The shop owner went over and turned the celadon over.There is indeed a pattern of Qingluan on it.It was exactly as Xingwan guessed.

"This porcelain belongs to the Song Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, things like this had auspicious meanings. The one we see now is a famous masterpiece at that time."

"So it is."

"Learn, learn."

"Yeah!" Li Xingwan and Fu Xiaomo high-fived.

"But how does the young master know this?" The shop owner was curious. "Miss Li also has research in this area?"

"He has specialized courses." Li Xingwan said. "I have done a little research on these..."

But her words came out.Everyone expressed disbelief!She must still be hiding it.Otherwise, if she cooperates with Mr. Fu Chengzhou Fu, how could she easily draw a European court style?It can be seen that her knowledge is very broad.

"After that, we can communicate more." The shop owner didn't dig deep, but threw an olive branch at them.

However, there are others who can operate faster than him.Li Xingwan's fans soon discovered that many bigwigs in the celadon industry were quietly paying attention to Li Xingwan.

It seems that they also watched Li Xingwan's live broadcast these days.I don't quite believe it, she just has a superficial understanding of it.

This is poking fun at the temple, the nest of NPCs, and the nest of the tea world and celadon! ! !
This level is simply unmatched! !
"Let's go! Next one!" Li Xingwan and the others were about to leave when Wu Zichun and Xiao Tiantian broke in.When she saw the row of porcelain, she felt dizzy.

I didn't even look at it. "I choose that! I choose that!"

She was referring to the first one on the left! !

This made many netizens laugh. "Can our Wu Xiaoge queen be more casual?"

"She has a phobia of choice!"

"Let her choose, it's better to ask her to close her eyes and read the numbers."

Even Luo Jinson didn't have time to stop her.A straight pat on the forehead.

Xiao Tiantian also pinched her waist with both hands. "Mommy! You might as well let me choose! At least you chose with your eyes closed! And I chose with my eyes open!"

"Hahaha! I, Tiantian, laughed so hard!"

"The little guy is right, he is right!"

"It's better to let me, Xiao Tiantian, come."

Wu Zichun was speechless. "Next time, next time Mommy will let you choose with your eyes open."


"Let's go." Li Xingwan went over and put his hand on Wu Zichun's shoulder. "next level."

However, soon her back collar was grabbed by someone from behind.

How did she walk over quickly and hook Wu Zichun's shoulders.That's how those hands pulled her back to him.

Li Xingwan: "..."

A group of people walked forward.Not far away, they met Chu Youxuan and Chu Siyuan who were walking out of Anmofang.

Judging from their faces, they seemed very happy.You should have obtained the treasure of Anmofang.

"Then should we change one?" Wu Zichun suggested at this time.

Li Xingwan was also about to say yes.

"Cough!" The director coughed lightly. "Even if these three places of ours are places that other guests have been to, we haven't been to them. We need to go in and experience them again."

"It could be true or false. What if there is an unexpected gain?"

The director's sentence is true and false, which basically summarizes the newly added rules of this game.

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