Chapter 363 This is the real deal
"Also, Mr. Fu's arm strength is also against the sky. He has been helping Xing Wan and Xiao Mobao to carry it."

Everyone looked over and laughed out loud.

No, Fu Chengzhou helped them handle the whole process.Li Xingwan and Xiao Mobao were only responsible for watching in his arms.

During the period, the two also gave pointers.up or down.

"Tsk, it really feels like they are backing the mountain."

"Is it all right?"

"Dark, twisted, crawling, envious."

"How long will it take?" the director asked again.

If everyone can't guess it anymore, or can't see it.He is going to change the game play.Let them compete in other ways to win or lose this game.

"It should take another half an hour." Li Xingwan replied. "I only saw half of it."

I only saw half of it...

Her answer shocked countless netizens.

"She only saw half of it?"

"Is it that thin?"

"What the hell is she looking at?"

When they glanced over, they only saw the prosperous scene on the map of the Tang Palace.It was shocking.Nothing else can be seen.

But Li Xingwan, this is too detailed...

Unexpectedly, her words came out.Attracting people from Mobaofang and Hualefang.He also immediately quietly went online and followed her Weibo.

It's not just people from these three realms.There are also three store names.

Celadon Workshop, Calligraphy Workshop, and Painting Workshop!
The attention is neat.

This is absolutely unprecedented in history.

Netizens have not discovered this scene yet.Their attention was all on the painting that Li Xingwan was still looking at.

Only Jiang Song, who was following the director and the program team, was secretly biting his fingers.Looking at the astonishing amount of followers on Li Xingwan's Weibo.

Shock!Shocked! !
Originally thought that the NPCs were just playing around in the tea room.But now it's real!
"Manager Jiang." The director noticed something strange about her and turned to look at her. "Why do you feel something is wrong?"

"Ah? No, no." Manager Jiang immediately turned off the phone.She was already thinking that she should take advantage of this opportunity to help Li Xingwan with business matters.

"I can't do it, I can't do it." Wu Zichun and the others simply gave up. "I just can't see it. It's harder than writing a song for me."

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"With this time, we may all be able to write a song after our little song."

"That's right, her famous song only took half an hour to complete. It was still waiting for the plane at the airport."

"It's really difficult for our little queen."

"Do you want to continue watching?" Chen Ming was also asking Celia. "If you plan to continue watching, then I can only learn from Mr. Fu. I will also help you hold it and get it to the end."

This made Celia "puchi" and laughed. "That's not necessary. I just want to see what's different."

If she doesn't find out, she won't be reconciled.

"Then let's wait here." Chen Ming said. "Wait a while for the program director to announce the result."

"...This is obviously a painting in your country, why don't you understand it?" Celia asked Chen Ming.

Chen Ming glanced at the painting.Eyelids twitched. "I understand this painting. If you want to ask me which dynasty it is from. What kind of historical background does it have, I will definitely be able to answer you one by one.

But if you ask me to find a difference, then I'm sorry... I really can't. "

(End of this chapter)

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