"Do you have four boyfriends every year?"

Ye Qingqing's face became swollen. Needless to say, netizens are definitely discussing her now! !

"I..." Sang Jianbai took a deep breath. Showing a rather sweet smile. "One. It's my boyfriend."

She answered rather shyly.

It looks like it's true.

But as her agent, she knows. Sang Jianbai had more than any of them. She's used to using tricks to get to the top.

Otherwise, it would have only been three years since his debut. How can it have so much popularity and popularity? Come to this show?
  But what I didn't expect was that Miss Song would be serving her third term.

No one has addressed this issue. It just suddenly felt like I had eaten a huge melon.

Move on to the next question.

Li Xingwan and the others looked at Song Youning. Song Youning gritted his teeth. "Once a month!"

"Poof!" All the netizens in the live broadcast room were a little bit offended.

"Once a month, once a month!"

"The daughter of Song Dynasty actually comes once a month!"

"It's so funny! Could this be the biggest melon of the year?"

"If she doesn't take off her clothes once a month, will she turn into a hairy monkey?"

The scene was simply unbearable to look at.

"Where are you?" Li Xingwan asked Sang Jianbai and Ye Qingqing again.

Sang Jianbai gritted his teeth. "I...I'm about the same as Sister Song, I also do it once a month."


"Little Sweetie also comes once a month."

"Breaking the defense is simply breaking the defense!"    Looking at the little sweet girl now doesn't seem so sweet anymore!
  "Why don't you shorten your time! What do you mean like me?" Song Youning just glared in her direction. Don't you know how to give her some face?
  Sang Jianbai was aggrieved and lowered his head.

"Then I...then I...I do it once every half month." Ye Qingqing gave up. I just hope I can curry favor with Song Youning. Support her more in the future.

"Then it's Miss Sheng now." Li Xingwan and Qiao Yanxin took a step back. Let Sheng Huaijin take the position of tearing up the problem.

Song Youning and the others immediately turned their gazes towards Sheng Huaijin. Simple question! Pick a simpler question!

Don't do this! But don’t do this again! ! !

  But Sheng Huaijin didn't even look at them. It was also a warning to Song Youning and the others.

Tear off the most penetrating and difficult question to answer!
  "Please tell me the most unspeakable pain in your body."

Unspeakable pain! !
  What does this tell them?
  Had a miscarriage? !
  what! ! !
  Song Youning and the others are going crazy! Why did you do all this? !
  The same goes for Sheng Huaijin, why doesn't he help them at all.

Originally, if it was Qiao Yanxin. They might even get worse and deliberately harass her.

but now…

Everyone is looking at them! ! !

"Who...who says it first?"

"Who else can say it first?" Song Youning stared directly at Ye Qingqing and the others. "Of course it's you! Do you want me to come first?"

Her words directly scolded Sang Jianbai and Ye Qingqing.

Call the netizens in the live broadcast room to live broadcast.

"Why is Song Youning so grumpy?"

"Don't she always like to maintain the image of a noble daughter?"

"She doesn't lose her temper. We don't know yet that she has such a bad temper."

"I...I'll say it first." After being scolded, Ye Qingqing could only raise his hands weakly. Anyway, this question has to be answered. There is no way to escape. "My... uterus is not good!" (End of chapter)

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