Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 91 Missing the target

This polo match is organized by the palace, and those who can play are the children of noble families.

The eldest princess intends to support her.

Ye Chutang lowered his brows and narrowed his eyes: "Thank you for the kindness of the eldest princess, but Ah Yan and A Feng have been away for the past few years, no one taught them, and they are not good at shooting, so I am afraid it is not suitable."

"What's the big deal?" The Eldest Princess laughed, "It's the time when half-children like to have fun. As for the art of imperial archery, they were taught by Feng Zhang in the Imperial College."

I can ask Feng Zhang to teach me personally, I don't know how many people will envy me if I say it.

Ye Chutang didn't refuse any more, and bowed his knees to salute.

"Thank you, princess."


In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the monthly exam, and many supervisors gathered in the school grounds, waiting for the exam of the second imperial archery.

Ye Yunfeng touched the quiver on his back, both happy and apprehensive: "Third brother, this thing cost my sister a lot of money, right?"

This is much better than the ones he picked up to make up the numbers!

Ye Jingyan glanced at the longbow in his hand, pondered for a moment: "Well...not necessarily."

When Sister A and Xiao Wu came to deliver things yesterday, their expressions looked very relaxed, especially Xiao Wu, who didn't even take a second look.

There is a high probability that these two sets of things did not cost me any money.

Ye Yunfeng was a little dazed, before he had time to ask, he suddenly felt something and looked back.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

It was none other than Murong Ye who came.

Before he came to the crowd, he glanced at Ye Yunfeng with a sneer on his lips.

"Hey, you bought a new bow and arrow? Why bother, waste."

The originally noisy crowd fell into a strange silence, and countless pairs of eyes swept over the two of them.

Everyone knew that Murong Ye had given Ye Yunfeng a challenge, and the two of them were going to compete in this monthly exam, but they didn't expect that the smell of gunpowder would be so strong just after meeting.

Ye Yunfeng folded his arms and sneered: "Yes, my elder sister specially picked it to compare with you. It's really a waste."

Murong Ye's face darkened.

"When you go to the school field later, you'd better be able to laugh!"

Ye Yunfeng didn't bother to talk to him.

Qiao Zimo whispered: "Are you really good? Ever since Murong Ye entered the Imperial College, he has never taken second place in the imperial examinations!"

Murong Yang was born as a general, and he took great care of his son's cultivation. Among other things, Murong Ye's martial arts riding and shooting are indeed very good.

That's why he is so young and arrogant, and doesn't take other people seriously.

Ye Yunfeng picked his ears: "So what? My sister asked me to catch rabbits before, and I never missed it."

Qiao Zimo: "..."

Can this compare?
Although the slingshot that Ye Yunfeng made before was indeed powerful, he was from Ye Luzi after all, while Murong Ye was carefully cultivated since he was a child, this——

Qiao Zimo sighed in his heart, and patted Ye Yunfeng: "It's okay, buddy! Anyway, he is older than you, and has advantages in all aspects. You lose to him—no shame!"

Ye Yunfeng moved his shoulders and chuckled lightly.

"Unfortunately, I don't like to lose."


The exam is divided into two rounds. In the first round, the target is fixed, and in the second round, the target is moving. The target is a group of ten people.

In comparison, the second round of exams is obviously more difficult.

Ye Yunfeng stood firmly in his place, and Murong Ye deliberately chose to be on his right.

The two stood together, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Feng Zhang walked this way, seeing Ye Yunfeng skillfully nocking the arrow and drawing the bow, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Didn't the eldest princess say that these two boys have been wandering outside for a few years, and the skill of imperial archery is not good?

But looking at it...it doesn't look like he knows nothing.

He swallowed the words he wanted to help give advice, stepped back a few steps, and watched with interest.

Several teaching assistants beside him were also discussing in low voices.

"This Ye Yunfeng's movements look pretty good, could it be that he learned from someone temporarily?"

"I see that he has gotten very close to Qiao Zimo these days."

"Qiao Zimo? It shouldn't be, he's not as good as this!"

Feng Zhang rubbed his chin: "It looks like I learned it a long time ago, and it's not like grinding a gun in front of a battle."

His eyes are vicious, and since he said so, it must be.

Several teaching assistants nodded.

"By the way, he is Ye Zheng's son, and he was considered a son of an aristocratic family back then. It's normal to have learned these things."

"That's right. Even if the family is in decline and abandoned for a few years, but the foundation is still there, it shouldn't be a big problem, at least it won't miss the target."

"It's just that he is a bit impulsive. Murong Ye provoked him, and he fought. The one who suffers is himself..."

Their voices were not too loud, but the school grounds were very empty, and they could be heard vaguely.

Murong Ye smiled coldly, and immediately aimed forward, drawing his longbow to full strength——


The long arrow flew out and hit the red heart!

Everyone became restless in an instant.

"As expected of Murong Ye! From such a long distance, he still hit the red heart with one arrow!"

"I'm afraid Ye Yunfeng will lose, how can this be compared?"

"If I were him, I would just choose to give up, why should people humiliate themselves..."

Murong Ye tilted his head and looked provocatively: "Don't be nervous, according to the rules of the monthly exam, if the first arrow misses the target, you can do it again."

Ye Yunfeng didn't seem to hear it, his slightly calloused fingertips brushed lightly from the edge of the arrow, and looked up at the red heart target ahead.

At this moment, his aura suddenly changed.

That unscrupulous energy dissipated in an instant, and the narrow and dark eyes were fixedly looking forward, and the whole body was filled with a sharp aura that was hard to ignore!

Feng Zhang lowered his arm, looked at him carefully, and said slowly: "It's not shameful to lose to Murong Ye, I think this kid is not bad, given time—"

Before the words were finished, the black arrow flew out suddenly!

There was the sound of something splitting.

In an instant, all the noisy movements disappeared, and the huge school ground fell into a suffocating silence.

——On the target in front of Murong Ye, an arrow flew towards him rapidly, and directly split the arrow feather that hit the red heart before him!Nail it!
The arrow feathers that had been split in half were still trembling slightly.

Realizing what happened, everyone gasped.

Ye Yunfeng's arrow actually landed on Murong Ye's target, and directly chopped off his arrow!

Several teaching assistants looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Feng Zhang took a step forward uncontrollably, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

Murong Ye was also shocked on the spot, almost thinking that he was wrong.

How, how could this happen! ?

That arrow to the end--

"I'm really sorry." Ye Yunfeng spread his hands and shrugged, "Missed for a while, missed the target."

Murong Ye turned his neck stiffly, and saw the wild-eyed boy showing him a strange smile.

"Hey, by the way, I remember what you said just now, the first time you miss the target, there is a second chance to start over, right?"

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