The stepmother of a wealthy family became popular by relying on reverse posting on her baby

Chapter 452: He covered his nose with both hands and wanted to cry for once

Chapter 452 He covered his nose with both hands and wanted to cry for a while

The director was a little numb.

"Tell me the moves first, how to punch." Li Xingwan stood still and spoke to the man. "And your punching routine, move by move."

She is responsible for everyone.

Let everyone take a look first.

"Okay." The coach standing opposite her responded.He didn't dare to hurt her at all.After all, the good-looking man is standing nearby, looking over here.

"Like this. When I punch, you hide here, and then punch quickly. When I hide, you punch again. I will also fight back and dodge."

Back and forth, there are several movements.

It looks quite dangerous.Especially after speeding up.

"Of course, you can also follow me and practice in slow motion a few more times." If she goes faster, it will appear that he is very useless as a coach, and his teaching is very shallow.

Thinking of this, the coach was breaking out in a cold sweat...

I wish Li Xingwan would just say it was more difficult.Practice a few more times, but...

"Okay." Li Xingwan nodded, indicating that she understood. "let's start."

The coach: "!!!"

Are you really not saving any face for him? !
He once wondered if Li Xingwan didn't hear clearly what he said.This includes all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Did Xingwan respond so quickly?"

"Did you not hear clearly what the coach said?"

"Why do I feel that Xingwan is a little blindly confident now?"

But let’s look at Li Xingwan’s attitude.She's already posed.And his facial expression is very serious.There was even a fierceness in his eyes.

It looks like he is really going to have a one-on-one fight with the coach!

The coach: "!!!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming, then I'm coming!" The coach reminded her twice.The fist immediately passed like wind and lightning.But there is some distance and strength.Afraid of really hurting Li Xingwan.

But the next second, Li Xingwan dodged directly.And punch quickly.One punch passed.


The air is still.

Everyone was stunned.The scene looked humorous for a time.

Immediately afterwards, the teacher felt as if some warm liquid was flowing down his nose.

At first, he didn't quite believe it.until…

"Uh... I'm sorry." Li Xingwan said and withdrew his pink fist from his face.

Don't look at the fingers, which are all white, tender and delicate.But that strength...

The coach reached out and touched under his nose.Suddenly the liquid flowed faster.


The air was still for a while.He couldn't react at all.What exactly is the liquid on your hand?

Really blood?

"Tsk!" Some viewers in the live broadcast room looked at this scene and instantly burst into unkind laughter.


“I’m going to make my family laugh so hard!”

"Coach: I'm here. Li Xingwan: Hey, coach, why do you have a nosebleed!"


They thought Li Xing would be beaten violently in the evening.

"This is seriously different from what we imagined, folks?"

"Li Xingwan: Coach, can you hide a little bit?"

The coach: "!!!"

He covered his nose with his hands and wanted to cry for a while.

Uncle Yang was speechless.

I haven't been so speechless in so many years.

He seriously wondered whether the coach thought Li Xingwan was too beautiful.I was stunned.

He can also look twice, there will be people who can't spare him.

(End of this chapter)

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