Chapter 221 Mr. Xiaoba is online!

"What should be the truth?" Xiao Mobao, who was being protected by Li Xingwan, suddenly raised his head and looked in Chu Youxuan's direction.

I don't know what the purpose of that glance was, but it actually called Chu Youxuan and everyone else, feeling a little... scared?

It's like a serious, little president.

Even the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room felt it.

"Oh my god, I suddenly feel that Little Mobao is so cool, what should I do?"

"Yes, yes, there is a very cold and rational feeling."

"I suddenly want to buy sacks again."

"Ah!! I feel like Little Mobao is going to show his power, the child is going to be angry."

"What are the facts?" Chu Youxuan asked with some uncertainty. "It must be like everyone said, you bumped Kangkang into it."

"Are you sure it was a collision?" Fu Xiaomo looked at the staff at the scene. "I didn't seem to hear them say exactly that I hit it? Did they say it seemed?"

Li Xingwan knew that little Mobao had to accept some lessons from the family every week.Although she didn't know what was taught in it.But know that he must have the skills to handle things.

This kind of education is the most indispensable thing for a wealthy family like the Fu family.Solve the problem by yourself.

She was also happy to watch the show.Just look at how my son dealt with Chu Youxuan.

Therefore, when Little Mo Bao spoke, Li Xingwan automatically backed away.Just at this time Fu Chengzhou came over, she almost bumped into his chest, and took another step forward.

However, the two still appear to be attached.

They both looked calm.The netizens in the live broadcast room were blown crazy! "

"Xiao Mobao's thinking is so clear. He asked the key questions right from the start! Reasonable and well-founded!"

"That's right, and the child doesn't have any stage fright."

"Think about the one in my family, who was still crying every day when he was five or six years old. I just covered my face."

"If my child could handle problems like Little Mobao, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

"That's right! That's right! Our boss Xiaoba is online!"

"This picture is absolutely amazing!"

"That's right! We are indeed talking as if we are not sure." The staff of the program group said hastily after meeting Xiao Mobao's eyes.and point to a place behind them. "We were standing in that position just now, so what we saw was Little Mobao leaning over. As for whether we touched it or not, we don't know."

It sounds like Chu Youxuan is very angry. "You don't dare to say it because Mr. Fu is here, do you? Then it's unfair to my child?"

"Wouldn't it be better to watch the replay?" Someone suggested aloud.

But Xiao Mobao didn't think so. "Looking at the replay may not necessarily prove it. But there is a method, which is absolutely possible."

"what way?"

"Just ask the two staff members who spoke just now to stand on the position where Kangkang and I were standing just now, and do it again according to our posture just now."

The staff didn't know what he meant.Just did it in the past.

One stood closer to the pool.One stands behind him on the right.Then he bent over like Xiao Mobao.Wu Kangkang fell into the water.

"So, have you discovered a detail?" Little Mobao asked. "My feet were aligned, and then I bent down, trying to pull Britney back a bit, right? I didn't push or bump at all."

Ahhh!Xiaomobao's analysis...

(End of this chapter)

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