Chapter 465: Picking up her former agency

She screamed and didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly stood up in resistance.The doctor was hit by her head and fell to the wall behind.The heroine picked up the big hammer next to him that he used to scare her!Hit him hard on the head.The scene was filled with blood.The doctor fell to the ground.

The rich daughter's eyes flashed with hatred frequently.Use the only hard object in your hand.In other words, it was a sharp weapon that hit the doctor's face and head one after another.

It feels refreshing every time.The feeling of finally killing that pervert.Let’s compare it to the pervert. This is the shadow left by the doctor!During that process, it was completely crazy.He even had the same abnormal expression as Chen Ming just now, with murderous intent twitching on his face.

All viewers and everyone.They were all frightened by Li Xingwan's performance.I'm worried that she is really going crazy.

Or forget that this is acting.I really hurt Teacher Chen Ming.

"Starry night!"

"Starry night!"

Many viewers anxiously sent direct messages and clicked on the screen.

"Don't fall into it!"

"I'm so worried, my family."

"Is this still acting?"

"Why do you feel like she has become that person?"

After Li Xingwan vented his anger, the hatred and humiliation in his body were relieved.And finally the movements of the hands slowed down.Realized he had killed someone.

Look at the blood on his hands.The killing hammer in his hand fell and made a "dong" sound.The wealthy daughter huddled in the corner in fright.Panic, fear, and tears filled the eyes...

This moment is very helpless.I wish someone could help her at this moment.Hold her in your arms and tell her not to be afraid...

"Ahhh! I'm going crazy!" Many people were shocked by this scene and screamed in the live broadcast room.

"I really want to go over and hug her. I really want to go over and hug this rich daughter!"

"Who can tell me why Li Xingwan's acting skills are so good?!"

"Didn't you say that she has no acting skills?" "Didn't you say that she is only qualified to be a stand-in and play the role of a dead body? What does this mean now?!"

"The former agency came out to speak! I'm not done with you!"

They were suspicious of those previous drafts by Hellish.It was all done behind the scenes by someone.Bought secretly.

The purpose was to destroy Li Xingwan at that time.

However, everyone’s ideas are correct!The original agency was indeed there to admire Chu Youxuan, the woman he could hug to bed every day.And the fateful Haili Xingwan.

There is another reason for this.Those people also wanted Li Xing to sleep with him at night.It's just that Li Xingwan signed the contract in the first place.I didn't agree with this.

So those encounters just happened.

The heroine thought that the audience and the public just hated her and didn't like her.

Little did he know, this was all a trap.

"That damn pervert! Xingwan just killed him! He deserves it! Bah! Dark! Twisted!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room is still yelling.They were all driven too high by the scenes between Li Xingwan and Chen Ming.

"[-]% acting skills!!!"

"And she didn't lose! She even couldn't lose even when she was acting in front of veteran actors! They each played their roles vividly."

woo woo woo...

"Suddenly I was so impressed by Li Xingwan's acting skills."

It’s so sad to watch.It might be even more sad if Li Xingwan continues to act.Obviously the classic is someone else.But now she seems like a classic.

"Snatch her former agency!"

(End of this chapter)

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