She has participated in some big foreign movies and so on.

Naturally, he has had contact with many people abroad. He knew their characters well.

Or just show your wealth on the surface. Or just don't show it at all.

So, almost no need to look at the mediocre ones.

I heard that Xingwan just took a photo with a dog. Then she chooses...

Lin Yunxuan's eyes were directly fixed on a rich and blind person.

"Why don't we just have him?"

Bai Jinkun had no objection. The two of them went over and took a photo with the man. Walk to the lighthouse.

The moment she saw the stairs, Lin Yunxuan felt that she might have a heart attack.

" is this different from what I saw before?"

What she had clearly seen before was that Li Xingwan and the others were having a great time.

This issue was deliberately made more difficult.

Bai Jinkun looked at the stiletto heels on her feet. "Take it off."

Lin Yunxuan: "..."

She had no choice but to take it off. Otherwise the first step up should be soft.

Lin Yunxuan took off her stiletto heels. Bai Yingdi reached out and took it.

This scene shocked the audience.

The one who can't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"Bai...Did Actor Bai personally help Lin Yunxuan get the shoes?"

"I go!"

Who would have thought that Best Actor Bai would personally help Lin Yunxuan pick up his shoes?

Even Lin Yunxuan herself didn't think of it.

Her shoes were actually taken by Bai Jinkun.

After reacting for a while, he stepped onto the first step. But the temperature is icy and cool and quite comfortable.

They also walked up.

In the footage, the audience couldn't help but sigh.

"Beauty Lin is indeed the beauty of Lin."

"She still has a slender waist and long legs without wearing high heels. She is just like Xing Wan." "Ugh, in which life can we be at their level?"

"Looking at it from the back, it's also concave and convex. No wonder Film Emperor Bai is so caught up in it."

"No, everyone is already here. Where are Zheng Shaosu and Best Actress Wu?"

Everyone suddenly remembered it.

"Where is Actor Zheng? Where is Actor Zheng?"

"Aren't they going to ride here?"

"They should all arrive earlier than Xingwan."

"After all, you still need to stop when taking a bus. Walking is relatively slow."

Ke Baiyingdi and the others have already arrived.

As for Best Actor Zheng, he has already taken Wu Qianqing to ride around the roadside. But there is no intention to get close to the tower.

At first Wu Qianqing followed enthusiastically. But at the back, things were getting worse and worse.

"Is the lighthouse that far away? Why haven't we arrived yet?"

Why did she still feel like they were going around and around the perimeter of the lighthouse?

"Tsk! How do I feel that Actor Zheng did it on purpose?"

"Haha! I feel the same way."

"It can't be the case. He has never thought about taking Movie Queen Wu there, right?"

Everyone popped the screen one after another.

"It should be a bit far away." Actor Zheng turned around and replied.

"Are you sure?" Wu Qianqing still didn't believe it.

"Of course." Movie Emperor Zheng smiled. "Don't you believe me?"

Wu Qianqing must believe him. Zheng Shaosu is the most familiar with places like this abroad. And there is no need for him to take her there all the time, right?

"Then we...continue?" he said.

Wu Qianqing thought for a while. "Okay. Then hurry up."

She was afraid that Xingwan and the others were already there. It will waste time and lose the game. It would be uneconomical to have to come down again at that time.

Zheng Shaosu saw that she agreed. A trace of the old fox's light flashed in his eyes, and he continued to lead her forward~ (End of this chapter)

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