Test bench No. 1
Defender: "Laishui 71" Ming Qi

Test bench No. 2
Defender: Lu Yunchu of "Zhuzi Ming 3"

Test bench No. 9
Defender: "Cloud 98" Chi Yunzhi

All the 28 guarding students took their seats, and after a moment of silence in the arena, one figure after another began to leap down from the competition seats again.

"'Jialan 16' Fu Ming challenges the No. 3 competition table!"

"'Youfeng 62' Yuan Dan challenged the No. 4 competition table!"

"'Xishan 25' Lu Qingqing challenges No. 10 competition platform!"


The fierce competition for the top 28 officially kicked off here.

The No. 9 test bench where Chi Yunzhi was located was the last one to welcome the challenger.

When the other guarding students on the competition stage had already had challengers, Chi Yunzhi's challenger looked bitter and bitter, and slogged onto the competition stage with a fat belly.

"'Fu Jin 58' Ji Xian...Challenge...No. 9...Competition platform..."

Chi Yunzhi looked at the Fujin Empire student who claimed to be Ji Xian in front of him. He seemed to have to stop to take a breath every time he took a step. Chi Yunzhi couldn't help frowning because of such difficulties, and his expression of reluctance, and the way he quickly dodged whenever his eyes touched Chi Yunzhi was also very puzzling.

Could it be that he is some kind of scourge?
Chi Yunzhi looked puzzled, but after seeing the spiritual power emerging from Ji Xian's body, Chi Yunzhi immediately raised his eyebrows clearly.

It turned out to be Jiu Ning Gui Ling Realm.

Among the 136 students who advanced, apart from Sheng Zifu, it never occurred to them that there would be someone who could advance to the third round of the competition with the cultivation base of the Nine Condensation Guiling Realm.

And he came to the stage to challenge with such an expression, I think it was not his intention but he had no choice but to challenge her.

Chi Yunzhi, who originally wanted to defeat the challenger with Lianying skills, thought about it for a while, stretched out his hand to the students of the Fujin Empire, and then turned his hand to the puppet standing beside him in a gesture of "please".

The student from the Fujin Empire obviously understood what Chi Yunzhi meant, and immediately smiled gratefully at Chi Yunzhi, but showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Chi Yunzhi's move, which allowed the puppet to perform spiritual spells with her, was deeply remembered by everyone in the altar.

A puppet at the half-step ground level is not terrible. Among the 136 students who have advanced, any half-step ground level student who can perform advanced high-level spiritual skills can defeat it as long as it takes some time.

But if it is a half-step ground-level puppet that can cast spiritual spells, it will be completely different. As long as the spiritual power offensive is equal, it will not be able to completely defeat it. However, its continuous spiritual power is enough to exhaust any half-step ground-level student to death.

Therefore, after seeing Chi Yunzhi's moves like that, no one was willing to challenge her, because it was too bad, and she was not fully sure, and the outcome was even more unpredictable.

The Fujin Empire only hesitated for a second more. Except for the No. 28 competition platform where Chi Yunzhi was on the 9 competition platforms, the remaining 27 competition platforms had challengers. In desperation, the empire could only negotiate and push him out.

After all, his Nine Condensation Guiling Realm was able to break through more than a dozen competitions and enter the third round. Most of the reasons were due to luck. No one thought that after entering the third round, he would still be lucky enough to continue winning against the other 135 students. The other three advanced students in the empire were all at the half-step ground level. It would be more hopeful to keep them to earn a good ranking for the empire.

Sighing a little lonely, Ji Xian thought, fortunately, Chi Yunzhi didn't make a move, so he could take a few more tricks under the puppet's hands, and he also knew that Chi Yunzhi saw his predicament and saved himself face.

After all, if Chi Yunzhi makes a move, then he will definitely be like the former Laishui Empire student who was kicked off the competition stage by Chi Yunzhi's puppet with just one move. Not only will he lose ugly, I'm afraid everyone will think even more that he was able to get to the third round of the competition.

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