Chapter 100 Come, come into my arms
She is also not very good tempered.

At that time, when everyone meets, let's do more things.It will definitely collapse their current character set. "

Anyway, according to the order of the program groups, in the first few days, each of their families will be recorded at home first.Ask the audience in the live broadcast room to get acquainted with them.

After getting familiar with each other, the four groups of families will record together.

At that time, whether it is true or false can be distinguished at a glance.

"Better so."

At least her husband is also the actor.Naturally, people will not tell people that his traffic is not as good as others, and he has been suppressed by others.

Fu Chengzhou came out of the wash soon, and Li Xingwan was rummaging through her pajamas.Finally, he took out a red pajamas made of satin fabric.

She is almost the same as the original owner.Neither really like childish pajamas.Would like something more feminine.

Therefore, most of the pajamas in this closet are basically like this.

Comfortable to wear, sleepy and smooth.

When Fu Chengzhou came out, he was obviously taken aback when he saw the pajamas she was holding in her arms.

The light in his eyes was fleeting.

"What's wrong?" Li Xingwan asked him when he saw him staring at her pajamas.And smoothly took out the hair dryer at home and handed it to him.

"It's okay, Fu Chengzhou smiled." Very sexy. "


Is he always so straightforward when he evaluates his wife?

Li Xingwan went to the bathroom with his pajamas in his arms.But her whole heart was still very tense.

What will the trend look like in a while.She doesn't know either.

But looking at this man, he definitely does not reject being a husband and wife with her.

Dally, dawdle, dawdle.Li Xingwan finally finished washing.I dried my hair again in the bathroom.Thin rub some whitening lotion or something.Just opened the door and went out.

As a female star, she has never lost in skin care.

Fu Chengzhou was leaning on the bed, talking on the phone.He listened to what was being said with a serious expression.

It can be seen that he is very busy.Answer the phone as soon as you have time to deal with cross-border meetings and things like that.

Saw her come out.He kindly hung up the phone.After all, it's been a whole day.It only took a while.You can talk about the relationship between husband and wife.

"Come." He stretched out an arm towards her, beckoning her to go into his arms.

Li Xingwan: "..."

She stood where she was, unable to move her feet.This is going to my arms, isn't it a bit bad?
But they are husband and wife again! !
Fu Chengzhou probably knew what she was thinking.laughed. "If you don't come here, how can we cultivate our relationship?"

He didn't want to sleep on both sides separately.

Li Xingwan: "..."

The original owner's husband is so mature!So mature!
"Why don't we talk about Xiaomo first?"

"Yes." But Fu Chengzhou regarded her as his wife. "You come here first."

Seeing that he couldn't beat him.In addition, what if she and Fu Chengzhou's husband and wife have a bad relationship.Ask that Chu Youxuan to say something in front of many netizens.I'm afraid that the result of her hard work for two days was in vain.

The original owner will also be scolded miserably.

That's what it says in the book.In the live broadcast room, Chu Youxuan broke the news that the original owner's private love life has always been chaotic.

In addition, the original host and the male host disagreed, and showed obvious resistance.This also made the relationship between them out of control.

The original owner was directly scolded and splashed with dirty water.Scolded to direct depression.She couldn't explain it clearly with a hundred mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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