"Lighter..." The staff member's voice was weak. It was as if I was suddenly pulled into a feeling of extreme sleepiness.

This almost made everyone in the live broadcast room crazy.

I feel so shocked.

"That fast? That fast?"

"Are the staff's eyes sleepy? But I saw she was still very energetic just now."

"Doctor Shi, is this too outrageous?"

Li Xingwan had read it in a book abroad. Some people's hypnosis skills are extremely good. Say, when you look at this person, you may fall asleep for a second.

But I didn't expect that the doctor, at such a young age, would have already reached this point.

"What else? Tell me? Huh?" His voice was extremely gentle. The kind that makes people unable to extricate themselves. Sink deeply.

"And... and..." The staff's voices gradually became inaudible. Consciousness trances, then shuts down. His head tilted slightly to the side, and his voice was completely silent.

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was a little frightened by this scene.

"is this real?"

"Just fell asleep like that?"

"Why do you feel so terrible all of a sudden?"

"I don't want to look at lighters anymore. Lighters are scary."

Even Song Youning, Sheng Huaijin and the others shrank back.

"Xingwan..." Qiao Yanxin moved closer to her. "Is it so mysterious? Is it true or false?"

Li Xingwan looked at her. "I suggest you try it."

Qiao Yanxin: "..."

No, she won’t go!

very scary. Only then did Shi Yubai get up and walk towards them. Everyone looked at him with serious eyes immediately.

"Does anyone want to try it?" He put his hands on the table and looked at everyone.

Anyone want to try it?

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. This is not something that can be easily attempted successfully, right?

"Then let's do it one by one." Shi Yubai said. He is here today to teach everyone a lesson. Naturally, they have to be allowed to experience it.

This late night recording was a good time.

"Why don't we just..." Shi Yubai looked at Song Youning. "Miss Song, let's start. You are the first one to stand up and greet me."

Song Youning: "..."

I should have known she wouldn't fight.

"Either...otherwise, let's let Sister Huaijin start first." She was still scared and didn't want to go. If you get close, it will be too white. What if he lets her be hypnotized in the next second?

Sheng Huaijin looked at Shi Yubai. She knows such internationally famous doctors. You won’t do anything easily in the live broadcast room.

And it’s a rare opportunity to experience it.

Her brother is a crazy person, and she also has some genes in her bones that want to be stimulated.

However, I am also a little scared.

"Okay, I'll go first." She stood up and walked in white. He took the lighter from him.

The lighter was ice cold. I don’t know what material it is made of. Anyway, it is different from the lighters I usually come into contact with.

The moment the light blue flames opened, it made people feel dizzy.

"Don't keep staring at the flames in the middle of it." Shi Yubai reminded her loudly at this time. "Go towards the staff. Remember, take away their attention. And draw them in."

"You have to keep your voice soft and don't wake them up. Don't make their eyes wake up more and more. Slow down."

The audience in the live broadcast room: "..."

very scary.

Qiao Yanxin hid behind Li Xingwan unconsciously.

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