Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 77 Letter of Recommendation

Chapter 77 Recommendation Letter (Part [-])
Ye Mingze turned around and sneered as if hearing some joke: "With the two of them? I'm going to the Imperial College to study! I don't have so much time to accompany them!"

Ye Chutang smiled: "Yeah, it just so happens that the two of them are planning to enroll in the Imperial College today. At first I thought that the two of them had never been there before, and they would definitely not be able to tell when they arrived. I didn't expect you to be in good health, and you just happened to be going back to school." If I can have you with me, I can rest assured."


Ye Mingze thought he heard it wrong,
"The two of them? Enrolled in the Imperial College?"

He swept Ye Chutang up and down, his eyes contemptuous: "You don't even know what that place is, do you really think anyone can go in?"

The Imperial Academy is fundamentally different from ordinary academies. Those who are eligible to enter are either extremely outstanding students, or the children of various dignitaries.

Just relying on Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng... without his father's help, it would be as difficult for the two of them to go to the Imperial College!
At this time, a sound of footsteps came from behind.

When Ye Chutang turned around, he saw that Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng had packed up and were walking towards this side.

Both of them carried bookcases on their backs.

Ye Jingyan's place was neatly filled with pens, inks, papers and inkstones, while Ye Yunfeng's place was obviously empty, and as he walked faster, he could hear the clinking of the pitifully small things inside.

Ye Chutang: "..."

I knew that I couldn't count on Ah Feng for things like reading.


Although Ye Yunfeng is not interested in studying, he is still quite curious about the Imperial College. He heard that there are teachers teaching riding and archery there, so he specially changed into a new outfit today.

Ye Chutang looked at Ye Jingyan.

She knew in her heart that Ah Yan had longed for this day for a long time, but at this time, his handsome and gentle face was still calm, and there was only a faint light in his eyes, which showed that his mood at this time was not as calm as it appeared on the surface .

After all, he is a half-child who is less than 14 years old.

Ye Chutang waved at them: "You guys came just in time, Mingze has to go back to class today, if you go together, you can have a companion."

Ye Yunfeng glanced at Ye Mingze, and there was a weird teasing smile on his face: "Hey, did you recover so quickly?"


Ye Mingze hates it when people bring up this matter, it always makes him feel as cowardly as a mouse, and it's extremely embarrassing!

He laughed angrily: "You don't think you can go to the Imperial College with some money, do you?"

Two days ago, he heard from people that Ye Chutang asked his father for two boxes of ledgers, and his father also gave him a lot of silver, saying that Ye Jingyan and his brothers returned to the capital, and they would need money for their studies in the future.

Looking at the brand-new pear-blossom and yellow-wood bookcases carried by the two brothers, Ye Mingze sneered again and again: "You haven't written off the eight characters yet, why did you change to such an expensive bookcase?"

Ye Jingyan seemed a little surprised that he would say this, pursed his lips, and said: "Cousin misunderstood, in fact, at the beginning, Afeng and I were just planning to use the old bookcases from the past, but after thinking about it, everyone in Beijing We all know that we have taken refuge in Second Uncle's sect now, if the things we use are too worn out, making people think that Second Uncle is not willing to spend money for us two brothers, it will damage Second Uncle's reputation."

Ye Mingze felt tightness in his chest.

Ye Yunfeng silently rolled his eyes.

He dared to say such words to mock him and his brother. You must know that he traveled more than half of the capital a few days ago, and finally found these two most expensive bookcases!

How tiring it is to move back!

When it came to his own father, Ye Mingze naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. He frowned and said, "Even so, it shouldn't be so extravagant! Even if it's the Imperial College, not everyone uses such good things, let alone you only go there. Ordinary Academy!"

Ye Jingyan said strangely: "What do you mean by cousin? A Feng and I also went to the Imperial College."

"Only you?" Ye Mingze laughed loudly, "What daydream! How do you go to the Imperial College? Are you qualified? You—"

Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

"I don't know about Master Jijiu's recommendation, but is it qualified?"

Ye Mingze's laughter stopped abruptly, and his eyes were stained with a deep sense of disbelief.

"What did you say!?"


National Supervisor.

The morning sun shines, the shade of the trees in the courtyard is sprinkled, and the books are singing loudly.

An old man with white hair came slowly, with a rare kind smile on his wrinkled face.

Several teaching assistants who were about to go to teach ran into each other head-on, and saluted respectfully with their fists in their hands.

"I've seen Master Jijiu."

Tang Zhongli waved his hands and said with a smile: "There is no need to be formal."

The teaching assistants looked at each other.

Lord Jijiu usually has a serious personality and is serious about his speech and smiles. What's wrong today...

One of them boldly asked: "Master Jijiu, did you encounter any happy event today?"

Tang Zhongli stroked his beard and said reservedly: "I can't say it's a happy event, but it's just that two students are coming today."


In previous years, the normal admission time for the Imperial College was January, and it was already May, why suddenly——

What's more, even if there are students coming, why is he so happy?

"A new student is enrolled? I don't know which family's son it is?"

I haven't heard the wind before.

Tang Zhongli shook his head: That's not true.It's just an ordinary family, but their talent is fair, and they only came to the capital to study recently. "

Several people secretly exchanged glances.

Tang Zhongli is a great Confucianist in the world, with peaches and plums all over the world, he is extremely proud, and his vision is extremely critical.

It can be seen that he is a rare genius to be praised by him like this.

Several people were curious for a while.

Suddenly, one of them suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Could it be that Master Jijiu was talking about...the boy I met in Yanping County last year?"

Tang Zhongli finally couldn't help laughing: "That's right! It's him! His younger brother is about the same age as him, so he went to school together!"

When the other people heard this, they also showed expressions of surprise.

Mentioning this, they are really impressed.

Last year Tang Zhongli's mother passed away, and he went back to his hometown for the funeral. On the way, he met a boy who was only twelve or thirteen years old, and he praised him very much.

I heard that he also persuaded the young man to go to the capital to study, but unfortunately the young man's family was in a bad situation, so he declined.

Tang Zhongli regretted this for a long time, and even talked about it several times after returning to the capital.

Unexpectedly... After a year, that boy is really coming?

How much did Lord Jijiu like that boy, that he directly let him enter the Imperial College with his younger brother?

Tang Zhongli sighed: "When the elder brother is so good, the younger brother will definitely not be so bad! By the way, they should be here soon at this time. Go to the door to see if anyone is here!"


The carriage stopped in front of the Imperial College.

Ye Mingze jumped out of the car first, doubtful.

Ye Jingyan followed closely behind.

Ye Yunfeng was about to come down, but was pulled by Ye Chutang.

"Afeng, when you enter the Imperial College, you must read more books, attend more lectures, and talk less, you know?"

Ye Chutang raised his finger.

"At least for a month."

(End of this chapter)

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