Wu Qianqing looked at him with fear in her eyes. "Why do you keep looking at my legs?"

Zheng Shaosu came down two or three steps from the stairs to stand in front of her. Lean slightly. "I also want to try the method that Mr. Fu, Li Xingwan, Bai Jinkun, Lin Yunxuan and others tried."

"What?" Wu Qianqing stepped back, and Zheng Shaosu's hands were already around her waist, gently pulling her forward.

"That's it..." The words didn't come out. Zheng Shaosu had already picked her up. "Just try it, what it feels like to hold your own woman up the stairs."

"Zheng Shaosu!" Wu Qianqing almost died on the spot.

Zheng Yecheng and the others were still walking ahead. As well as Xiao Xibao and Guan Jia. But he hugged her like that.

Fortunately, Zheng Yecheng and the others did not look back. No matter what happens next, just give them a certain amount of space.

Zheng Shaosu didn't put her down until she was almost at the top of the mountain.

Zheng Shaosu's figure was very stable and did not make her feel scared at all. There is even a feeling of being worthy of entrustment.

And social death.

She had never been hugged like that in public.

Wu Qianqing immediately lowered her head and walked forward. Zheng Shaosu looked at her exactly as he looked at a little girl, no matter what.

Soon, several people arrived at the graves of Zheng's parents. Zheng Shaosu's expression suddenly became serious.

Wu Qianqing looked back at him, as if he didn't expect that such a thing would happen to him back then.

When I listened to it before, I couldn't understand how he felt.

Now she totally understands. When he faced this alone, he also needed someone to accompany him.

Wu Qianqing felt a little relieved.

"Mom and Dad, Yecheng is here to see you." Zheng Yecheng and Xie Yubing were the first to kneel down. "And your daughter-in-law and grandson."

"Mom and Dad." Xie Yubing said. "Xiaoxibao is five years old today. He is very serious about his work and very sensible and obedient. Today he is also making a fuss about coming to see his grandparents." Xiaoxibao came here once before when he was very young. Carried by bodyguards.

It was inconvenient because of the mountain road, and the children were still young. Until now.

Xiaoxibao walked forward. Kneel down in front of Zheng's parents. Show a smile. "Grandpa and grandma, I'm here to see you. Although I haven't met you, I miss you very much. Sometimes I still dream about you.

You must also like Xiaoxibao very much. "

"I will come often when I grow up. I even folded paper cranes for you. I hope I can pass on Xiaoxibao's love to you."

The little guy is so well-behaved. Zheng Yecheng touched his head and stood up. Xie Yu said that he also got up. Give up the position to Zheng Shaosu and Wu Qianqing.

Zheng Shaosu was the first to kneel over. He looked at the tombstone with a sad expression. Wu Qianqing felt that he needed someone to accompany him at this time.

After hesitating for a moment, she also knelt in front of the tombstone.

Zheng Shaosu was startled for a moment and turned to look at her. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Wu Qianqing said. "It's only right that I come to see my uncle and aunt."

"It's indeed what it should be."

...Wu Qianqing suddenly remembered what happened the night before yesterday.

"You..." When he looked at Zheng Shaosu again, he had already turned his head. "Mom and Dad, I brought her to see you."

He is different from Zheng Yecheng. Zheng Yecheng is good at expressing himself. Zheng Shaosu will be hidden in his heart. Just said one sentence.

But this sentence is the most important.

Wu Qianqing also spoke. "Uncle and auntie, I'm here to see you. I hope you will live happily in heaven."

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