They also entered the elevator.

When he saw that Li Xingwan and the others were already eating and drinking upstairs, he wailed. Especially Wu Zichun.

"Xingwan! You have actually started eating."

"You're still setting up a big screen to watch us?"

Li Xingwan pulled out a chair for them all to sit. At this moment, another group appeared on the big screen.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Zheng Shaosu and Wu Qianqing.

When I saw that they had just climbed up the first step, I was confused.

"They just came when we were climbing the stairs?!"

"Pu!" The audience in the live broadcast room really couldn't hold it back.

Actor Zheng can be regarded as bringing Wu Qianqing here.

"I thought they were slow, but I didn't expect it to be that slow."

Wu Qianqing's eyelids were also twitching. "Why do I feel like everyone has already gone up?"

But don't tell her that they, like her, haven't come yet.

The next second I heard the voices of the program staff. "game over."

Wu Qianqing: "!!!"

"Haha! Why do I feel that Queen Wu's mentality has collapsed?"

"She must be doubting life now, right?"

"Queen Wu, the culprit is right next to you."

Wu Qianqing also immediately looked at Zheng Shaosu. "Is that how you brought me here?"

Zheng Shaosu seemed a little unjust. "I also tried my best."

Try your best to take her somewhere else.

"You!" Wu Qianqing pretended to hit Zheng Shaosu.

That gesture really made countless viewers open their eyes.

Zheng Shaosu turned around and ran outside. Wu Qianqing chased after him.

On the rooftop, Li Xingwan and the others were already stunned. Who would have thought that they would arrive now?

"It can't be that Best Actor Zheng never thought of bringing Best Actress Wu here from the beginning, right?" Wu Zichun said. "You mean that the actor Zheng wants to live a two-person world with her?" Celia answered her words.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize. It turned out that Zheng Shaosu deliberately did not bring Wu Qianqing here.

He just wanted to be alone with him.

"Actor Zheng is so cunning!!"

"In a moment, they will come up in the elevator." The director's voice said. "Now let me announce the winner or loser of the photo shoot you just took with a powerful person downstairs."

At the mention of this, everyone immediately sat up straight.

After all, this is also very important.

Especially Lin Fangyu and the others.

A person who was just downstairs. They called here on purpose. It’s definitely qualified.

The director looked at the announcement in his hand.

"It's Lin Yufang and his wife."

"What?" Everyone was surprised.

I originally thought that Li Xingwan would win. After all, in many games before, she would win without any surprise.

"It's not Xingwan?" Even Wu Zichun was surprised.

"I'm surprised too," Celia said.

Lin Fangyu and the others had straightened their bodies proudly. Obviously happy with the result.

However, the director spoke in the next second. And there’s something profound about it.

"Originally, Miss Li's choice was correct. It's just that she chose the dog later."

He didn't believe it. Li Xingwan really didn't realize that that person's status was really high.

All the audience also looked at Li Xingwan.

They also felt that Li Xingwan had chosen that person at the beginning. And not that dog.

At this time Li Xingwan showed the director. "But one thing that cannot be denied is that the dog does have a higher status than the person next to him."

"What does Xingwan mean?" (End of chapter)

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