Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 99 Take me as a concubine?

Chapter 99 Take me as a concubine? (two more)

As soon as this idea came to mind, Ye Chutang vetoed it.

Of course, it is not so easy to borrow the carriage of Prince Dingbei.

Forget it, let Shen Yanchuan help take care of the baby when I have time later... No, find a chance and let Xiao Wu play chain lock again.

Well, that's it.

Ye Chutang suddenly felt enlightened. Xiao Wu wondered if he thought of the chain lock and was distracted, and the nervousness and panic on his face dissipated a lot.

At this time, the carriage finally arrived at Ye Mansion.

Ye Chutang got out of the car with Xiao Wu in his arms, and Ye Jingyan helped hold the umbrella.

However, just a few steps away, a young servant hurriedly came from the corridor.

"Second miss! You are back! The master has been waiting for you in the front hall for a long time!"

Ye Jingyan's expression was slightly restrained, and he said in a low voice: "At this time, why is he looking for Sister?"

Ye Chutang walked a few steps to the eaves, handed Xiao Wu to Ye Jingyan, and said: "You and Ah Feng take Xiao Wu back first, and I will come as soon as I go."

Ye Jing hesitated to speak, glanced at the boy waiting at the side, and nodded slightly: "Okay."


When Ye Chutang came to the study, Ye Heng was sitting behind the desk writing something.

Hearing the voice, he raised his eyes and frowned slightly: "Why have you been here for so long?"

Ye Chutang patted a few drops of rainwater off his shoulders, and bowed his knees to salute: "Second Uncle has been waiting for a long time. I haven't seen Uncle Xu and the others for a long time, so I sat for a while, and when I came back, it rained again, which delayed my delay."

After moving out of Xu Fengchi, Ye Heng choked.

Due to emotion and reason, he couldn't say anything. After all, Xu Fengchi was Ye Zheng's best friend. Last time he invited Ye Chutang and the others to visit Ye Zheng in front of many people. It was normal for him to stay longer.

He put down the brush, and said earnestly: "I know, but there are guests at home today, and you left without saying hello, which is somewhat inappropriate."

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ye Heng has always regarded himself as the owner of this Ye Mansion, wishing that she had nothing to do with this place, but now that a guest came, he insisted on meeting her...

"You mean Han Yao?" Ye Chutang smiled, "Didn't he come to find Mingze?"

"Of course he—" Ye Heng paused, and his tone slowed down a bit, "It's good that he came to see Mingze, but didn't you know each other before? There's no reason why you shouldn't pay attention to a friend's visit."

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips hooked slightly, and a faint sarcasm flashed across.


The awareness that public speech offends?

"Second Uncle, I've only met him a few times, but I can't even call him a friend."

But Ye Heng smiled: "Why, are you still angry about the previous things? I know, when you first came back, there was a misunderstanding in Lanyue Tower, and he was actually very sorry. No, I specially brought it today. Here comes the gift, I want to apologize to you face to face! Who would have thought that you just went out, it is really unfortunate."

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly, and caught a certain word in his words.


"That's right! No, let's leave it here!" Ye Heng pointed to the side.

When Ye Chutang came in, he saw a few boxes piled up on Ye Heng's right, but he didn't pay attention at first, but who knew - those were all given by Han Yao! ?
The smile on her face faded by three points.

"He sent it, did you accept it?"

"Of course I took it!" Ye Heng laughed, "I took it for you!"

He stood up and walked over, introducing everything.

"Look! These are all specially selected by him, and they are all of great value! It can be seen that his intention—"

"Second uncle." Ye Chutang interrupted him, "There is no misunderstanding between me and him, let alone a gift. I don't need these things, you can return them."

Ye Heng looked stunned: "Go back? How can this be possible! They came to visit and sent them in person, so there is no reason to send them back!"

He waved his hands again and again, full of disapproval: "No! This is absolutely not possible!"

Ye Chutang said lightly: "Since he gave these to me, I naturally have the right to choose not to. What's more, when he gave them, I wasn't there at all."

Embarrassment flashed across Ye Heng's face.

"You, you--he has good intentions, if you refuse, how inappropriate..."

Ye Chutang interrupted him softly: "I accept it, so it's really inappropriate, right?"

Accepting gifts from others for no reason, if it spreads, what will others think?
Ye Heng moved his lips, feeling a little impatient.

He had discovered that Ye Chutang was not easy to deal with, although he always looked gentle and peaceful, but when it came to the critical moment, he was always extremely difficult to deal with.

It is still the same now.

"It's just an apology, it's not a big deal, why are you so resistant?" Ye Heng frowned, "Besides, I'm doing it for you!"

Ye Chutang looked at him quietly, and there was no movement in those dark and clear eyes, as if no one could stir up a storm.

Ye Heng looked away guiltily, put his hands behind his back, and paced back and forth.

"Yes, he offended you before, but wasn't it also because he didn't know you at that time? Besides, the son of a dignified Guanglu Temple Shaoqing, if he wants to have status and status, he will take the initiative to bow his head and come to talk to you. You apologized, why do you hold on to the past?"

Ye Chutang actually smiled, but there was no smile at the corners of his eyes or brows.

"It's not like I'm the one holding on to the past, right? We've been back to Beijing for a while, if he really just wanted to apologize, why did he wait until today?"

Her eyes fell on the stacked boxes, and she said calmly, "If you find it troublesome, I will return these things myself."


Ye Heng finally couldn't hold back anymore,

"You! Why are you so stubborn! Do you know that many people want to accept this gift, but they are not qualified!"

The voice fell, and the whole study fell silent.

Ye Heng was startled by his slip of the tongue, and also looked shocked.

Ye Chutang said softly, "Oh?"

Having said that, Ye Heng didn't want to hide anything. After changing his expression several times, he finally let out a long sigh and put on a posture of earnestness.

"Chutang, you've always been smart, so I'll just say it straight! In fact, Han Yao came here today not only to apologize to you, but also for a more important matter - he likes you very much and wants to marry you!"

Ye Chutang's expression was calm, showing no emotion.

Ye Heng continued to persuade: "In terms of origin, family background, and appearance, Han Yao can be regarded as very good. Many women in Beijing have a crush on him, but not everyone in the Han family loves him." I can get in! Now he is interested in you and shows his favor to you, how rare it is!"

Judging from the tone, Ye Chutang was lucky to be favored by Han Yao.

Finally, Ye Chutang asked: "So he came today not to apologize, but to marry me?"

Ye Heng coughed: "It's not the real wife, but he has no one in the house now, and if you marry in the past, you will be almost the same as the real wife!"

Ye Chutang smiled, and said softly:


"He wants to take me as a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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