Chapter 82 He still needs coaxing?

She deliberately emphasized the accent, the three words "your son".

The tone seemed to be slightly dissatisfied.

Because Fu Chengzhou hasn't been home for three years.Since Fu Xiaomo was two years old, he was directly handed over to the original owner and Mrs. Fu to raise him.What's the matter, he should get closer to him now.

For example, now that Fu Xiaomo is angry, he should take some action to coax him.


But Fu Chengzhou didn't move for a long time, and even took a look at the TV that released romance movies that Li Xingwan liked to watch just now, and frowned. "Does he still need coaxing?"

"Hey! Haha!" The netizens in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

Fu Xiaomo: "Am I my own?"

"It's my blessing to have you."

"This is the most unfamiliar daddy to his son that I have ever seen. He doesn't even know how to coax him."

Li Xingwan once suspected that he had seen a ghost.

"He...doesn't need coaxing?"

Fu Chengzhou didn't remember coaxing.The same is true of the education he faced from childhood to adulthood.If you are reasonable, you will be reasonable, if you are unreasonable, you will be punished!

"And, Xiao Mo, he wanted to get close to you just now." Li Xingwan reminded. "He tried to get you candy, to befriend you. But you wouldn't let him have candy."

Fu Chengzhou's eyebrows moved slightly. "I'll go upstairs and have a look."

He is not familiar with this son.It is also necessary to strengthen proficiency.

"Knock down."

"Knock down."

Fu Chengzhou stood outside his room door and knocked. "Little Mo, open the door."

"No, no, no! I won't!" Fu Xiaomo's voice. "I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to open the door for you."

"Then I'll go abroad for another three years?"

These words almost made Fu Xiaomo collapse.In fairness, he didn't want this man to go abroad for another three years.And he was very angry, why didn't he show up all the time.

If he was there all the time, he wouldn't have to envy other people's children, he could sit on his father's shoulders.Or some father went to hold a parent-teacher meeting and sent him to school in person.

Every time the children in the kindergarten asked him about his father, he always answered them with a straight face.It's none of your business.

In fact, he was very sad in his heart.The very sad kind.

But no one understands.

"Crack." With a sound, the door was opened from the inside.The little guy twisted his face. "You go, you go. It's none of my business whether you go or not? Anyway, I don't know you."

The child is talking the opposite way.

The netizens in the live broadcast room collectively felt distressed.

"Ah, I want to hug my little Mo, I want to hug my little Mo."

"It is very pitiful for a child who has never seen his father since childhood."

"Before, there were people in our children's class whose father didn't show up, and their eyes were red."

"That's right, there are some parent-child projects that require the cooperation of father and son, and there is no way for children to experience them."

Fu Chengzhou grabbed the little guy. "Are you mad at me?"

"Is there?" The little guy didn't admit it at all.

"Yes." Fu Chengzhou looked at the little guy and said again. "You still have a few big characters written on your face. You don't want me to go."

This was captured by Fu Chengzhou keenly.Otherwise, the little guy wouldn't have opened the door for him immediately after hearing what he said.

"You can tell me, what are you angry about? That candy just now?"

"I won't tell you, you won't understand if I tell you!" The little guy's awkwardness made everyone feel even more distressed.I just thought it was funny before.Only now did I feel that I wanted to hug the little guy more.

(End of this chapter)

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