldn't she be dusty and haggard?
But the woman sitting there has straight shoulders and a clear appearance. Apart from the carnelian on the cloudy temples, she has no other accessories, but she is still hard to hide her beauty and grabs people's hearts.

She seemed to be the same as before, but she seemed to have been reborn, revealing an undisguised warmth and beauty.

How could this be... Ye Chutang, who had been homeless for three years and was supposed to be in a mess?
At this time, Ye Chutang also looked up quietly.

Meeting those black and calm eyes, Ye Shixian finally came back to her senses, and quickly adjusted the expression on her face. Surprised and happy, she covered her lips with a handkerchief: "Cousin!"

She stepped forward in small steps, but within a few steps, her eyes were already filled with crystal clear tears, and she seemed to be weeping with joy.

"Cousin, where have you been in the past three years? Why hasn't there been any news? We still think that you were also involved in that accident—"

When she mentioned the past, she seemed to be overwhelmed with grief, and burst into tears.

Why didn't Ye Heng want to ask clearly immediately, and immediately followed up: "Yes! At the beginning when my eldest brother was demoted to Wuzhou, I thought that I would definitely transfer my eldest brother back to the capital after the Holy Spirit passed away. Who knew that you met on the way? Robber..."

He frowned tightly, and sighed deeply: "It was too late when we received the news. Later, I took people there myself, and all I saw were the bodies of my eldest brother, sister-in-law and Xi Ting..."

He looked at Ye Chutang, half probing and half asking: "At that time, we couldn't find any traces of you, but only found a few pieces of your clothes with blood on them, so we thought that something happened to you too. I didn't expect you to be safe. Come back! What the hell—"

Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "We were indeed in trouble at the time. My parents and elder brother tried their best to protect us, and in the end we escaped by taking advantage of the disorder. It is also due to luck, otherwise today, we I won’t be able to see you, Second Uncle again.”

Her tone was calm and indifferent, and she briefly recalled what happened at the beginning, as if she didn't want to recall too much about the past.

Ye Heng heard it vaguely, but he still couldn't figure out how Ye Chutang and the others escaped in such a dangerous situation.

You must know that Ye Chutang was only a 14-year-old girl at the time, and Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng were just waist-high adults, plus a baby who was still in swaddling clothes, it stands to reason that in that situation, he would definitely die!
The hands in his sleeves tightened tightly: "Then you guys for the next three years—"

"It was freezing cold at that time, and I took Ayan, Afeng, and Xiaowu with nowhere to go. As a result, I happened to meet a group of refugees fleeing southward. We had no other choice, so we simply followed them to the south. After three years, I finally settled down, so I tried every means to raise the travel expenses, and went north to return to Beijing."

Ye Chutang paused for a moment, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"After all, home is here, isn't it?"

After the voice fell, the entire front hall was silent for a moment.


The home they want to return to has now become someone else's residence!

Ye Heng's eyes darkened a little, and he reacted almost immediately.

"It's natural!"

He sighed deeply, deeply moved,

"After your accident, Beijing left a large stall for me to deal with, including this house, which was also favored by several people. They told me in private that they wanted to buy it, but how could I be willing? This is the residence of the eldest brother in Beijing. It is also the only thought left by him, how can he just give it to others?"

He lowered his eyes, seeming rather sad.

"So then I brought Shixian Mingze and the others over here, with tables, chairs, plants and trees, as if the elder brother hadn't left yet... Now that you are back, it will be even better! Don't worry, Chutang, from now on , with Second Uncle here, I will never let you suffer any more!"

As he spoke, he yelled at Yu Hong: "Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and get someone to clean up the rooms on the west side of the backyard! Then tell the kitchen to hold a reception banquet for Chutang and the others tonight!"

Yu Hong hurriedly said: "Yes!"

However, just as he turned around, Ye Chutang said with a smile: "Second Uncle, you don't have to be so polite. We are going back to our own home, so why use a reception banquet? There is also a room - don't bother, Xiao Wu can live with me. As for Ah Yan and Afeng, they used to live in the east side room with elder brother, now that they are back, they can still live there."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Heng's face froze.

Ye Mingze next to him couldn't hold back any longer, and raised his voice to veto: "No!"

Ye Chutang tilted his head: "Why not?"

"Because there are no rooms for you in the east side room!" Ye Mingze said naturally, "Now there are a few vacant rooms in the west side room, so you can live there!"

Ye Yunfeng frowned and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Ye Mingze shrugged: "I live over there now, and the room next to it has been converted into a study and practice room, there is no room for you guys!"

Ye Yunfeng couldn't believe it: "You—"

Before he could explode, a cold female voice suddenly came.

"That is to say, you moved my brother's room?"

Ye Mingze subconsciously looked at Ye Chutang. Her voice was clear and clear, but for some reason, as soon as that sentence came out, a chill ran down his spine for no reason, and he also stuttered.

"...Yes, yes!"

Ye Chutang's smile dissipated, and his black eyes were clear, with traces of coldness, piercing through the heart like a sharp blade.

"It seems that there is no room for our brothers and sisters in this Ye Mansion. We are homeless—"

Her voice was eerily calm, every single word,
"Ayan, go to the inn."

(End of this chapter)

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