genius puppeteer

Chapter 241 Mobilizing the Power of the Wood Mother Spirit

Chapter 241 Mobilizing the Power of the Wood Mother Spirit

The next day.

Chi Yunzhi came to the puppet production room early in the morning.

And there are some new faces on the jury outside the puppet production room.

In the auditorium, Shangguantang and his party also arrived early.

Sheng Zifu, Yan Siya, Zhang Xi, and Fu Ling had an extra badge next to the school emblem on the chest of their college uniforms. There were words and numbers on the badge, which were "Yunzhong 91" and "Yunzhong 92" respectively. , "36 in the cloud", "37 in the cloud".

This badge represents the proof that the participating students have passed the first round of tests to obtain the qualifications for the national academy competitions, and the words and numbers on the badge represent the empires of the qualified students and the number of the competition.

Obviously, Sheng Zifu, Yan Siya, Zhang Xi, and Fu Ling have all successfully passed the first round of knockout rounds of the National Academy Competition and obtained tickets to participate in the second round.

Now, Chi Yunzhi and Qin Shi were the only students of Yunling Academy who failed the test, and their puppet-making test competition was destined to last for a long time.

In the puppet making room, Chi Yunzhi's hand was lightly hanging in front of the puppet's body. The powerful wood-attributed spiritual power poured out from the palm along the meridians in the body, and continuously injected into the puppet's body. At the same time, an invisible force It also came out of Chi Yunzhi's mind.

Under the effect of spiritual power, twelve light spots began to snake out of the doll's body at an extremely slow speed...

And just as Chi Yunzhi calmly outlined the meridians for the puppet, a strand of Chi Yunzhi's spiritual consciousness sank into the Lingfu.

After refining the spirit of the wooden mother, Chi Yunzhi once made a puppet, but that puppet did not possess spiritual intelligence. Fan Yi said it was because she had not yet fully controlled the spirit of the wooden mother, and When making the puppet, the power of the spirit of the wooden mother was not fully mobilized, so the puppet produced could not have intelligence, so this time she thought about trying to mobilize the power of the wooden mother's spirit to make a doll.

The materials used to make the puppet this time are already high-grade. If the puppet can possess spiritual intelligence, it may be possible to break through the prostrate state. Thinking of this, Chi Yunzhi's heart can't help but feel a little hot.

In the Lingfu, a mysterious flame without fire spontaneously ignited attached to the walls of the two connected Lingfu. Feeling the prying of Chi Yunzhi's spiritual consciousness, the mysterious fireworks swayed slightly, very docile.

The spirit of the wooden mother with the power of devouring can devour everything, so only the spiritual power can activate the power of the wooden mother's spirit, but now most of Chi Yunzhi's spiritual power is concentrated on outlining the meridians for the puppet In order to ensure the steady progress of the meridian outline of the puppet, and to mobilize the power of the spirit of the wood mother with enough spiritual strength, it is obviously difficult for Chi Yunzhi now.

What's more, this is Chi Yunzhi's first attempt to use the power of the wooden mother's spirit to make a puppet, and it is impossible to predict whether any accidents will happen in the middle. Moreover, there is a time limit for making a puppet this time. Under the constraints of many factors, Chi Yunzhi Can't help but hesitate.

But it may be difficult to find such good materials for making puppets, and even if they are found, they may not be able to afford them. It would be a pity to miss such a good opportunity.

Chi Yunzhi struggled.

A moment later, Chi Yunzhi bit it suddenly.

Wealth is in danger.

Never mind, give it a try!
Chi Yunzhi's eyes became sharp in an instant, and the spiritual power that outlined the meridians for the puppet suddenly dissipated two strands, and the twelve meridians that were originally outlined in the puppet's body turned into ten light spots when they reappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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