genius puppeteer

Chapter 265 The Trace of the Master of the Song Pavilion

Chapter 265

With Qin Shi's defeat, only Sheng Zifu, Chi Yunzhi and Fu Ling were left in Yunling Academy to advance to the second round.

In the second match, Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi still survived without any surprises or dangers, but Fu Ling met an opponent who was also a beast master, and the spirit beast he controlled was also in the Nine Condensation Return to Spirit Realm.

A contest was stalemate for nearly an hour, both sides suffered losses, and in the end Fu Ling narrowly won.

However, because of this, even though Fu Ling advanced to the third match, due to the serious injury of his spirit beast, in the third match on the second day, Fu Ling still regrettably lost.

Among the 6 participating students of Yunling College, only Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi made it to the third round of the competition.

On the eve of the third round of the competition, Shangguantang, Qin Lao and Hao Jiuyan took Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi to the healing area to visit Zhang Xi and others who were seriously injured in the competition.

In the healing area, Fu Ling's injury was the lightest. After taking two elixirs, he only needed a few more days of cultivation to fully recover. Although Yan Siya was seriously injured, but because of his good foundation in body training, he healed quickly, so it was not a serious problem.

But Zhang Xi is still in a coma, and Qin Shi is still awake, but his legs were hit by Wang Li's spiritual power, so he had to stay in bed for a while.

"Junior Sister Chi, did that person from Shengjiang Academy enter the third round of the competition?" Qin Shi asked on the hard couch, holding Chi Yunzhi's hand.

Chi Yunzhi nodded.

When Qin Shi heard this, a look of unwillingness appeared in his eyes, and then he struggled to stand up and said worriedly: "That man is Wang Jie's elder brother, he is so hostile to you, if you bump into him in a competition, you must be careful, he may kill you."

"Senior sister, don't worry." Chi Yunzhi comforted, and at the same time, a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.

Is Wang Xie's elder brother Wang Li?

If she really ran into her in the third round of the competition, then she would definitely break his legs, making him paralyzed on the bed for the rest of his life, and she would make him pay back Qin Shi's pain a hundredfold.

Qiansong Pavilion.

In the spacious and majestic hall, a trembling figure fell on the ground, and right in front of the hall, Li Luoluo, the young master of Qiansong Pavilion, was looking at the crouching figure with an angry face.

"What does it mean that the Hu family refuses to let people go?"

Li Luoluo narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and there was a hint of chill in her voice.

Qian Chen, who was kneeling in the hall, suddenly trembled, and said hastily: "The Hu family insists on recruiting Chi Yunzhi after the competition. No matter how much the subordinates try to persuade them, Xu Hu's many benefits are still under the pressure of Qiansong Pavilion. The Hu family just refuses to let go. The subordinates really..."

"Trash!" Li Luoluo scolded.

Qianchen didn't dare to let out the air.

At this moment, a figure hurried into the hall.

"Young Pavilion Master, Elder Li Yuan asked his subordinates to please go to the meeting hall to discuss matters, saying that there is news about the Pavilion Master."

Li Luoluo's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and after a while, he slowly said: "Got it."


Li Luoluo walked slowly into the meeting room filled with dozens of figures, and when he saw Li Luoluo suddenly appearing, an elder on the seat raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Li Luoluo, the elders are discussing affairs here, what are you doing here? Get out soon!"

In the seat, Li Yuan stood up and said with a smile: "Why is the Sixth Elder so angry? No matter what, Pavilion Master Luoluo is also the Pavilion Master's daughter. Naturally, this meeting hall is also available."

"Absurd!" the Sixth Elder scolded coldly: "She is an abandoned baby picked up by the Pavilion Master. She grew up with the Young Pavilion Master since she was a child. The Young Pavilion Master has a kind heart commensurate with her sisters, and even allows her to enjoy the same treatment as herself. And she is ungrateful. Now she is shamelessly trying to seize the position of the Young Pavilion Master. Isn't it ridiculous?!"

While speaking, Li Luoluo had already sat down quietly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, she didn't feel embarrassed at all by being scolded so shamelessly by the Sixth Elder, it seemed that she was already used to the Sixth Elder's disapproval.

Beside the Sixth Elder, the Fifth Elder coughed twice, and said: "Fifteen years ago, there was news of the death of the Young Pavilion Master from Zhongzhou. The Young Pavilion Master did not leave any heirs, so Luoluo should inherit the position of the Young Pavilion Master."

"Fifth Elder's remark is inappropriate." Ninth Elder knocked on the handrail and said: "The news of Young Pavilion Master's death has not been verified yet, and the Pavilion Master has personally traveled to Zhongzhou and various places in various countries for so many years to find the Young Pavilion Master's whereabouts. As long as the Pavilion Master does not bring back the news of the Young Pavilion Master, then the Young Pavilion Master is safe, and no one has the right to covet the position of the Young Pavilion Master!"

To whom are these words being addressed? Everyone in the room knew very well that those elders who supported Li Luoluo couldn't help but turn pale. Just as they were about to refute something, they saw Li Luoluo raised his hand slightly, and said in a soft tone: "What the Ninth Elder said is exactly what the Ninth Elder said. My father saved my life, and my elder sister has a sister's affection for me. I have been with me for decades. The kindness here, Luoluo, will never be forgotten. It is also because of this, during the time when father and elder sister are away, Luoluo should do it all the more. Father and elder sister guard Qiansong Pavilion, if the elders misunderstand that Luo Luo has two hearts because of this, it is really Luo Luo's fault."

What I said was sincere, but except for those elders who supported Li Luoluo, the other elders in the meeting hall did not accept this at all, but Li Luoluo didn't care, and continued: "Luoluo doesn't care about the position of the young cabinet master, but only cares about the news of Sister. For so many years, my father has been looking for Sister, but then he stopped. I heard that there was news about my father this time, so I rushed into the meeting hall. Please forgive me, elders, and don't miss the business because of Luo Luo."

In the meeting hall, those elders who did not support Li Luoluo were tired of Li Luoluo's pretentious way, but after hearing her mentioning the matter of the pavilion master, they had no intention of arguing with her anymore, and they all looked at the head of the meeting hall.

There are two seats at the top of the meeting room, the seat in the center is empty, and on the other side sits a seemingly old figure.

And that person is the person with the highest cultivation level in Qiansong Pavilion other than the pavilion owner, and also the Great Elder of Qiansong Pavilion.

Seeing that the meeting hall finally fell silent, the Great Elder opened his eyes unhurriedly.

"In the past two years, I have been looking for the traces of the pavilion master. I walked out of the Eastern Region from the Yunzhong Empire, went to Zhongzhou, then went to the Southern Region, and then returned to the Eastern Region. The last time the Pavilion Master's trace appeared was in the gorge between Zhuziming Empire and my Yunzhong Empire."

"So the pavilion master is back?" the Sixth Elder said.

"Since you are back, why did the pavilion master not return to Qiansong Pavilion for so long? Could it be that some accident happened?" An elder wondered.

"The master of the pavilion has a cultivation level of the world. He was already the strongest in the Yunzhong Empire a few years ago. Now that he has returned to the Yunzhong Empire, who can hurt the pavilion master?" The sixth elder retorted displeased.

"The last trace of the pavilion master's appearance did not show any traces of fighting. The disappearance of the traces must have been done deliberately by the pavilion master. Maybe the pavilion master has other plans for not returning to the pavilion." The Great Elder said.

(End of this chapter)

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