genius puppeteer

Chapter 293 Win the first place!

In front of Chi Yunzhi, the puppet's hand remained in the position it had just received Ming Qi's attack, until Ming Qi began to condense the seal, and then slowly put his hand down expressionlessly.

On her frosty face, a pair of eyes that had become smart but still had no emotion looked at Mingqi's movements coldly. Following Mingqi's constantly changing gestures, during this period, the puppets were very moral and did not take action. Duan Mingqi used his spiritual skills, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he watched Mingqi's movements.

Soon, Ming Qi's seal gesture stopped.

In the eyes of the puppet that became more and more interested, Ming Qi's eyes were hot and expectant, and he suddenly urged the hand to print.

"Summon: Fire Phoenix comes to the sky!"

In the sky above the competition platform, an extremely high-pitched and loud chirping sound suddenly sounded, and then a huge fire phoenix suddenly spread its flaming wings in the air. The wings spread out, and an extremely terrifying temperature quickly scorched the entire competition platform. Even though there was a protective cover to isolate it, the audience in the audience could still feel the heat waves blowing towards their faces.

"This is... an incorporeal spirit beast?!"

"Ming Qi from the Laishui Empire is really strong to be able to display a spirit beast that condenses an incorporeal body. I didn't expect him to have reservations in the previous competition!"

"Hahaha! This year's national college competition is really exciting, and this competition alone is enough to be regarded as a battle between the strong in the ground!"


Discussions broke out in the audience. On the stage, Chi Yunzhi half-propped up her body and leaned on the railing at the edge of the competition platform. She had recovered from the joy of being born with wisdom. At this time, she was smiling slightly. He squinted at the fire phoenix in mid-air, and was equally surprised by Ming Qi's trump card.

The biggest difference between the spirit-level spirit art and the spirit-level spirit art is that the spirit-level spirit art can only compress and condense the spiritual power so that the spirit power can burst into a stronger power, while the spirit-level spirit art is based on some advanced The tailor-made spiritual art based on the characteristics of the spirit beast, when practiced together with the spiritual blood of the spirit beast and the crystal nucleus of the spirit beast, is simultaneously refined, and after being cast, the incorporeal body of the spirit beast can be summoned to fight together.

Previously, both Ming Qi and Sheng Zifu had performed spiritual arts that were suspected to be low-level, but they were obviously modified spiritual arts, and they failed to summon the incorporeal spirit beasts, although the power of spiritual arts was indeed higher than that of ordinary Refined high-level spiritual arts are powerful, but they are not low-level spiritual arts in the true sense.

But in front of him, the majestic and domineering fire phoenix in midair clearly told everyone that the spiritual art performed by Ming Qi was a real Qi-level spiritual art.

Ming Qi really hid it very deeply, or in other words, if Chi Yunzhi's puppet hadn't suddenly given birth to spiritual wisdom and made a breakthrough in cultivation, I'm afraid he would have easily won this competition without using any hidden means.

The fire phoenix screamed in the air, spitting out crimson flames from its mouth, the puppet lightly raised its palm, and the ice lingered upwards, the icy air rapidly degraded the high temperature on the competition stage, only the special flame spit out of the fire phoenix's mouth was momentarily suppressed. It was able to stand in a stalemate with the ice in the hands of the puppet who turned on the ground.

The incorporeal body of the fire phoenix is ​​maintained by the spiritual power of the spellcaster. Ming Qi himself has not really set foot on the ground, and it is already barely enough to be able to cast real Qi-level low-level spiritual spells. Driving the fire phoenix to attack is even more exhausted in an instant. Even so, he saw that the fire phoenix in the air was able to persist for a few breaths under the hands of the puppet who really turned on the ground, and a touch of blood appeared on his face that was gradually pale. The color of contentment.

The puppet seemed to be aware of the powerlessness of the Fire Phoenix, and immediately slapped the backhand with a boring backhand, instantly disintegrating the virtual body of the Fire Phoenix, ending the competition completely.

However, the simple-minded puppet obviously regarded Ming Qi, who he had seen attacking Chi Yunzhi when he first opened his spiritual wisdom, as his enemy. Therefore, after killing the fire phoenix, he wanted to rush forward with a cold face and continue to fight him while he was still standing. Mingqi's death was over, but fortunately Chi Yunzhi, who was connected with his mind, sensed Puppet's thoughts, and quickly stopped Puppet's behavior with a thought.

The puppet's figure froze for a moment, and then he squinted his eyes and stopped in place, but his eyes were still staring at Ming Qi unkindly.

"I lost."

Ming Qi cupped his hands to Chi Yunzhi with a pale face and said, "I had a great time in this competition, thank you."

After saying that, Ming Qi turned around and walked off the competition stage without nostalgia.

The entire altar was silent for a second, then thunderous cheers and applause broke out.

"Empire in the Clouds! Empire in the Clouds!!"

"Chi Yunzhi! Chi Yunzhi!!"

"Yunling Academy!!..."

With a happy smile on the serious face of the race elders, he announced:
"Congratulations to Yunzhong Empire Chi Yunzhi for winning first place in this year's National Academy Competition!"

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