Chapter 21 Fu Dazaibol only has his wife in his eyes
He just didn't like drawing, so he didn't learn it.

If he had learned it, the painting must be very powerful.

"You need to cook and cook by yourself. Without any external help, you can do it yourself and enhance the relationship between parents and children."

The people in the program team made it clear that they were doing something.I saw that there are so many servants in this top wealthy family before, and I guess they would not do things like cooking by themselves.

So, deliberately mentioning that.After all, novices will have explosive points!

"Ah?!" Xiao Momo's eyes widened in shock.

"Can't you?" the program crew asked back.


The camera fell on Li Xingwan.Li Xingwan was a little speechless, she had never done this with her hands.So he answered politely. "I... a wealthy young mistress."

Ten fingers have never touched Yangchun water.


The camera turned and fell on Xiao Momo's body.

Xiao Momo became even colder. "I... the rich young master."


The camera turned again, to the pure-hearted and cold-hearted man who had no fireworks on his body.Fu Chengzhou lit a cigarette and bit on Yin Hong's thin lips. "Brother rich man."


The eyes of Xiao Momo and Li Xingwan fell on Fu Chengzhou at the same time.Fu Chengzhou's eyelids twitched, and he changed the sentence about the rich man. "Rich father."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Can this family not be so funny?!"

"Obviously we all came to Heili Xingwan, but we were almost laughed to death."

"They don't do comedies, they really bury their talents."

"So..." the program team said. "You still have to complete the punishment."


"Fuck, the people in the program group are really good at it! Tell them to do whatever they don't know!"

"The kitchen adventure history of a family of three from a top wealthy family."

Even the majority of netizens have thought of the name.

Li Xingwan really doesn't know it. Before she wore books, she was a top female star.After transmigrating the book, the original owner was the young lady of the Li family, who was held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, afraid of breaking and melting.

Although the family went bankrupt later.But the ten fingers have not touched the spring water.

and so…

She thought for a while, then turned to look at Fu Chengzhou.He hasn't been home in the past three years, so as a husband, he should show it to some extent, right?

Fu Chengzhou is the man standing at the top of the pyramid. If he enters the kitchen and is still in this kind of live broadcast, maybe tomorrow, the financial newspaper will be blown up.

The cigarette was extinguished in the ashtray, Fu Chengzhou took off the suit jacket on his body, revealing his fit upper body with only a thin black shirt on it, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, causing the people in the live broadcast room to scream wildly , have screenshots.

"Husband! Husband! My husband!!!"

"My! My! Husband, what kind of sack do you like?!"

"Honey, can you please me?!"

Even Li Xingwan immediately took out a piece of paper and covered her nose.I was afraid that I would have a nosebleed in the next second.

Fu Chengzhou walked to the kitchen. "You two come over and help."


"No! It seems that you have one more thing to do?!" The director team spoke out at this time. "The portrait of you and your wife has been painted. But the portrait of you and your son has not been painted?"

"Pfft!" All the defenses were broken again.

Fuck!What kind of god-level picture is this?

"Fu Dazaibol only has his wife in his eyes, and he forgot all about his son?"

"Fu Xiaomo: Where am I? Do I have a father?"

(End of this chapter)

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