Murong Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he pulled the reins back almost subconsciously, sternly: "Ye Yunfeng! How dare you—"

Without any hesitation, Ye Yunfeng loosened his fingers, and the black arrow flew out quickly!It brushed against the top of Murong Ye's head!


His hair crown split directly, fell to the ground, and a head of black hair fell directly.

Coupled with the terrified look on his face, he was extremely embarrassed, how could he still have the slightest arrogance and pride before?
Murong Ye froze all over, his heart skipped a moment, slowly raised his head, and heard a muffled "bang" sound behind him.

He turned his head almost instinctively, and immediately froze on the spot.

——Ye Yunfeng's arrow directly shot down the target!

A chill suddenly rose from the soles of the feet, almost freezing Murong Ye's blood all over his body.

It's not hard to imagine the terrifying power contained in that arrow. If it missed a little bit just now, then the one lying on the ground at this moment might not be the target, but him!

Ye Yunfeng moved his wrist, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Sorry, I didn't aim. But, I just shot through a hair crown, so you shouldn't mind?"

After a brief silence, there was an uproar all around!
"My Ye Yunfeng so powerful?"

"If he hits someone with that arrow, he may not die or be disabled!"

"Murong Ye really lost all face this time. He took the initiative to invite the fight, but was easily crushed by others. Who can bear it?"

"And I remember that Ye Yunfeng is only 13 years old this year, right? Such ability at such an age, really..."

Murong Ye's face was livid.

He got off the horse directly and walked away quickly without looking back.

"Hey! Murong Ye! Your grades haven't yet—" the teaching assistant hurriedly shouted, and was about to chase, but was stopped by Feng Zhang.

"Those who leave the field by themselves are deemed to have abstained, and the score is recorded as the last."

After he had spoken, the teaching assistant had no choice but to nod.


Qiao Zimo snorted: "For Murong Ye, there is no difference except for the first place."

Anyway, it means - he lost!And it was a fiasco!

After the second round of exams, Ye Yunfeng dismounted easily.

Defeating Murong Ye was expected, what he cares more about now is the bow in his hand!

"Your Majesty is worthy of being a Majesty, and the gifts you gave are also extraordinary. I tried my best to draw this bow just now, but I still can't draw it to the full!"

There was obvious excitement in Ye Yunfeng's eyes.

He looked towards the stele pavilion, and wanted to thank him in person again, but saw that the figure had disappeared.

Qiao Zimo followed his gaze and explained: "Don't look, the prince has already left just now, and he still left with Lord Si Ye!"

Oh yes, he came to the Imperial College today, it seems that he is looking for Mr. Si Ye.

Forget it, let's talk about it next time we have a chance!

Ye Jingyan could see that he liked this bow very much, after a moment of consideration, he swallowed the words in his throat.

Qiao Zimo asked curiously: "Hey, speaking of which, how did you know Shizi?"

Ye Yunfeng gave him a strange look: "Don't you know everything? You haven't heard of the fact that my elder sister saved the world before?"

"Of course I've heard of it! But, but..." Qiao Zimo scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong.

Shen Yanchuan is the son of Dingbei Hou, and he usually contacts with dignitaries. Even if someone dies to protect him, it is very common.

He just went to the clinic once, and he actually gave the face like this, and even prepared the bows that Ye Yunfeng and his brothers needed to come to the Imperial College?

"Even if you are an imperial physician, you may not be able to receive such treatment..." Qiao Zimo murmured.

Ye Jingyan smiled: "Didn't Master Lianzhou just say that, this move is mainly to reward my sister for treating the eldest princess."

Qiao Zimo suddenly said: "That's right! I almost forgot!"

The eldest princess is Shen Yanchuan's maternal grandmother, and it is reasonable for Shen Yanchuan to thank Ye Chutang for saving her!

Qiao Zimo couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Brothers, you have a backer this time! Even if Murong Ye wants to trouble you again, he still has to weigh it carefully!"


"Why did the prince suddenly ask this?"

In the Chengxin Hall, Feng Zhang frowned.

He didn't expect that Shen Yanchuan came to him this time to ask about that incident three years ago.

Shen Yanchuan looked indifferent, and smiled slightly: "I went to visit Old General Feng two days ago, and he was very worried about you."

Feng Zhang was silent for a while: "I'm fine, I have nothing to worry about. Besides, those things have already passed, so there's no need to mention them again."

Shen Yanchuan said: "Now you are his only concern for the old man. It is inevitable that he is thinking too much."

He poured a cup of tea, glanced at Feng Zhang who was silent, and asked casually, "Are you really planning to stay in the Imperial College for the rest of your life?"

Feng Zhang raised his head and looked out the window, his eyes wandering far away.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Shen Yanchuan said: "Are you willing?"

Feng Zhang curled his fingers.

Shen Yanchuan took a sip of tea, and said unhurriedly: "My father has guarded the northern border for several years and killed countless enemies in the field. He once said that you are a rare general. It is really regrettable that General Feng has someone to succeed him. However, Since the battle at Tongtianguan three years ago, you have taken the initiative to remove your armor and have never invited you again. Pian'an Guozijian, is this really what you want?"

Feng Zhang was silent for a long time, then let out a wry smile.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

He closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to think about it.

"This is the punishment I deserve."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyelids slightly.



After the monthly exam, a few days later, it will be a ten-day holiday.

This time Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng finally returned home.

Ye Chutang naturally knew about Shen Yanchuan sending the bow.

"Sister, I think those two bows must be very valuable, and they are definitely not something that can be bought with money! Tell me, do we need to express our thanks?"

Ye Yunfeng couldn't guess the price, but he used it and knew it well.

It's good that Sister saved the eldest son and the eldest princess successively, but the consultation fee and thank you gift were given long ago, and now that she has added these two bows, it can be regarded as a debt of favor.

Ye Chutang looked at him and asked, "Then do you like it?"

"Ah?" Ye Yunfeng was stunned, a little embarrassed, "I like it!"

Ye Chutang nodded: "That's fine, just keep the things."

Surprise appeared in Ye Yunfeng's eyebrows, and Baba leaned forward: "Sister, really?"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up: "Of course it's true."

In fact, she also wanted to find the best one for Ah Feng, but due to the restriction of her status, the most expensive one she could buy was not good at all in Murong Ye's opinion.

Shen Yanchuan was different.

People handed over the ladder, there is no reason not to use it.

At worst, I will find a chance to return the favor in the future.


Ye Jingyan walked in from outside the house,

"I just saw Han Yao coming?"

I've been quite busy recently, and I will try my best to make up for what I owed before~

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