Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 66 Dismounting Mawei (2 more)

The horse stopped just like that, only three feet away from the carriage!


The whole long street was dead silent.

The ladies of various families got down from the carriage one after another, watching this scene in shock.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen in front of the eldest princess?

However, when they saw the woman in red sitting high on the horse, they all withdrew their shocked expressions.

It turned out to be her, no wonder she was so courageous...

The woman in red put away the long whip in her hand, and looked down at Ye Shixian with raised eyebrows: "Hey, are you okay?"

Ye Shixian's hair was disheveled, carefully selected steps were entangled together, her eyes were full of tears, and the look of shock on her face had not faded, she looked like she was all right?
But when she heard this sound, her heart trembled, and the questioning words that were originally stuck in her throat could not be uttered.

She struggled to get up from the ground, knowing how many people's eyes were on her right now without looking up.

Ye Shixian was extremely ashamed and indignant, extremely annoyed.

Before going in, such a joke was made in front of the princess's mansion, and she was completely humiliated!

At this time, a hand suddenly appeared beside her, supporting her arm.

Ye Shixian turned her head and saw that Ye Chutang had got out of the carriage at some point, and asked in a low voice with concern: "Shixian, how are you?"

Ye Shixian's face turned red and turned white.

She wanted to get rid of Ye Chutang immediately, but in front of so many people, this was absolutely impossible.

In the end, he could only suppress his emotions and shake his head, forcing a smile.

"I, I'm fine, cousin don't have to worry."

She finally stood up, but she didn't care about anything else, instead she immediately bowed to the woman in red.

"I've seen Princess Qinyang."

Ye Chutang's eyes moved slightly.

Sure enough, anyone who has good riding skills and dares to gallop in front of the eldest princess's mansion with such unscrupulousness, except Li Yue, the owner of Qinyang County, does not think of him.

The father of Princess Qinyang is the King of Yannan, who guarded the southwest and made great military exploits.

And Princess Qinyang is his only daughter, who has been spoiled by spoils since she was a child, and has developed a vivacious and flamboyant personality.

Even the princess and prince are quite polite in front of Princess Qinyang, not daring to play royal prestige.

Everyone can tell that Princess Qinyang did it on purpose, but so what?
Ye Shixian didn't even dare to say a word of blame.

The woman in red turned over from the horse and got off.

She is tall and tall, wearing a red dress with black boots, her hair is simply tied up, and her eyes are bright and open.

One can tell at a glance that he grew up arrogantly.

A few boys from behind hurriedly chased after him.

"Princess! Princess, you—"

Princess Qinyang threw the long whip in his hand casually: "This horse is startled, take it back and teach it well."

The little servant hurriedly caught the long whip, and responded repeatedly: "Yes!"

Princess Qinyang then looked at Ye Shixian again, stepped forward and asked, "Is it really all right? I think it's better to go to the medical clinic? Don't turn around and say that it's because of me."

How can this work!

After finally waiting until today, if I left, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket!

Ye Shixian held back her tears, and forced a smile: "Thank you, Princess Qinyang, for your concern, the daughter of the people is really fine."

Princess Qinyang raised her eyebrows, not surprised by her answer at all.

She shrugged.

"Okay. Since you said it's okay, then don't go. Xiao Jiang, send a gift to Ye's house later, and treat it as an apology to Miss Ye."

The servant following her immediately responded.

The smile on the corner of Ye Shixian's mouth almost couldn't hold back.

Princess Qinyang has long disliked her, and this time she went too far, directly giving her a real blow in public!
This makes her still stand up in the circle of noble girls in the capital...

Princess Qinyang turned around to leave, but suddenly caught a glimpse of Ye Chutang standing beside Ye Shixian from the corner of her eye, stopped in her tracks, and looked her up and down.

Even if ordinary people were curious, they would not be so straightforward and presumptuous, but Princess Qinyang was obviously not an ordinary person.

She asked, "Who are you? Why haven't you seen it before?"

Ye Chutang's eyes drooped slightly, and when he was about to reply, Princess Qinyang suddenly remembered something: "Oh! I got it! You are the Second Miss Ye who just came back from the Ye family, aren't you?"

It seems that the news of their return has indeed spread throughout the capital.

Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "Ye Chutang, a daughter of the people, has met Princess Qinyang."

Princess Qinyang turned her eyes on the two of them, and sneered:

"Cousin, Ye Shixian doesn't really look like you... I thought she lived in your house for a few years, and she is in the same wind and water, so she will definitely look more like you as she grows!"

Everyone can hear the irony in these words.

I don't know who was next to me and laughed out loud.

Although the laughter was quickly withdrawn, Ye Shixian still felt as if she had been slapped in public, her face was burning with pain.

The matter of the Ye family is not a secret.

In the past, everyone thought that Ye Zheng's family was all dead. As a younger brother, Ye Heng took care of their family's affairs and moved to their house.

But it's different now—the Ye Chutang siblings are back!

Who doesn't know that the two families of the Ye family are living together now, and the Ye Heng family has no plans to move out at all. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell what they are thinking.

It's just that this is a family matter after all, and Ye Chutang's siblings have no father, no mother, no support, and Ye Heng has just been promoted to the position of Shaoqing of Dali Temple, with a bright future.

Comparing the two, naturally no one is so ignorant to pick things up.

However, Princess Qinyang is the exception.

She wouldn't put a mere fourth grade in her eyes, not to mention that she had disliked Ye Shixian for a long time, and today she made up her mind to slap her in public!

Ye Chutang raised his brows slightly, but thought that the princess of Qinyang was quite interesting.

"Princess Qinyang is joking, Shi Xian and I are half-parents, so we naturally look different."

"Ah, yes!"

Princess Qinyang suddenly realized,

"She should look like her own mother! Otherwise, she should also look like her younger brother! Hey, by the way, didn't your mother come with you today?"

Ye Shixian bit her lips secretly, feeling extremely annoyed in her heart.

A few days ago, her mother had an accident at the banquet. Many people knew that the words of Princess Qinyang were clearly intentional!
However, she could only suppress the humiliation, and replied in a low voice: "My mother is ill, so she never came."

Princess Qinyang waved her hand.

"Forget it, the eldest princess is still waiting in the mansion, you can't make her wait for a long time, let's go!"

As she spoke, she raised her foot and entered the mansion directly.

The other ladies looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally followed suit.

No one came over to say hello to Ye Shixian.

Ye Shixian stood where she was, and while Shao Yao helped her arrange her clothes and headgear, she complained in a low voice: "Princess Qinyang is really too! She bullies you like this, and when Mr. Murong finds out, I don't know how much I will feel sorry—"

Ye Shixian frowned slightly, interrupting her: "Shaoyao."

Shaoyao was unwilling to stop talking.

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly.


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