Chapter 659 It depends on who he marries
As for Bai Jinkun, he chose the red sweaty BMW.The same type as Li Xingwan.The moment he sat on it, he felt a bit evil and sycophantic.

Anyway, it's a very charming one.

This made everyone immediately think of the classic role of a prince that he played before.It can be said to be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

As for Wu Qianqing, Queen Wu.She hesitated whether to step forward.She once rode a horse while filming.However, that was a long time ago.

Plus, she had been injured in the circus.If I suddenly let her touch her again now...

She was a little bit resistant.

"Are you scared?" Zheng Shaosu noticed something strange about her.He also looked towards her.

Wu Qianqing stepped back. "I don't."

"I can take you."

Wu Qianqing was stunned for a moment. "Need not."

"What? Are you still avoiding me?" Zheng Shaosu looked at her and said word by word. "Don't forget, when we were young, we often worked together. Not to mention the horse riding scenes together. I can even hug you easily..."

"Zheng Shaosu!" Before Shao Shaosu finished speaking, Wu Qianqing immediately interrupted him. "you…"

The audience in the live broadcast room was all excited.Listening with gusto.

"If I'm not wrong, the last thing that Actor Zheng said was that I can even hug you very easily!"

"Ah! What to do with the inexplicable atmosphere spreading in the air."

"It's a little sweet, and mixed with a little bit of embarrassment."

"So, do you want to come up?" Zheng Shaosu continued to ask.It looked like if she didn't come up.He would go on to say something else.

For example, when he was riding a horse with her in his arms, his waist was really unusually soft.

As for now...

I don't know.

Wu Qianqing: "!!!"

She gritted her teeth and got on Zheng Shaosu's horse.

"Hey, Best Actor Zheng. Compared to me, you are still a beautiful woman." Bai Jinkun couldn't help but teased from the side.Including the eyes of other people, they also looked towards them.Wu Qianqing couldn't be more embarrassed now.She couldn't get off either.After all, everyone has come up.

And when Zheng Shaosu surrounded her from behind, the aura of a mature man immediately lingered from behind.

Her face turned pink as she lingered.

This is something you shouldn't have at this age.

But it happens to be there now.

Zheng Shaosu came from behind casually.Wrapping her in his arms.After hearing Bai Jinkun's words, she raised her head and glanced at him. "So, I advise Actor Bai to see more of others as soon as possible.

Don't always only look at yourself and be narcissistic about yourself.He ended up with the title of an old man living alone. "

Actor Bai: "!!!"

A title for an elderly person living alone.

It felt like he had been stabbed several times in the chest.

"Who said that our Best Actor Bai is an old man living alone!"

"That's right! We are all willing!"

"We fans are willing to do it!"

"You can only marry one!!!"

It depends on who he marries.

"You can do it, you can do it." Bai Jinkun said several times to Zheng Shaosulian.Then quickly ride to Li Xingwan's side. "How about Miss Li? Is it possible? Do you want to compare?"

Yesterday, everyone else was interested in competing with her.Today he also suddenly became interested.I want to see how her equestrian skills are.

Or maybe that Mr. Li really spent a lot of money on her.All things considered.

"What Actor Bai said is exactly what I wanted to say." Actor Li spoke at this time.Jumping onto the horse neatly. "How about Miss Li? Do you want to compete again today?"

(End of this chapter)

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