Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 8 Are you looking for his face, or his money?

Chapter 8 Are you looking for his face, or his money?
Zhou was panicked: "I, I don't know!"

Ye Chutang looked at her, his dark and moist pupils seemed to be able to see through everything.

Guiltyly, Zhou clenched the bottle of golden sore medicine, opened his mouth, and hurriedly said, "Then, I'll go back and have a look—"

As he said that, he lowered his head and rushed out.

Ye Chutang kindly reminded: "He should have been sent to the Yamen by now, and you won't see him when you go back."

Zhou's footsteps paused, his expression tangled.

Aunt Yang has been thinking about this matter. She wanted to ask Ye Chutang just now, but she was embarrassed. Hearing what she said now, she couldn't help gossip and asked, "Doctor Ye, so the Cao family's second son The young master's death was not an accident?"

Aunt Yang certainly believed that Cao Chengwu would never have been killed by Ye Jiashiro. These children were raised by Doctor Ye, and they were all very sensible.

Although Ye Jiashiro likes to make troubles, he never has the vicious intention of being cruel to others.

During the day, she huddled in the crowd and heard all kinds of things, only thinking that Cao Chengwu died of allergies to something that he couldn't eat, but she didn't expect that there was something else going on!
Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "At present, I suspect that someone deliberately secretly ate river prawns for him the night before."

Aunt Yang's eyes widened: "On purpose!? Who is so bold! That's the second young master of the Cao family!"

Who in Jiangling didn't know that the Cao family was notoriously difficult to mess with, and this second young master was even more precious and favored.

Now someone actually ate the bear's heart and the leopard dared to kill him!
Ye Chutang sighed softly: "Yes. I heard that Mrs. Cao finally got pregnant with him, and she loved him so much. After more than ten years of raising him, who would have thought that such a thing would happen... Mrs. Cao cried and passed out several times. I really don't know how sad it will be when Boss Cao comes back."

Aunt Yang tsk-tsk: "No! Boss Cao cares more about his youngest son than his elder son! Otherwise, he wouldn't be used to that! If he knew who did it, I think he would want to rip him off. !"


Zhou, who was about to go out, stumbled and almost fell.

Ye Chutang looked sideways, and asked concerned: "Are you all right?"

Zhou's lips turned pale and he shook his head.

Aunt Yang scolded: "You are such a big person, why are you so careless!"

Zhou stabilized her figure, said goodbye to the two of them again, turned around and left in a hurry.

Aunt Yang looked at the figure that disappeared outside the door, and couldn't help muttering: "I don't know what happened today, I just lost my mind."

Ye Chutang smiled faintly: "Perhaps I heard that Cao Chengwu was killed on purpose, so be afraid."

Aunt Yang curled her lips disapprovingly: "How could that be! She is usually very courageous! When the Cao family came to block the door and make trouble this morning, she still tried her best to join in and watch the fun!"

Ye Chutang's heart skipped a beat: "Oh?"

When Aunt Yang heard her asking this question, she thought that she was interrupting her again by mentioning the day's affairs, so she lowered her voice a little.

"...Actually, it would be better if there were more people onlookers. With so many eyes staring at you, the Cao family wouldn't even be able to pour dirty water on you!"

Thinking of this, Aunt Yang gave a thumbs up full of admiration: "Doctor Ye, you are still the best! If it weren't for your quick response, your Shiro would have jumped into the river today and wouldn't be able to clean himself up!"

Ye Chutang smiled and said, "I would also like to thank Aunt Yang for her help. I have invited people here so quickly. Otherwise, the Cao family is so powerful. It is really unknown what will happen."

Aunt Yang quickly waved her hand: "What is Dr. Ye talking about! You saved our family's Ping'er's life, and this is what you should do!"

Ye Chutang didn't stay for long, and said a few more words before leaving.

Aunt Yang was considerate of her hard work today, and urged her to go back and rest.

"Doctor Ye, don't worry, since the yamen has started to investigate, the real murderer will definitely be found out soon!"


After Ye Chutang went back, he personally made medicine for Shen Yanchuan.

Usually this kind of thing is done by A Yan or A Feng, but considering Shen Yanchuan gave a lot of money for the consultation, Ye Chutang decided to spend more time, so that the other party felt that the money was not wasted.

On the other hand, she also hoped that Shen Yanchuan's injury would heal as soon as possible, and leave as soon as possible.

She has enough troubles of her own, but she doesn't want to be implicated just because of seeing a doctor.

After doing all this, it was getting late, and Ye Chutang returned to his room.

As soon as he entered, he saw Xiao Naituan lying on the small table and fiddled with the abacus, with the account books spread out beside him.

Ye Chutang walked over and took a look with his head: "Are you happy?"

Little Naituan first nodded vigorously, then shook his head hesitantly.

She stretched out her fleshy little hands and began to tear.

——The medical center is closed today, and there is no money to be collected.

Ye Chutang rubbed her little head: "Tsk, why are you more money-lovers than your elder sister?"

She discovered that Xiao Wu was very sensitive to numbers a long time ago. At first, she taught her mental arithmetic purely to amuse her. Unexpectedly, under the influence of her ears and eyes, Xiao Wu learned to read the ledger early on.

Other children at this age only want to play, but Xiao Wu is different. Her greatest joy every day is playing with the abacus beads.

Over time, Ye Chutang followed her.

"Don't worry, our family now has a big benefactor, and the consultation money we received is enough for the previous few months of busy work."

Jiangling is a small place after all, no matter how good Ye Chutang's medical skills are, the money he can make is limited.

Now it's hard to meet someone who can kill with a knife, of course she won't be polite.

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up.

Ye Chutang snorted and pinched her nose.

"Why, you like her because she looks good-looking?"

Xiao Wu has a quiet and introverted personality, and rarely gets close to anyone on weekdays, but it is different for Shen Yanchuan.

Ye Chutang estimated that it was mainly because of that face.

Xiao Wu fumbled in his bosom for a while, then took out something.

Ye Chutang looked intently, suddenly startled.

It was actually a jade pendant.

The suet white jade carving is of high quality and exquisite workmanship, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance.

Ye Chutang took it and looked at it carefully for a while, then asked Xiao Wu: "He gave it to you?"

Xiao Wu nodded vigorously.

——To Sister!nice!
Although that person was low-key, he was obviously from a noble family, and it seemed normal to give away a small object.

Ye Chutang was silent for a moment, feeling that his thoughts just now were too hasty.

It's really hard to say whether Xiao Wu likes that face or this lavish generosity.

As expected, like a sister, there must be a sister... No!
Suddenly, Ye Chutang's eyes narrowed, and his brows furrowed.

——The tassel pendant on this jade pendant seems to be...

Her heart skipped a beat.

"From the capital?"


At the same moment, Shen Yanchuan, who had just taken the terribly bitter soup, sneezed.


He gently rubbed his tall nose and murmured.

"Who, at this point, you still miss me..."

(End of this chapter)

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