Chapter 328 It's So Joyful
"Xingwan is indeed Xingwan. It can be done like this."

Luo Jinson was also infected by her. "Honey, I still need to find an opportunity to express my gratitude to Ms. Li for what happened today."

When he mentioned that, Wu Zichun trembled again.The scene inside the NPC room.I still get scared when I think about it.

I should really thank Xingwan.

Fortunately, she has already asked her to sing.Don't worry about opportunities later.

"Hey, Mommy is shy, Mommy is shy." Xiao Tiantian laughed at them both. "You're still afraid, but you won't be afraid if you drink more wine."

"I should drink more. Otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night."

In the evening, Luo Jinson was there.Otherwise, she would have to cry in fright.I have been afraid of these things since I was a child.

"Then let's hurry up and decorate our Star House." Xiao Tiantian couldn't wait until the meal was over, so she immediately wanted to decorate with them.

Wu Zichun and Luo Jinxun were helpless.But the experience of the two of them raising their daughter is up to her.After eating a little something and drinking some wine.The three started to arrange it.

Fortunately, there are not many things in the star house, so it will be faster to arrange it.

"Move the sofa to the window, move the dining table here... Oh, by the way, bring the flowers too."

"it is good."

On Celia's side, she was also having a candlelight dinner with Mr. Chen Ming, an old drama player, and communicating in French. "Honey, have you seen the director's profile picture on Weibo? It's so joyful? Xingwan is really good. She's been performing really well these days."

Recently, in the hands of her husband, there is a big movie production.It's time to recruit actors, if the selection of actors is not too strict.Celia wanted to recommend Li Xingwan to go.

However, all the production and arrangements of the movie were made by her husband.So, she didn't say anything.

"I see." Chen Ming laughed. "Miss Li is indeed very popular with everyone. Are you too?"

Although Celia has been living in the country.But there are very few friends around.It's rare to see her praise someone so much for liking someone alone.

"Of course. Miss Li's soul is very interesting. I want to make more friends with her."

"Okay, okay." Chen Ming responded to her several times. "She's really nice."

Thinking of the moment when Li Xingwan chanted sutras at Yueya Spring yesterday, no matter what she was chanting.Still able to keep speaking clearly.

This is what an actor should have.

He could even hear it.Li Xingwan's lines skills are even more stable than Chu Youxuan's!This made him suspicious for a while.Back then, why didn't she become popular.

You need to have good looks and good looks, and you need ability and ability.

"I like Little Mobao too, and I want to make friends with Little Mobao." Xiao Ximi said beside him.

"Okay." Chen Ming called the two of them over for dinner.By the way, he took out a pen, and drew on the photo given by the program team just now.I plan to arrange the layout immediately after eating.Good to rest early.Welcome to tomorrow's recording.

It is estimated that tomorrow will not be as casual as today.

Li Xingwan and the others were also thinking about how to rebuild the living room.Brainstorming stuff like that.Definitely needs to drink more.

The point is, the bottle of wine given by the program team is very good.As the stomach of a wealthy young lady, she has long been picky about alcohol.However, now it is not at all picky.

It still looks delicious.

Drinking one cup at a time, Li Xingwan's face soon turned red.It seems that she has completely forgotten about her "authentic taste".

The directors outside will think that Li Xingwan has forgotten that she has to make a plan or something.

"Drink, Mr. Fu, why don't you drink anymore?" Li Xingwan was still toasting Fu Chengzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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