Chapter 649 Why speak to her in this tone?
The people on the program team were even more confused.

I don’t know when this happened!

Everyone's eyes have been below just now.

"This shouldn't be done by someone from the program team." Li Xingwan spoke up at this time.Everyone looked at her.

"Why? Why aren't you from the show team?"

"It seems like they are the only ones who can enter the artist's room, right?"

Even Queen Li, Zheng Shaosu and others looked at her.

Li Xingwan took out the clothes and showed them to everyone. "Among all my clothes, the one that has been cut the most is plada!"


"Isn't this the brand endorsed by Xingwan?"

"It seems that Qiyue Qiying had an argument with Xingwan over plada down there!!!"

"Isn't it Li Xingwan?" At this moment, Qi Yue's voice suddenly came from outside. "There are so many clothes in your suitcase. Are you just going to say that Plada has been cut the most?"

This also made Li Xingwan stand up immediately.And looked at Qi Yue. "Queen Qiying, do you dare to say that you didn't do this?"

Qi Yue immediately turned green when she questioned her face to face. "Me? What if I did it? What if I didn't do it?"

She had no intention of hiding it at all.And when she went upstairs, some staff also saw her entering Li Xingwan's room.

Check or not, ask or not, you will all know it is her.

"I'm just so angry. I just cut off all your clothes! You have no clothes to change!"

"Qi Yue! You've gone too far!" Queen Li's voice said.

"What do you mean I went too far!?" Qi Yue immediately lost control and replied. "What about her? She took away the fruits of other people's efforts so easily! Should she? Do you know how hard I worked for Plada?!" This sentence made the whole room silent.

"The weak should prey on the strong, that's how it should be." Queen Li's voice said. "Do you think you can win Plada back by doing this? Doesn't it arouse their disgust?!"

Qi Yue: "!!!"

"But I can't stand it! I can't stand the fact that the brands I tried so hard to get so close to ended up being someone else's!"

Qi Yue was very broken. "Why? Why her?!"

Li Xingwan looked at Qi Yue. "It's me, it's the brand's decision. I'm only responsible for cooperation. But now! You need to apologize to me!"

"You don't have to think about it!" Qi Yue rushed over and overturned all the clothes in Li Xingwan's box. "I can't get endorsements. You can't even wear their clothes!"

"Qiyue!" Zheng Shaosu and the others said one after another.

"You've gone too far!"

"I didn't overdo it! That's what I wanted! She deserves it!"

Li Xingwan stopped in front of Qi Yue. "I've always been reasonable, especially in front of people who are my seniors. But I can't tolerate not apologizing for doing wrong things."

"Li Xingwan!" Qi Yue felt humiliated!

Why did she talk to her in such a tone! ! !
"You can either pay for all the clothes I have in the box now! Or you can apologize to me."

Qi Yue: "!!!"

"That's impossible!" She looked at Li Xingwan angrily. "If I cut it, I'll cut it. If it's broken, it should be broken. I can do whatever I like!"

"Okay, okay." Li Xingwan looked at her. "Then you will probably receive letters from lawyers from major brands. Because the clothes I brought in this box are either their new products that are about to be launched. Or they are the world premiere."

(End of this chapter)

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