Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 86 Re-examination

Chapter 86 Reexamination (Second Update)
Ye Chutang shook his head lightly, his voice soft and gentle: "Second Uncle is all for me, he only said that he would pick it himself, but the specifics...haven't been decided yet."

The eldest princess snorted: "So, he cares about you."

Ye Heng has a daughter, and the reputation of this daughter's beauty has long been spread throughout the capital. Many people mention the Ye family and know that they have a beautiful daughter.

I also know that the Ye family must have worked hard behind this.

Ye Heng's official position was not high before, but now he was finally promoted to the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, so he tried his best to send his daughter to the court flower banquet. Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see what he is thinking.

It's nothing more than wanting to send this daughter to marry into a noble family, so as to keep her prosperity and wealth for the rest of her life.

Now that his own daughter hasn't been found yet, can he think about Ye Chutang?
As long as he really loves this niece, it is impossible for him to occupy his brother's house and not leave. On the contrary, it makes Ye Chutang and the others look like they are living under the fence!
Princess Qinyang snorted lightly: "He picks for you? What good can he pick?"

With her status, she is indeed qualified to look down on Ye Heng.

Ye Chutang didn't seem to care about it: "My father and brother are no longer here, and I have been away for the past three years. It is normal for the marriage to be difficult. The second uncle has a kind heart, and I will not let it down."

Princess Qinyang couldn't stand it anymore: "Did you make a mistake? You! Are you afraid that you won't find a good family?"

Just this appearance and demeanor alone has already beaten countless noble girls in the capital, not to mention such good medical skills!

Ye Chutang shook his head: "What I care about is not this, but Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu, they are still children after all."

The eldest princess looked at Ye Chutang, she was clearly only a 17-year-old girl, but she was calm and introverted beyond her age, calm and peaceful.

I don't know how much suffering I have suffered in the past to cultivate such a temperament.

She patted Ye Chutang's hand, stretched her brows and eyes, and said with a smile: "Marriage is a major event in life, there is no need to rush, and you have just returned to the capital, so why not spend more time wandering around. Don't worry, I am here, I will pick a good marriage for you in the future."

These words carry great weight.

The eldest princess has a noble status, if she is willing to marry Ye Chutang, I don't know how many rich and powerful families will be waiting in line.

A rising tide lifts all boats, Ye Chutang has the support of the eldest princess, so naturally she has more confidence.

No matter how Ye Heng chooses, can he be higher than the eldest princess?
The corners of Ye Chutang's lips were slightly curved, and he bowed his knees to salute, his long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under his eyes.

"Thank you, princess."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "You saved my life, so there is no need to be polite here. By the way, it happens that there will be a polo match in the palace next month, and you will come to have fun, how about it?"


Dali Temple.

Ye Heng sat behind the desk with an open file in hand.

There have been a lot of cases recently, and he is a new official. He is eager to make some achievements, and spends most of his time on it.

However, watching and watching, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and his consciousness gradually drifted away.

The words in front of my eyes seemed to shake, and my eyes were dazzled.

"Master Ye? Master Ye?"

Someone next to him called him several times in a row, and Ye Heng suddenly tilted his head and almost fell off the chair.

He hurriedly grabbed the armrest of the chair, shook his head, and looked up.

Seeing someone coming, he shivered and got up quickly:

"Master Su, why are you here?"

The person who came was Su Wei, Qing Qing of Dali Temple.

Su Wei sized him up a few times, then shook his head: "Master Ye, have you not slept well these days?"

This is not the first time Ye Heng fell asleep while reading the file.

Su Wei didn't pay much attention to the previous two times, but this frequency was a bit high, and he was already very dissatisfied.

Of course Ye Heng knew what he meant, and he looked ashamed: "Master Su, forgive me, I, I just feel a little sleepy suddenly, just... don't worry, I will finish the trial of this file as soon as possible!"

But Su Wei said: "No need, it's okay to leave it to others. You go back early today and have a good rest."

Ye Heng's heart sank, and finally he could only say: "...Yes."

When walking out, many colleagues cast all kinds of eyes, which made Ye Heng feel like a light on his back.

Faintly, some low voices of discussion could still be heard.

"He left early again today?"

"It's Lord Su's idea. Who can bear to sit here and not work but sleep?"

"He wasn't like this before, I really don't know what's going on..."

"Haven't you heard? There's been a lot going on in the Ye family recently, it's very strange!"

Ye Heng quickened his pace and left quickly with a sullen face.

Not a single happy thing has happened lately!
Gao was ill, and the rash on his face and body did not fade for a long time, and he felt terrified even if he looked at it for a long time.

Ye Shixian participated in the Chaohua Banquet, expecting her to show off her charm and overwhelm the crowd, but she fell into the lake and lost face.

And it was Ye Mingze who upset him the most.

To be driven home by wine roll call... He's almost been laughed at to death these days!
There are so many children in the Imperial College, but only Ye Heng's son caused such a big disaster!

What's more, because of this incident, the rumors of Ye Mingze's illness intensified.

And himself!I don't know what's going on recently, I always want to sleep, it's hard to concentrate when I'm working, and my efficiency is low.

go on like this...

Ye Heng shuddered.

Could it be... is there really a problem with that house?
"Master Ye!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke Ye Heng's thoughts, and he looked back.

"Master Han? Why are you here?"

Han Tong smiled and said: "Isn't this the polo match is about to start? The preparations for the palace banquet are very busy."

Ye Heng understood: "So it is."

Today's Holy Majesty is playing the game on horseback, so every year at this time, a polo match will be organized in the palace, and the princes and children from many aristocratic families will also play to compete.

Grand and lively.

Ye Heng said: "No wonder you've been so busy recently that you haven't seen much."

Han Tong laughed: "I just want to see you!"

"What?" Ye Heng was a little strange, "You... have something to do with me?"

Han Tong looked around, then lowered his voice, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's not all our kid! I fell in love with a girl recently, and I keep urging her!"


Han Yao and Ye Mingze always hang out together on weekdays. Ye Heng is very clear that this is a flirtatious young man, and he hates the talk of marrying a wife and having children the most. Why did he suddenly change his gender now?

Han Tong laughed at him.

"Actually, you know this person, Master Ye—your niece, Ye Chutang!"


Dingbeihou House.

The night is thick, and the willow shoots are on the moon.

The candlelight flickered gently, outlining a cool figure.

Lian Zhou bowed his head: "My lord, the three files of General Huo's case are all here."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes, and glanced lightly over the three volumes that should have been sealed in Dali Temple.

Lian Zhou hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking:

"This case has been reviewed by the third department and has been concluded. You... really want to re-investigate?"

 Babies have to go to the hospital early tomorrow morning, and it may be too late to go home. Oh, don’t wait.
(End of this chapter)

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