Chapter 393 A small variety show...

"Okay, now everyone can put all their questions on Chu Yinghou's pop-up screen."

At this time, everyone started to post questions one after another.

Chu Youxuan's team has arrangements.Deliberately guide everyone to ask some more professional questions.To reflect her tallness.

"When is Queen Chu's next costume drama? Is there any arrangement for this? I heard that you seem to have someone ready to join the cast?"

Chu Youxuan then smiled and replied. "The next costume drama should be not far away. However, I have to keep it a secret for the time being."

There were some rumors about this matter earlier. "Is it a collaboration with Director Li?"

Director Li is a well-known and powerful director in the industry.I heard that he has a big project in hand and is preparing to film it.Moreover, the filming team he collaborated with was all a large team.

Including the costume drama that was popular at home and abroad.It was also produced by his team.

Those who can cooperate with him and be invited to play by him.They are definitely all very powerful people.

Chu Youxuan has not yet received the invitation and settled down.But her team had already contacted there early.They also agreed to allow her to audition for the show.If possible, I would definitely consider using her.

Therefore, Chu Youxuan let the news out in advance.It was said that she was invited to play over there.If the response online is high enough.It will definitely be used over there.

"Morning." Chu Youxuan responded. "Director Li has already invited me to audition for the show. The same goes for our veteran actor, Mr. Chen Ming. They also invited me to play a role not long ago."


As soon as this news came out, everyone was in an uproar.Director Li invited Chu Youxuan to play.Chen Ming, did Teacher Chen also invite her to act? !
These are two big productions.One is a big production of costume TV series.One is a big production of a movie! !
"Our Queen Chu is outstanding!!"

“No one can compare!!!”

Having said that, it really pushed her infinitely high in an instant.Pushed to the point of becoming a god.It's just that Chen Ming frowned when he heard the words in the live broadcast room.He remembered that he had invited Chu Youxuan for an audition.But not by invitation.There is a big difference between auditioning and being invited to play!Not in one position.

And it was invited before the variety show started filming.

At that time, there will be a lot of people auditioning, at least a thousand.She's not the only one.They will depend on her acting skills and may not necessarily use her.She just said it.It's more or less embarrassing.

Even Celia frowned slightly when she heard what she said.

As soon as the news came out, someone below deliberately guided it to the editor-in-chief of Vg.

Who is more valuable.

"We, the Queen of Chu, have two big productions in hand. Then it will definitely explode again when I look back!"

"That's right! Unlike some people, it doesn't matter if they don't have a masterpiece. She has no movies to shoot, so she can only be a part of this variety show. She wants to crush everyone with that little traffic."

"Yes, you are talking about Li Xingwan, right?"

Some people pointed it out deliberately.

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't make her look too ugly all at once. She dressed up carefully today."

Chu Youxuan saw the pop-up screens underneath.Only then did I feel superior.Saved a lot of image.And deliberately pretended to accidentally read a pop-up screen.

"Queen Chu already has two major productions on her hands. But Li Xingwan is still just a small variety star..."

It was only when she read the last word that she realized what she had read.Busy raised his head and looked at the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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