Chapter 297
Chi Yunzhi, who suddenly became the focus of the audience, raised his hand to touch the bridge of his nose unnaturally.

The judges and elders who were staring at Chi Yunzhi all had extremely kind smiles on their faces.

However, unexpectedly, even though their eyes were full of eagerness to recruit Chi Yunzhi, no one spoke first.

This attitude is completely different from the previous recruitment of other top 27 students, and it seems that there are some concerns.

After a long time, when Chi Yunzhi was confused as to why no one wanted him, the top student in the competition, an elder judge spoke tentatively as the audience began to whisper.

"This student Xiaochi from Yunling College, do you... already have a sect of your choice in your heart?"

However, just as the judge elder's words fell, and before Chi Yunzhi could answer, Qian Chen, who was standing behind Li Luoluo, the young master of Qiansong Pavilion, took a look at Li Luoluo's face, and immediately said, "Is this still possible?" Do I need to ask? All the students from the Yunzhong Empire with the best rankings in the previous national college competitions will be admitted to the Qiansong Pavilion. Elder Ma asked this question, but is the Ma family going to openly compete with Qiansong Pavilion for disciples?"

As soon as Qian Chen's implicitly threatening words came out, not only did Elder Ma's face darken, but all the review elders who had intended to recruit Chi Yunzhi suddenly felt a little shuddered, but they dared not speak out in anger.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder the elders of these judges stared at her like a wolf, but no one dared to recruit her. In their hearts, she, the so-called first place in the competition, had no choice at all, and she was already a default Qiansongge disciple .

Chi Yunzhi couldn't help but sneer.

Seeing that the judges and elders sitting here were all shocked by Qian Chen's words, Li Luoluo nodded with satisfaction. She looked at Chi Yunzhi, with an unstoppable look of arrogance in her eyes. She said: "In this case, you can Enter my Qiansong Pavilion."

It's not a question, it's not a test, it's not a solicitation, it's a determination and an order.

Knowing that Chi Yunzhi had rejected Qianchen's solicitation before, and knowing that Chi Yunzhi might have accepted the Hu family's solicitation, Li Luoluo still firmly believed that Chi Yunzhi could only enter Qiansong Pavilion precisely because of Chi Yunzhi's presence. Changes in rankings in the competition.

After all, neither she nor Hu Shuang'er thought that Chi Yunzhi could win the first place in the competition before, so Li Luoluo only recruited privately first. But if Chi Yunzhi was unwilling and the Hu family secretly blocked it, she would also You can only lure or threaten, but this will take a lot of time after all.

But now that Chi Yunzhi has won the first place, it means that he has directly put himself in the public eye and become the target of public criticism, and the recruitment has become easier.

After all, the top-ranked students from the Yunzhong Empire in previous academy competitions are all going to enter Qiansong Pavilion, and the strength and prestige of Qiansong Pavilion are right in front of you, who dares to compete with them?So what if the Hu family had already reached an agreement with Chi Yunzhi in private? Would the Hu family dare to be the first to stand out?Does the Hu family dare to risk the entire family to openly disgrace Qiansongge in front of everyone and become the enemy of Qiansongge?

What's more, Chi Yunzhi only had a small Chi family behind her, so how could she dare to refuse the invitation of the young master of Qiansong Pavilion in public?
Li Luoluo's lips curled up slightly, as if he was already waiting for Chi Yunzhi's nod with great conviction.

Facing Li Luoluo's arrogant expression, Chi Yunzhi's eyes were slightly cold, and he was about to speak. Suddenly, Hu Shuang'er, who was sitting far away, suddenly stood up.

Her thin face had a firm gaze, and as she stood up, all the surprised eyes around her also focused on her. In the doubtful eyes of everyone, Hu Shuang'er solemnly raised her hands to Li Luoluo and said : "Master Li, I'm really sorry. Miss Chi has made an agreement with my Hu family before that she will join my Hu family after graduating from the academy, so I'm afraid she won't be able to go to Qiansong Pavilion."

As soon as Hu Shuang'er said these words, the atmosphere on the stage suddenly condensed. The review elders all took a deep breath, and the other top 20 students except Chi Yunzhi looked at each other in shock.

Everyone in the audience also looked at this scene in stunned silence.

"Did I hear you right? How dare the Hu family rob someone from Qiansong Pavilion?!"

"Oh my God, didn't the original patriarch of the Hu family just pass away not long ago? Shouldn't the Hu family keep a low profile at this time and restore the strength of the clan? How dare you provoke Qiansong Pavilion?"

"The current patriarch of the Hu family is still too young after all..." Liu Shi'an, who was sitting beside Hu Shuang'er, also looked uneasy but could only sigh helplessly.

The moment Chi Yunzhi won the first place in the competition, he persuaded Hu Shuang'er to give up recruiting Chi Yunzhi. After all, even if Chi Yunzhi was extremely talented, it would be impossible for him to grow into a being that Qiansong Pavilion would be afraid of in a short period of time. , and if the Hu family openly challenges the prestige of Qiansong Pavilion at this time, they may face the danger of annihilation. In order to get Chi Yunzhi, who has not yet grown up, in exchange for the risk of genocide, this is not cost-effective at all, but Despite his earnest words, Hu Shuang'er still insisted on going his own way.

It seems that she was right to object to handing over the position of patriarch to Hu Shuang'er at first. The Hu family will be destroyed in her hands sooner or later...

"Clan Chief Hu, do you know what you are talking about?"

Li Luoluo's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. She who originally believed that Hu Shuang'er did not dare to come forward felt as if she had been slapped hard, and her face was very ugly.

"Hehehehe, Mr. Li, Pavilion Master, the recruitment of disciples is also based on your own will. Since this student has already made an agreement with Patriarch Hu, Mr. Li, Pavilion Master, why not just let it go, which is considered the beauty of adulthood."

Just as the atmosphere became increasingly solemn, an elder reviewer from another empire suddenly said with a smile.

Of course, he didn't say this to help the Hu family or Chi Yunzhi. It's just that Qiansong Pavilion is the dominant tyrant of the Yunzhong Empire, and its sect's strength is well-known far and wide, even enough to frighten the forces of many other empires, and Chi Yunzhi is If a highly talented puppet maker enters Qiansong Pavilion again, wouldn't the future strength of Qiansong Pavilion be much stronger?
Letting Chi Yunzhi enter Qiansong Pavilion is not as good as letting him enter the Hu family, and Qiansong Pavilion will lose a puppet maker disciple with unlimited potential. He is happy to see the result. He believes that other empires who are wary of Qiansong Pavilion's strength are also the same.

Sure enough, after this review elder from other empires spoke, more and more review elders from other empires also echoed his words.

Li Luoluo's face became more and more gloomy.

This was different from the scene she had originally expected. It had taken a turn of events. Now the pressure was on herself. In front of other people from the empire, she had to maintain the dignity of the Qiansong Pavilion, and it was difficult to threaten her openly. .

Li Luoluo forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Chi Yunzhi and said warmly: "Chi Yunzhi, you know the strength of Qiansong Pavilion. If you enter Qiansong Pavilion, I can assure you that no matter what kind of resources you need, Qiansong Pavilion can afford it, and..."

Li Luoluo smiled slightly, looked at Xia Walker who had been silent for a long time, and decided to make a bold statement, "Xia Walker saw that you are quite talented in making puppets and admired you very much. If you enter Qiansong Pavilion, you may be able to worship Xia Walker." Under his sect, Xia Xingzhe is the number one puppet maker in the Yunzhong Empire. Many puppet makers have been asking for Xia Xingzhe’s guidance, so why don’t you seize this opportunity?”

Originally, Li Luoluo wanted to recruit Chi Yunzhi into her sect, so that he could take advantage of Xia Xingzhe's love for talents and constrain him to be on her side, but now she doesn't care about so much, even in advance. Using Xia Xingzhe's name to recruit Chi Yunzhi without any discussion at this time will make him dissatisfied. Even if Chi Yunzhi directly worships Xia Xingzhe, Xia Xingzhe may not appreciate it and stand on her side in the future. Today she Chi Yunzhi must also be admitted to Qiansong Pavilion.

Because this is not only about the standing of the elders in the sect, nor is it about the face of the sect, but her face must not be lost.

The students with the best rankings in Yunzhong Empire in the previous national college competitions all entered Qiansong Pavilion without exception, but it was her turn to fight for herself desperately, and finally managed to win the first time representing Qiansong Pavilion as the judge elder. Qiansong Pavilion has lost the disciple who won the first place in the competition. How will the elders in the pavilion who were not convinced by her think of her?And how can those elders who have not yet taken sides question her ability?How should outsiders laugh at her secretly?
She will never allow this to happen.

Li Luoluo clenched his fists and looked at Chi Yunzhi.

Even if she couldn't induce him with money, she should be moved after he brought Xia Walker up. After all, Xia Walker was the teacher that all the younger generation of puppet makers in the Yunzhong Empire dreamed of.

Chi Yunzhi frowned slightly. As a puppet maker, she naturally respected Xia Xingzhe, the first puppet maker in the Yunzhong Empire. If possible, she would be very willing to ask him some questions about puppet making. But Xia Xingzhe is from Qiansong Pavilion, and she really hates Qiansong Pavilion.

Xia Xingzhe, who was suddenly mentioned by Li Luoluo, was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw Chi Yunzhi, a smile appeared on his face again.

"I do admire you very much. When I saw your talent in making puppets, I also had the idea of ​​accepting you as my disciple. However, after seeing your puppet-making skills and your ability to control the three powers at the same time stably and without chaos. , I ask you, do you already have a teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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