Chapter 75 Medicine (Part [-])
Ye Shixian almost thought that she was wrong.

Obviously, it was the Princess's Mansion who sent Ye Chutang back, but why is it the carriage from Dingbeihou Mansion?

She reluctantly twitched the corner of her mouth, and then walked forward, as if relieved: "Cousin! You are finally back!"

Ye Chutang got out of the carriage, turned around, saw Ye Shixian's expression, raised her eyebrows slightly: "I just came back a little late, why are you so worried?"

Ye Shixian's smile froze: "I, I'm not afraid that the people from the eldest princess will embarrass my cousin..."

Ye Chutang smiled: "The eldest princess has awakened, how can the people in the family make things difficult for me?"


Ye Shixian was taken aback.

The eldest princess has woken up! ?Doesn't that mean that Ye Chutang really saved her life! ?

Ye Chutang nodded: "There is Qinyang Princess and the others to take care of her closely, so there is no need to worry."

Ye Shixian wasn't worried about the eldest princess, she was just—how is Ye Chutang so lucky! ?

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the carriage behind Ye Chutang, and a look of jealousy flashed across her eyes.

It's just that she hid this divine expression very well, and it disappeared in a flash.

"That's good, that's good..." She nodded with a sigh of relief, "At first, I was thinking that my cousin has not returned, so why don't I go to the eldest princess's mansion again and pick her up..."

She was talking when a sound of footsteps came from behind.


Ye Yunfeng ran at the front, holding Xiao Wu in his arms, and Ye Jingyan followed behind.

Ye Chutang looked past Ye Shixian and looked at them, the corners of his lips curled up: "Why did they all run out?"

Ye Yunfeng laughed: "Third brother said that sister must be back, so he said to come together!"

Hearing that the servants said that the carriage from the Dingbeihou Mansion had arrived, Ye Jingyan quickly guessed it.

The eldest princess is the grandmother of Dingbeihou Shizi, she suddenly fell ill, and Dingbeihou Shizi will definitely rush over.

So at this time, it is self-evident why this carriage appeared here.

Xiao Wu opened two small arms from Ye Yunfeng's arms.

——Sister Hug!

Ye Chutang reached out to hug her, with a scratch on his wrist.

Xiao Wu's eyes widened immediately, and he shook his head vigorously, his two small hands changed to holding Ye Chutang's hand carefully, his little face was full of distress.

Ye Chutang glanced at it casually, and said, "Small injury, it's fine."

In the past, when I took Ah Yan, Ah Feng, Xiao Wu and the others to brave the wind in the snow, mixed with the ragged refugees, while avoiding the pursuit of those people, while struggling to survive with hunger, the injuries suffered were much worse than this.

Xiao Wu flattened his mouth, his eyes filled with tears.

Ye Yunfeng also saw her injury, and his expression changed: "Sister, what are you—"

What the hell happened in the princess mansion! ?

Before he had time to ask in detail, the curtain of the carriage was lifted again.

A handsome face appeared.

"For today's matter, I must thank Doctor Ye."

The cold and deep voice fell, and there was silence all around.

Ye Shixian covered her lips in shock: "His Royal Highness!? Why are you here!?"

Shen Yanchuan raised his brows slightly: "Doctor Ye is credited with saving the eldest princess, this son should send her back."

Ye Shixian's mind froze for a moment.

She just thought it was Shen Yanchuan who sent a carriage to take Ye Chutang back, but she didn't expect him to accompany him personally!

Then, doesn't that mean that the two of them were together during the journey just now...

Ye Yunfeng didn't expect that there were still people in the carriage, so in a daze, Ye Jingyan had already stepped forward and saluted politely.

"Thank you, son."

Shen Yanchuan took out an exquisite and luxurious carved wooden box and handed it over.

"A little thank you is not a respect."

Ye Chutang blinked.

Should I say it or not, this son of the world is very good.

She took the consultation fee offered by others with a clear conscience, so naturally she had no reason to refuse.

She took it with both hands: "Thank you, my lord."

Shen Yanchuan shook his head: "It should be my son thanking you."

If she hadn't been here today, the situation on my grandmother's side would not be optimistic.

Ye Chutang turned around and handed the box to Xiao Wu.

When Xiao Wu saw the box, there were two teardrops hanging from the corners of his eyes, and his eyelashes were wet.

Ye Chutang: "Help my sister hold it, my hand hurts."

Xiao Wu sniffed, and quickly hugged the box into his arms.

Only then did Ye Chutang turn around, and said to Shen Yanchuan, "The eldest princess needs acupuncture for about half a month."

Shen Yanchuan nodded: "Starting tomorrow, I will have my own carriage to pick me up and drop off. It's hard work."

Hearing this, Ye Shixian finally couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, it's hot outside, why don't you go into the mansion and sit for a while and have a cup of tea?"

Shen Yanchuan smiled, but his tone was lazy and indifferent: "Then there's no need, I made a special trip to send Doctor Ye back today."

The curtain is lowered.

"Yuncheng, go home."

Seeing the carriage gradually moving away, Ye Shixian felt that she was abrupt, her face was red and white, and she was very embarrassed.

Even if her father Ye Heng wanted to invite Dingbeihou's son to the mansion, he had to think carefully and carefully.

Where did she have the qualifications to say such things to Shen Yanchuan! ?
After all, she was not the one who rescued the eldest princess.

Ye Chutang didn't seem to notice her ugly face, and pinched Xiao Wu's cheek.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Go back with Sister."


As soon as he returned to the house, Ye Yunfeng couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

"Sister, what is going on?"

Ye Chutang sat down, took the tea that Ye Jingyan handed over, moistened his throat, and then briefly recounted what happened today.

After hearing this, Ye Yunfeng couldn't help but click his tongue: "In that case, it's really thanks to my elder sister for being here!"

Otherwise, in the case of the eldest princess, if you delay for a moment, it will be more dangerous!
Ye Jingyan didn't know what to think, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of her lips.

"I'm afraid that some people will regret taking sister-in-law with them."

Ye Yunfeng snorted: "She harbored bad intentions from the very beginning, and she wanted to slander Ajie in the middle, thinking that she would ruin Ajie's reputation by doing so?"

As expected of the sister of Ye Mingze's mother and compatriots, she is also full of brains!
Ye Jingyan smiled slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid, this is just the beginning."

The gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is hard to prevent.

Ye Chutang put down the teacup, but his tone was very calm: "It's normal. From the moment we stepped into the capital again, we have already made preparations for these things."

She waved at Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, quickly open the box and have a look, do you like it?"

Xiao Wu put the box on the table and opened it according to his words, and then froze for a while.

gold ingots.

The box was full of golden ingots neatly arranged.

Ye Yunfeng gasped.

"so much?!"

Ye Jing said: "...The Dingbeihou Mansion really has a profound heritage."

Suddenly, Xiao Wu took away two gold ingots and took out a small white jade bottle from the box.

Ye Chutang was taken aback.

It was... a bottle of chafing medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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