Chapter 86 Don't be fooled by the program group

No, you can't always be manipulated by him like that.If she finds a chance, she will fight back! !

"You are a big man! What are you doing in my mommy's arms? I am the one who is speechless, okay?!"

The corner of Xiao Mobao's mouth twitched.He couldn't help but hate Fu Chengzhou. "You should put your mind on me. My mind is on Mommy!!"

What he means is that you are looking at the wrong place.It made many netizens laugh.

Only this little guy doesn't know what it probably means.You can still sit there and complain.

Li Xingwan was really afraid that his father and son would continue.He quickly changed the subject and asked them to watch the scenery outside the car window.

"Wow, little Mobao, look outside, quickly look outside. There are stars outside!"

At this time, the father and son had a truce, and they turned their heads to look out of the car window to divert their attention.

Li Xingwan breathed a sigh of relief.

A Rolls Royce drives across the street.Soon the three of them arrived at the place where the original owner, Li Xingwan, often invited ladies to go shopping.The netizens in the live broadcast room were once again dumbfounded.

It's almost all private haute couture here.

The bottom line is six figures.

"This is a shock to my eyes!!"

"Me too! Me too!!!"

"Then Mr. Fu, let's divide the work?" Li Xingwan pointed to the nearby shop. "You go to the women's clothing, and I go to the men's clothing?"

She thought that the task card given by the program group should not be seen by the other party after buying it today, right?

Sure enough, the voice from the program group came.

"Our Miss Li, please get out of the car with Fu first, and go to the store to buy, and the other party is not allowed to see it. Points will be deducted if you see it in advance."

Fu Chengzhou glanced over there.If it was before, he definitely didn't have this leisurely mind.But now, he came back to cultivate a relationship with his wife and son.


"Then what about me?" Fu Xiaomo asked again and again. "Don't I have to buy one for you two?"

"Young master must also want it." The program team said, with treacherous and cunning flashes in their eyes, wanting to make trouble.After all, it will be very "exciting" for children to choose clothes for adults.


"Next, please go to a store by yourself and choose the clothes you think they will like to buy."


so good?Then he has to make a good choice for his father who just came back.

"Mo Bao." Li Xingwan wanted to wink at Fu Xiaomo, telling him not to be fooled by the program crew.

But who would have thought that little Mo Bao was excited right now, and wanted to mess with his daddy intentionally.Didn't see it at all.

"Okay! I'm fine!"


God bless.Li Xingwan thought to himself.Don't let this little guy do anything wrong.

She walked towards the men's clothing store next to her.

"Miss Li." The waiter in the luxury men's clothing store saw Li Xingwan coming in.Both eyes began to light up.This is a big gold master.I also visit their store from time to time.Shot very proudly.

"Come in, come in."

"Are you tired? Shall we carry your bag?"

"Coffee or tea?"

This is called the group of netizens in the live broadcast room, their jaws almost dropped in shock.Coffee or tea?Could this be available in a men's clothing store?

Why have they never enjoyed such treatment when they went shopping? ? ?

"Coffee bar." Li Xingwan was obviously very familiar with this shop.Same with the waiters.He was very familiar, so he ordered a cup of coffee without any hesitation.

Handing them the bag casually, he asked in a very sophisticated tone. "Is there anything new recently?"

Are there any new...

When her words went out, it seemed that something had been exposed.

"Fat? Does she often come to the men's clothing store?"

"How do you feel that she is very familiar with this men's clothing store?"

(End of this chapter)

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