"Zhao Hanguang has been serving as the Minister of Guanglu Temple since three years ago, in charge of banquets. This person is cautious and has never made a mistake in the past three years, so he is firmly in his position. It is true that he has never changed."

Although Lian Zhou had been with his master in Beidi before, he knew quite a lot about these things in Beijing.

Shen Yanchuan said: "I remember, he and Han Tong are classmates?"

Lian Zhou nodded: "Yes. The two have known each other for more than [-] years, and they have had a lot of disputes, both openly and secretly. Later, they entered Guanglu Temple together, and they all tried their best to grab the position of Guanglu Temple's minister. Unfortunately, Han Tongqi fell short later. Zhao Hanguang became Zhao Hanguang's subordinate. It is rumored that the two of them were extremely at odds in private, and they quarreled several times in Guanglu Temple."

Of course Han Tong wanted to replace him, but he didn't have the opportunity.

Shen Yanchuan nodded: "Then, help him."

Lian Zhou was surprised: "Master?"

Han Yao offended Dr. Ye, why would the master help his father?
Shen Yanchuan seemed to be smiling.

"Outsiders think that these two people are at odds with each other, but they don't know that they are actually following the same master."

Lian Zhou was stunned for a moment: "What!? But Han Tong is not following the second prince, so... So, Zhao Hanguang is also the second prince's man!?"

Didn't everyone say that he was mediocre and never stood in a team?this……

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyelashes, spread out a piece of rice paper again, and spoke in a loose tone.

"The second prince's temperament is volatile and ruthless, and the most taboo is infighting among his subordinates. Han Tong is obedient on the surface, but he may not really want this position in his heart. Whenever Zhao Hanguang makes a mistake, he can go further. Since he wants it, give it to him." he is the one."

Lian Zhou understood: "So, you mean...one pot?"

Shen Yanchuan said softly, "His people have controlled Guanglu Temple for so long, so it's time for him to make a move."


National Supervisor.

After Murong Ye left, everyone quickly quieted down and opened books in their respective seats.

Ye Yunfeng also looked away.

"Hey? Hey!" The boy who spoke to them first waved his hands repeatedly, "Sit down quickly! Let Master Si Ye see you making trouble, and it's over!"

Ye Yunfeng said casually: "You mean the one outside? He has already left."

"Who? Which one are you talking about?" The boy was confused.

Ye Jingyan changed the topic: "Everyone seems to be in awe of Sir Si Ye?"

"Of course!" The young man's attention was immediately diverted, and he covered his mouth and whispered, "You don't know the origin of Sir Si Ye? He is General Feng's nephew!"

Ye Jingyan's heart moved: "You mean, that General Feng Cheng who once saved the country?"

"That's right! The old man has the merits of founding the country! Both sons died in the battle, and only our nephew, Mr. Si Ye, is left. Think about it—what kind of status is this!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yunfeng became a little interested.

"With such a background, how could you come to the Imperial College as a small secretary?"

A sixth-rank petty official, as long as the family has some background, I am afraid that he will not let him come.

The young man chuckled and said mysteriously: "You guys just came to the capital, so it's normal if you don't know! In fact, Mr. Si Ye also led the army to fight in the past, but didn't something happen three years ago! In the battle of Tongtianguan, he I planned to lead the army to rescue, but for some reason, the road was delayed—"

Ye Jingyan's hand flipping through the book suddenly stopped.

Ye Yunfeng also narrowed his eyes slightly: "Tongtianguan?"

"That's right! It's because of General Huo..." Speaking of this, he coughed, "It was the time when tens of thousands of soldiers were murdered. It was already too late when Mr. Si Ye arrived. I was stimulated by that scene, and not long after, I asked myself to leave the army and return to Beijing."

"I heard that he stayed behind closed doors for three whole months. Old General Feng couldn't see it, so he threw him to the Imperial College."

The boy spread his hands.

"Probably so."

"Lord Si Ye was born in the military camp, so he doesn't pay much attention to it. When he sees someone who is disobedient and disobedient, he just slaps it!" Suddenly, a trace of bitterness appeared on the young man's face as he remembered something, "That hurts too much! "

Ye Jingyan sized him up.

"I see, thank you for letting me know. I just didn't know you..."

The boy smiled and said, "My name is Qiao Zimo!"

Ye Jingyan was a little surprised: "My father is... Mr. Qiao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry?"

Qiao Zimo's eyes showed surprise: "You know? I thought you guys didn't know much about this since you just came to the capital - that's right! You even guessed Murong Ye's identity just now, and you know I'm normal!"

As expected, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the capital, especially the Guozijian, if you ask casually, it is very likely that you are a child of an aristocratic family.

Qiao Zimo secretly took out a slingshot from under the book, and said to Ye Yunfeng: "You are Ye Yunfeng, right? I just saw that you seem to be quite strong. Do you want to go out to shoot birds after class?"

Ye Yunfeng clasped his hands behind his head, with a disinterested expression on his face: "It's not interesting, I won't go."

Qiao Zimo was not reconciled, and continued: "Go! Could it be that you can't?"

Ye Yunfeng glanced at his slingshot and snorted lightly: "Is it enough to hit two birds with your crap? It takes a lot of effort to hit a rabbit!"

Qiao Zimo's eyes widened: "You, what are you talking about? I spent several hours engraving this with my own hands!"

Ye Yunfeng snorted and brought his slingshot over.



When Ye Chutang brought Xiao Wu back to Ye Mansion, it was already dark.

She was still carrying the snacks she bought from Lanyuelou.

Xiao Wu climbed to the side of the table, arranged the chestnut cake on the plate, and took the first piece to Ye Chutang.


Ye Chutang took it and took a bite.

It melts in the mouth, sweet but not greasy.

In fact, they had already eaten at Lanyue Tower just now, but the dim sum still tasted delicious.


Ye Chutang rested her chin in one hand, feeling melancholy.

Xiao Wu also took a bite of the chestnut cake. Seeing her like this, she moved her buttocks and sat down.

——Does sister also miss the third and fourth brothers?

That's right, they have been together in memory and have never been separated.

It's really uncomfortable to suddenly lose two people.

Ye Chutang looked back at her.

Xiao Wu sniffed, and pointed to the chestnut cake left on the plate.

There should have been a third brother and a fourth brother!Do you want to leave it to them?

She misses them too...


Ye Chutang sighed again.

"Without your fourth brother, there will be no one to cook in the future."

Xiao Wu, who was about to put away the chestnut cakes and send them to the Imperial Academy tomorrow: "..."

She silently ate the remaining half of the chestnut cake in her hand.

Ye Chutang: "I don't know if the two of them are used to going to the Imperial College on the first day?"


The night was getting darker, and there was silence all around.

Suddenly, there was a rapid and sharp piercing sound!

A large flock of birds suddenly flew up!

A voice of panic and anger resounded through the night.

"Who did this!?"

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