She subconsciously looked at Ye Chutang, but saw the girl's face was cold and calm, and she was passing the silver needle in her hand through the red orange flame.

The blazing flame leaped for joy, quenching the silver glow, reflecting the depths of her black and clear eyes like cold stars.

Princess Qinyang gritted her teeth and ordered: "Lan Yi! Shut up those people outside! If anyone dares to disturb Doctor Ye and delay the princess's diagnosis and treatment, don't blame the princess for being merciless!"

Lan Yi quickly responded: "Yes!"

She hurried around the screen and headed for the door.

Princess Qinyang didn't dare to delay any longer, stepped forward quickly, unbuttoned the skirt of the eldest princess's clothes, and took off her shoes and socks.

Seeing this, Zhu Xin hurried to help.

The eldest princess still had her eyes closed tightly, without any reaction.

Princess Qinyang's heart hangs high. The eldest princess in her memory has always been hale and hearty. Has she ever seen her so fragile lying on the bed without knowing her life or death?

She turned around and looked at Ye Chutang as if asking for help: "Okay, what should we do next?"

Unknowingly, she has already regarded Ye Chutang as the backbone.

Ye Chutang's eyelids drooped slightly, and he pierced the Eldest Princess Baihui and Renzhong respectively with silver needles.

The bright red blood drops quickly emerged!
Afterwards, she took both hands of the eldest princess and quickly applied needles on the ten Xuan points.

Princess Qinyang stepped back subconsciously to give way to Ye Chutang, and before she could react, Ye Chutang had already moved the needle neatly!
But in the blink of an eye, red and black blood gushed out and dripped along the princess's ten fingertips.

Princess Qinyang had never seen such a scene before, and she felt apprehensive and flustered in her heart, only felt that the blood was very glaring, and the faint smell of blood wafting in the air made her even more uneasy.

Zhu Xin frowned tightly, and turned to look at Princess Qinyang.

This, this... Can Ye Chutang really do it?

Princess Qinyang forcibly suppressed the turbulent emotions, and stood by her side without moving.

I don't know how long it will take to wait for the imperial physician to come here, only Ye Chutang is left.

Recalling the scene where Ye Chutang poured the half-bottle of wine on his hands without changing his expression, Princess Qinyang held her breath, maybe——she is really the only life-saving straw for the eldest princess!

Zhu Xin walked out of the room, and quickly closed the door to cut off the eyes of everyone waiting.

"Everyone, Doctor Ye is treating the eldest princess, please don't disturb me. Please go back first."

Ye Shixian's eyes widened in disbelief: "You, you really asked her to see the eldest princess? This, what if—"

Zhu Xin frowned, feeling displeasure welling up in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "The Eldest Princess has deep blessings, and she can turn danger into good luck."

Only then did Ye Shixian realize that she had made a slip of the tongue.

Wouldn't it be a curse to say such things when the eldest princess was suddenly unconscious!

She hurriedly said: "Miss Zhuxin, don't get me wrong, I, I'm just too worried about the eldest princess. Although my cousin opened a medical clinic before, she only studied with a quack doctor for a while. It's a sure thing..."

What exactly is Ye Chutang thinking? Does she really want to show off? ?

When the eldest princess fainted, many people saw it, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

At such an age, and suddenly fainting again, it is clear that it is more or less ominous, even if the imperial doctor comes, it may not be optimistic, let alone Ye Chutang?

If the eldest princess really... Ye Chutang himself was punished, what if they were implicated?
——Ye Chutang was brought by her after all!
Ye Shixian was angry and anxious.

Zhu Xin glanced at her. Before, she just thought that this Miss Ye family was a bit petty, but now it seems that she doesn't distinguish between the serious and the serious, and can't tell her own identity.

She stood in front of the door, raised her chin slightly, and said indifferently, "With Princess Qinyang here, I won't bother Miss Ye."

Princess Qinyang and the eldest princess have a deep relationship, and they can almost be regarded as the young masters of the house. Now that the eldest princess is in a coma, the owner of Qinyang County is naturally in charge of all affairs.

How could it be Ye Shixian's turn to speak to an outsider?
Ye Shixian's heart trembled, her lips twitched twice, and she finally swallowed the remaining words.

When other people heard this, they naturally understood that this was the intention of Princess Qinyang and did not dare to disobey it.

But they didn't leave either.

——The Eldest Princess is lying in it and her life or death is unknown. No one wants to leave first at this time.

Zhu Xin persuaded them a few words, seeing that they persisted, she didn't continue, and only asked them to go to the next room to rest temporarily.


Everyone was seated, but no one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was oppressive.

Ye Shixian was taken to change into a new dress - otherwise it would be too unseemly.

It wasn't until she went back that many people's eyes fell on her that someone finally spoke.

"Miss Ye, is your cousin really able to save the eldest princess?"

Ye Shixian's eyebrows twitched, and she lowered her eyes.

" be honest, I haven't seen my cousin for a few years, and I don't know much about her situation outside."

Touching the red jade bead string in her hand, Ye Shixian recalled the scene by the lake just now, and added: "But since my cousin is gone, there should still be hope, right?"

She wished she could break up with Ye Chutang immediately, so as not to cause trouble later, but in the eyes of everyone, Ye Chutang was injured just now to save her, if she really said nothing, it would appear that she was too heartless.

So she could only choose this kind of vague rhetoric, and finally forced a smile: "The princess is auspicious, she must be fine."

The girls secretly exchanged glances.

It seems that Ye Shixian and Ye Chutang are not very familiar with each other. After asking for a long time, they didn't find any useful information. It was a waste of time.

All they can do now is wait.


Ye Chutang landed the last needle on Yongquan.

Seeing that she finally stopped, Princess Qinyang couldn't help asking: "Is it over?"

Ye Chutang said: "Come to an end for the time being, and we can just wait for the Eldest Princess to wake up. However, she has a sudden illness, and she is approaching her sixtieth age. Even though the needles are given in time, someone still needs to be around to take care of her around the clock."

Princess Qinyang breathed a sigh of relief: "This is no problem."

As long as you can wake up!

Ye Chutang looked at Zhu Xin: "Please get your pen and ink, I'll write a prescription."

Zhu Xin saw that she moved neatly and calmly from beginning to end, and she was already very convinced in her heart, so she quickly responded and brought the things over.

"Doctor Ye, please."

Before they knew it, they all called Ye Chutang Doctor Ye.

Ye Chutang's eyelashes drooped slightly, and he began to draw ink.

Afterwards, she handed the written prescription to Zhu Xin: "When the eldest princess wakes up, follow the above prescription to decoct the medicine, three times a day."

Zhu Xin took a quick look, and seeing the beautiful lower script on it, she admired Ye Chutang even more in her heart.

In the case of an injured wrist, it is really amazing to be able to drop the needle steadily and write such beautiful handwriting...

"Thank you, Doctor Ye, I will obey you."

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside.

"The court judge is here!"

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