This sentence stopped the shop owner. "Uh... that's not necessarily the case. You can also choose a simpler copy, as long as you fill the paper in front of you."

"That is to say, you can also play freely and write something else?"

Store owner: "Uh... yes yes."

Those who talk a lot and ask a lot of questions are the ancestors.Strength sees the outcome.

"Okay!" Li Xingwan and the others responded quickly.He started to take the pen next to him and copied the content above.

Because everyone is sitting with a slight distance between them, no one can see how others are copying.And what was written.You can only play by yourself.

However, the camera did not fall on them.When Wu Zichun dropped her hand, everyone almost burst out laughing.

It's like playing.

Luo Jinson is the champion of boxing, not to mention the posture of holding a pen.He held the pen in his hand like a sandbag.I can't wait to punch a few times in the past.

Xiao Tiantian is even more funny.Not yet three years old, a complete baby.Not to mention writing calligraphy.

With one stroke, almost a whole piece of paper is drawn.

All the aunts and aunts in the live broadcast room almost fainted from laughter.

Turn the camera around, and look at Li Xingwan and the others again.

"I go!!!"

The screen was full of shock.When the camera passed, Li Xingwan and the three of them sat upright.And every stroke and every painting is all in that atmosphere.Like the ancients.

It is shocking!

I thought they were just playing for fun!

"It's true! The three of them are actually serious!!?"

"I'll go! How do I feel, all three of them are of a very good level?!"

"Can the camera be pushed over!? Can the camera be pushed over?!
In the hot live broadcast room with more than 300 million people, every netizen is anxious, like a grasshopper on a hot pot.

The director glanced at the studio.

"Well, don't push."

Just follow them in a hurry.

During the whole process, Li Xingwan took a look at the words that needed to be copied.Then he wrote stroke by stroke on his own.

The same is true for Fu Chengzhou and Fu Xiaomo.

The discussion on that topic instantly became extremely high.

"Let's just talk about the three of them, what kind of finished product can they write?"

"They are all so serious! I think it will surprise everyone!"

"Maybe it's just a flower stand?"

All the netizens are waiting for their results, wishing they could be the camera.

Until every minute and second passes.It's about to end.It's almost the end.It’s also time to close the pen.Only then did the shop owner "cough" and walked towards Xiao Mobao first.

"Okay, seeing that our time is almost up. So, I'm here to check everyone's completion."

The camera was finally pushed up amidst all the torments of the netizens.

I saw that the five-year-old little Mobao copied the font very similar to that.Although it's a little short of heat.But for such a young child, he is already a genius among geniuses.Extremely talented.

The store owner is very satisfied.Take another look at Britney.Um!The whole paper was covered with pen and ink.

Terrific, it's all black, without a single word.

"Haha!" All the netizens burst out laughing when they saw this.

Looking at Luo Jinson, he actually wrote it.But the calligraphy of a boxing champion is really unbearable to look at.

It's like drawing a punch bag.

When it came to Wu Zichun, she simply turned the paper over and covered it underneath.Smiling dryly, preventing everyone from looking over.

"Those who go to see Xingwan should go to see Xingwan first." Wu Zichun pointed to Li Xingwan's side.

The shop owner then walked towards Fu Chengzhou and Li Xingwan.These two behaved the whole time, like two big brothers.He wants to see what level they can write, and these are the two he expects the most.

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