Chapter 53
Xiao Wu poked his head and took a look curiously. The Chuanbei Sydney Water was clear and sweet, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Ye Chutang nodded her little head.

"Drink this, you will have a stomachache later."

Xiao Wu hurriedly took a step back, covered his stomach, and shook his head vigorously.

- don't don't!Every time she is not feeling well, sister has to work hard to take care of her, so she doesn't get sick!
Ye Chutang got up and poured the things into the potted plants by the window.

It seems that some people think tonight's drama is not exciting enough, and want to perform it themselves.

Hmm... It's not like she can't do it.


The guests arrived one after another, Ye Shixian also dressed properly, followed Gao Shi to the table.

Seeing her coming, many people's eyes were on her.

Ye Shixian is wearing a light blue embroidered silver skirt today, which complements the jade hairpin on her head, making her slender figure and bright eyebrows even more attractive.

Someone whispered.

"That's Ye Heng's eldest daughter?"

"There have long been rumors in Beijing that his daughter was born with a beautiful face and beautiful appearance. I saw her today, and it is true!"

"I heard that she is also very talented, and she can write poems and paintings."

Gao Shi faintly heard these praises, with a smile on his face, and his heart became more and more proud.

Her daughter is one of the best in the entire capital!
Ye Shixian saw the guests, and she acted in a well-behaved manner, with a smile on her lips, showing the demeanor of a noble daughter from an aristocratic family.

Seeing this, Ye Heng's eyes showed satisfaction.

Although the son is not a talent, but this daughter is really capable.

Suddenly, a voice came.

"Master Ye, when will Chutang and the others come over?"

There was a silence during the lively banquet, and they all looked in one direction.

It was none other than Xu Fengchi who spoke.

Ever since he entered the Ye Mansion, he wanted to see Ye Chutang and his siblings as soon as possible. After waiting here for a while, but no one came, he simply asked directly.

Ye Heng also seemed a little surprised, and immediately called Yu Hong over: "Go and see why Chutang and the others haven't come yet. Today's distinguished guests are here, so you can't be late, it's a loss of courtesy."

Yu Hong responded, "Yes."

Ye Heng turned around and smiled apologetically at Xu Fengchi: "Master Xu, I'm really sorry, Chutang and the others may have just returned to Beijing and are not quite used to it yet."

Many people secretly exchanged glances.

Even if you don't know the rules, you shouldn't be late than the guests, right?this……

The conversation of the people thus led to the Ye Chutang siblings.

When Ye Zheng had an accident, they all thought that the whole family was dead. Who knew that three years later, Ye Zheng's second daughter came back with three younger siblings!
Who doesn't wonder how they got here in the past three years?
Ye Shixian's eyes drooped slightly, and she took a sip of her tea.

This was Ye Chutang's first official appearance after returning to Beijing. If he was negligent, he would inevitably be talked about.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

"Second Miss is here!"

This sound instantly attracted everyone's attention, and when they looked up, they saw a girl in a begonia-colored dress walking slowly.

There was a sudden silence during the meeting.

When they saw Ye Shixian just now, everyone felt that she was pretty enough, but no one thought that Ye Chutang was even better.

There are no extra pendants on her body, her oval face is extremely clean, and she seems to be enveloped by an invisible aura while walking.

Especially those eyes, black and moist, pure and gentle.

It really looks like crabapple flowers swaying in the wind.

She came to the banquet, nodded and saluted.

"Forgive me, everyone. I was not feeling well just now. I was delayed for a while. I was late."

It was only then that everyone noticed that Ye Chutang was followed by two teenagers, one was gentle and handsome, the other was heroic and unruly, and the other was a little baby, who looked only three or four years old, well-behaved, with big black grape-like eyes full of tears. curious.

——Is this the blood that Ye Zheng left behind?
Everyone was amazed for a moment.

Didn't it mean that these few were exiled abroad for three years and finally got back?Ordinarily, he should be quite miserable and poor, but it seems that although he is not wearing fancy clothes, his temperament in his bones is no worse than those young masters and ladies raised in Beijing.

Ye Heng immediately said: "Don't worry about it, Chutang. I didn't mean to blame you. It's just that Mr. Xu has been wanting to see you for a long time, and then—"


Xu Fengchi had already stood up, striding towards Ye Chutang and the others.

He tried his best to restrain the turbulent emotions in his chest, and thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but in the end he only reduced it to one sentence: "... just come back! Just come back!"

Ye Chutang saluted him seriously.

"Uncle Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here without any problems."

In a word, Xu Fengchi's eyes swelled.

The last time we met was three years ago.

Everyone said that Ye Chutang and the others were also dead. He didn't believe it, so he insisted on looking for them, thinking that he wanted to see people alive and dead bodies. Even if something happened to them, he still had to find them and give them back to the dead Ye Zheng. An explanation.

After searching for half a year, he didn't expect Ye Chutang to find him on his own initiative.

He still remembered that Ye Chutang was thin and thin at that time, with a mature and calm face that did not match his age.

Her first sentence was: "Uncle Xu, I want to ask you to help me."

For the next two years or so, although he kept communicating with each other by letters, for various reasons, he never visited them again.

Goodbye at this time, how can you not be emotional?
"Ah Yan and Ah Feng have grown so tall!" He exhaled, and when he looked at Xiao Wu, his expression became much gentler, "Is this Xiao Wu? It really looks like you when you were a child."

Ye Chutang looked apologetic: "Speaking of which, we should have taken the initiative to visit—"

Xu Fengchi immediately shook his head: "You guys are exhausted, you should have a good rest! On the contrary, you have been weak and sick since you were a child. Is it because you are not feeling well?"

Ye Chutang smiled: "Thank you Uncle Xu for your concern, it's just a small problem, it's nothing serious."

Xu Fengchi was still worried: "Physical matters can't be sloppy, why don't you ask the doctor to take a look?"

Gao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted with a smile: "Master Xu, don't worry, Chutang is a doctor himself, and even opened a medical clinic before, why do you need others to look at it?"

As soon as these words came out, many people were surprised.

Open a clinic?Ye Chutang?

Xu Rongqing couldn't hold back, and asked in astonishment: "Sister Chutang, is this true?"

Before Ye Chutang opened his mouth, he heard Gao's long sigh, both relieved and distressed: "No! It is precisely because of this that Chutang has supported several younger brothers and sisters. This child has been in the past three years, but I don't know how much he has eaten. What a pain!"

The atmosphere was subtle, and everyone looked at Ye Chutang with complicated expressions.

If that's the case, hasn't she been showing her face in the past three years...

Gao said again: "But having said that, today I have to trouble Dr. Zhang to help Xiao Wu take a look."

Doctor Zhang who was suddenly ordered was also taken aback: "What? Didn't you just say that she knows medical skills? Then—"

Gao's tone was brisk: "In such a small place, I usually help those rural folks to look at common diseases, but Xiaowu's situation is special, even Chutang has no choice, so I have to invite Doctor Zhang to come."

Outside the moon gate, Shen Yanchuan paused.

 There is a lucky draw on the homepage of Xiaoxiang Book City, everyone can go to Kangkang~ Chutang's reading background is hin drifting~
(End of this chapter)

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