Chapter 95 There Are Really Pitfalls Everywhere...

Li Xingwan's face was hot. "you you…"

Did he not see anything just now?

"What's wrong with me?" He leaned down on purpose and asked her. "You say wife, I'm listening."

I'm listening...

Li Xingwan was a little bit dumbfounded. "I…"

"Go to the bedroom and talk?" Fu Chengzhou pulled him into his arms.There was something meaningful in that look. "We're fine tonight, let's have a good chat."

He deliberately bit down on the words "have a good chat".

Li Xingwan: "!!!"

She felt thirsty for no reason. "I...I don't want to go to the bedroom just yet."


"IM thirsty."

"Good boy." Fu Chengzhou pushed her into the bedroom halfway, and the tall figure also squeezed in. "In a moment, I'll go down and get it for you."

The live broadcast room is not closed yet.Neither of them knew.All the netizens saw Fu Chengzhou pushing Li Xingwan back to the bedroom.

After a while, the screen was completely blown up.

"Damn it! How could it be the Fu Da chaebol who took the initiative?!"

"This is unreasonable!"

"What are they going to do?! Are you going to chat?!"

"Director! Director! Can you do me a favor, can you do me a favor?! Please open the door for us to see?!"


He is afraid of being beaten.

In the room, as soon as Li Xingwan was pushed into the bedroom by him, he immediately walked a few steps inside.I heard Fu Chengzhou asking her from behind. "Xiao Mo fell asleep?"

"Well, yes. He fell asleep." Li Xingwan stood by the innermost bed. "Maybe I was too tired from playing today. So I went to bed early."

"Well. Then let's go to bed earlier." Fu Chengzhou responded to her, and began to pull down the tie above his neck with his big hands. The action was both tempting and imaginative.

No!To be honest, he just stood there, and it already made people think about it.Wide shoulders and narrow waist.Dark gray suit.The string of Buddhist beads lingering on the wrist has a somewhat taboo pulling feeling.


Li Xingwan: "..."

Early... early rest?
Was it the rest she wanted?
"Little Mobao, I have troubled you for the past three years."

"No trouble, it should be. He is also my son." Li Xingwan felt very hot at this moment.Obviously the room of the original owner and his wife is quite big.But at this moment, I feel that the air is a little stagnant.

When the man tore off his tie and started to undo the first button of his shirt, Li Xingwan turned around and immediately walked into the bathroom. "I'll get you some water to take a bath."

She could no longer care about whether Fu Chengzhou was in the study or not, and whether he saw anything or not.

In memory, the study had already been requisitioned by the original owner.Because Fu Chengzhou doesn't go home all year round.

and so…

It became the capital for the original owner to show off.

What is the capital of showing off?It's her birthday every year, Chinese New Year holidays and so on.Will receive many gifts from men.She did it to satisfy her proud self-esteem.All those gifts were placed in the male lead's study.

The implication is that if you don't go home, you won't go home.Anyway, my wife is mostly men who give things.

This is also one of the main reasons for the explosion between her and the male lead.

And there are the most magazines with male models showing off their bodies!

Li Xingwan found out.After she wears it, there are really pits everywhere...

One foot and one foot, all dug by the original owner.

Not sure where the next one will be.

She wanted to cry, filled the bath with water, and soaked some petals and lemon slices.I plan to let Fu Chengzhou wash it fragrantly...

(End of this chapter)

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