Chapter 430 Teacher Chen Ming has changed!
Celadon Square is the 8th one.The guy selling wontons is...

Wu Zichun straightened his chest instantly. "The 9th house!"

"Oh my god." Xiao Tiantian covered her face.

"Haha!" Many netizens laughed completely.

"Xiao Tiantian: She finally answered one correctly."

"It's not easy for me."

"Now I finally know who my IQ is."

"I passed! I passed!" the director replied directly.And looked towards Celia and Chu Youxuan. "Two of you, you are the only ones left now. Which of you invites you first?"

Chu Youxuan's expression changed and she immediately spoke. "Celia please go first. Celia please go first."

She would never dare to compete with Celia for a seat!

And this also made many netizens cry out for relief!
Finally there was someone who could hold her down.

Fortunately, she didn't argue with Celia, otherwise they could kill her with just one sentence!



Netizens spontaneously popped the screen below.The director's eyebrows skipped a beat.The image and influence of this Chu movie queen seems to be a bit precarious.

"Then please invite our Celia to come first." The director said.

Celia was ready.She may not remember much though.But when I was shopping yesterday, I didn't go as fast as Wu Zichun and others.Instead, I stayed and watched the old actors and actresses one by one.So I can still remember more or less.

Just listen to the director's voice say. "Then may I ask, Ms. Celia, which one is the store where Teacher Chen Ming personally bought your earrings?"

After the director reminded everyone, everyone noticed the earrings on Celia's ears.

"Wow, did veteran actor Chen Ming buy it himself?"

"I heard that when he was young, he was very ignorant of amorous feelings. He couldn't even go shopping with his girlfriend."

"Now I actually know how to buy earrings for Celia."

"I've got it, I've got it." Yesterday, everyone was just trying to get candy from Li Xingwan and Fu Chengzhou.Celia and the others were not hit.

Celia was embarrassed to be stared at.Chen Ming was also a little embarrassed.After all, they are old and are no longer suitable to show their love openly and be discussed by everyone.

"It's Nanyu Jade Shop." Celia answered.

Sure enough, sure enough, the candy of an old couple is the sweetest.It's not as fresh and exciting as a young couple like Li Xingwan and Fu Chengzhou.

Both pairs had a good time.

"That's right." The director nodded happily.This is finally no more cheating.

"Excuse me. What's the name of the second store you walked into?"

The second store.Celia thought for a moment. "It should be a shop called Little Stone."

"I know this! I know this!"

There are enthusiastic pop-ups from fans below. "When the live broadcast footage passed by, we saw a shop selling small pink stones."

Have you ever thought about it? Unexpectedly...

These two people actually went to this kind of store.

Very good.

"The shop that sells small pink stones is a place where young couples go. I didn't expect that Teacher Chen Ming would accompany me."

"Who has a sour face?"

"Teacher Chen Ming, he has changed!"

There were pink bubbles underneath.

"Excuse me, where was the last store you went to?" the director spoke again.

The last place I went to...

"It's a place that sells handmade birth year bracelets." Celia said. "I'm very curious about that. Next year's animal year, Mr. Chen will send it in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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