Chapter 309 Want to slap Li Xingwan in the face!

"Next, please follow me to learn how to make every kind of tea here." The tea master picked up the tea set and began to teach everyone how to make tea, as well as some techniques for drinking tea, tasting tea and serving tea.

Everyone followed him earnestly.

During the period, the saliva he said was flying around, and Li Xingwan felt sleepy, and he almost missed Fu Chengzhou's shoulder.He woke up again violently.

"Hey!" The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly caught this scene and almost laughed out loud.

"Xingwan almost fell asleep?"

"She almost fell asleep?"

The only true fan 222: "I'll be good, this is really a good student."


Even Fu Chengzhou noticed that she was a little sleepy.Look towards her.Li Xingwan's face turned red suddenly.Did not look at him.

The tea master above gave her a look of resentment.Co-author of the hype he talks about here.Some students are almost falling asleep!
Angry angry!

"Ah! Xingwan! Why are you so sleepy?" Chu Youxuan deliberately glanced at her. "The tea master said so wonderfully, you almost fell asleep?"

Li Xingwan also looked at her. "The tea master's speech was so wonderful. What do you remember, Queen Chu Ying?"

Chu Youxuan's expression changed when he asked this question. "I remember a lot! Not only do I remember all of them, but I can also drink them!"

Li Xingwan continued to ask her. "Are you sure there is only Pao after Chuying?"

Chu Youxuan's expression became even uglier. "Tasting tea and hand shapes, I also memorized them all! No! Xingwan, what do you mean by targeting me so suddenly?!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel.The tea master in front immediately interrupted them. "Just now, I talked so much! Now, it's time for everyone to teach homework!"

He looked down at everyone below. "Next, please send one person from each family to fight. Responsible for brewing a kind of tea. I will taste it. The one with the best score will be No. 1."

This is the first pass.

Li Xingwan didn't listen just now, and subconsciously turned to look at Fu Chengzhou.

The tea master also looked at Fu Chengzhou.He has no expression on his face, just now the boss... didn't listen much.

"Hey! From this tea master, I can see the unlovely expression on his face."

"Tea master: I've been talking about it for a long time, at least you two should listen to it."

"Wasted my feelings."

Fu Chengzhou looked at Li Xingwan. "Want to drink the tea I made?"

The tea master above: "!!"

I drink it!I drink it! !

He dared not speak out.

"Hmm! I'm thinking about it." Li Xingwan's voice had a slight sound.It's so loud that you don't want to refuse.

"Then I'll soak."

"Yes! He promised again!"

"What about my loved ones! Let me say that he is responsive to Li Xingwan!"

"He is more than responsive, no matter what she says, he will agree!"

Chu Youxuan gritted her teeth. "I think it should be called to the person who didn't listen carefully and didn't respect the tea master to make tea!"

She wanted to take this opportunity to slap Li Xingwan in the face!Tell her to lose face!

At the same time, I also tell everyone that she is unprofessional!Disrespectful!

But Li Xingwan looked at her without any guilt. "The Queen of Shadows, are you sure you want me to have a bath?"

"No no no no!" The voice of the program crew over there. "Let Mr. Fu do the soaking, just let Mr. Fu do the soaking."

As soon as Li Xingwan said this, they knew that they would be doomed!

Chu Youxuan could only take back her words, bowed her head silently and started making tea.Wu Shixun will definitely not do it!He usually behaves like an uncle at home!
Things like serving tea and pouring water are all done by her.

Sure enough, Wu Shixun didn't have any intention of doing anything.He even looked at Chu Youxuan's way of making tea, and wanted to give some pointers.

"Okay~" Li Xingwan turned his head and answered Fu Chengzhou again.And it's like never before...

(End of this chapter)

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