Chapter 80 I Don't Eat Candy
Let's discuss this topic further...

Li Xingwan: "..."

She wanted to say in her heart, boss, it's okay to have a good chat...

Who knows how he talks?

Cover your face! ! !

Soon, the three returned to the hall.When Fu Chengzhou met those male models, his breath was always hot and dangerous.

Li Xingwan didn't say anything more.I turned on the TV without any hassle, and then I stood there and fiddled with the flowers and plants she planted from time to time.

But I didn't expect that even these could cause netizens to lick their screens.

"This vase, this vase..."

The eyelids of those netizens jumped wildly. "I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

"I also thought for a while that I was blind."

"This seems to be the one that appeared at the Rome shooting event? It's worth more than 1 million?"

Netizens are dizzy.Others want to see things that they can't touch even if they want to touch them all their lives.When it was changed to Li Xingwan's place, it was directly used for filling soil.

It's a crime, it's a crime.

"There's more! Look, look, look!!!"

"The white vase, the blue and green one, and the painted one. Have you seen them all at auctions? And they all sold at high prices?"

Netizens: "!!"


Who can come to save them, they urgently need first aid and receive artificial respiration.Age must be between 28 and [-].

Be fidelity...

Salary paid monthly…

Fu Xiaomo's calf was bleeding again.Plus just running around.Therefore, the calf was somewhat dirty, including the gauze used for bandaging, which was stained with mud.

In order to prevent infection, Fu Chengzhou knelt down and treated him again.

That expression was extremely serious, just like when he was working, it was exactly the same.

Fu Xiaomo originally didn't want to talk to his father.Who made him not come back for three years?When other children went to school with their schoolbags on their first day, they were accompanied by both their parents.

It was video again, and it was hugging intimately again.

But what about him?
Except for the extended Rolls-Royce, there are countless servants behind him.And... the mommy who was in a hurry to go home and play mahjong!


Well, there are moms who play mahjong too!
"Here, this is for you." The little guy said in his heart that he was not worthy, but he still grabbed a few candies from the fruit plate beside him and handed them to Fu Chengzhou.

The palms of the little guy were soft and white.

Fu Chengzhou looked up. "I don't eat sugar."


He actually said he didn't eat sugar.But this is what he offered him, and he actually refused.snort! ! !

"You are not allowed to eat either." Fu Chengzhou re-bandaged his wound, stood up, and took the candy from Fu Xiaomo's hand. "Bad teeth."

Fu Xiaomo: "!!!"

"Hmph! I won't play with you anymore!"

While talking then, the little guy ran up the stairs "peddling".Look at that appearance is angry.

Hearing this voice, Li Xingwan turned around in confusion.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he suddenly angry?"

Fu Xiaomo has always been well educated at home.And he is very polite to everyone.However, for Fu Chengzhou, this child seems to be a little different.

Maybe it's because... the father and son have just met each other now, so they need to adjust?

For example, she now needs to get in touch with her strange husband who just came home?

(End of this chapter)

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