genius puppeteer

Chapter 306 The fusion agent of “spirit” and body

Lu Yunchu didn't notice Chi Yunzhi's strange emotions, but just followed Chi Yunzhi's words and explained:

"Some time ago, a mysterious strong man came to the Lu family. He went straight to the medicine garden in the back mountain of the Lu family and took the Qingyin Sun Fruit as his own. He was so powerful that everyone in the Lu family who went to the back mountain was After being expelled by him, no one could do anything to him. Later, my old man went to meet him in person, but even with my old man’s strength at the peak of the Fu Di Realm, he couldn’t even get out of two moves under his hands.”

"Fortunately, he knew that the Qingyin Sun Fruit cannot be moved easily, so he stayed in the back mountain waiting for the results of the Qingyin Sun Fruit. During this period, my old man went up the mountain several times to try to lure him. Who knew that the man later got impatient and dumped him? I gave my old man a bottle of elixir and said that I bought the Qingyin Sun Fruit, and told my old man not to bother him anymore. This is simply buying and selling by force, and it’s too much!"

"Although the bottle of elixir he gave is of high value, our Lu family is a family that refines medicine. Will we be short of elixirs? In the eyes of the Lu family, no matter how precious the elixir is, it is not as good as the Qingyin Sun Fruit." Important!" Lu Yunchu said angrily.

Chi Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as the Qingyin Sun Fruit has not been transferred away, there is still hope, but...

Chi Yunzhi frowned and said: "If a strong man at the top of the Fu Di Realm can't take more than two moves in his hands, then he must be a strong man in the Out of the World Realm. Although the Qing Yin Yang Fruit is not suitable for alchemists, It has great attraction, but it is not of much use to the strong people in the realm of the world. Even if the opponent is also an alchemist, the Qingyin Sun Fruit has no effect on the alchemist of this realm. Why would such a strong man be so determined to snatch the Lu family’s Qingyin Sun Fruit?”

"Who knows this?" Lu Yunchu said angrily, "A few days ago, the Linyang Sect came to threaten the Lu family, saying that if the Lu family did not cooperate with them and hand over [-]% of the Qingyin Sun Fruit every year, the Lu family would be completely removed from the Dan Pavilion. , I don’t know what kind of deal Linyang Sect has reached with Dan Pavilion, and it actually persuaded Dan Pavilion. And this year, our Lu family not only has only one second-grade medicine refining master, the old man, but the younger generation can’t even find three capable ones. The young disciples who have passed the alchemist qualification test can no longer even offer the Qingyin Sun Fruit, and it seems that the Dan Pavilion is really preparing to give up on our Lu family completely."

"Could this mysterious powerful man be found by Linyang Sect?" Chi Yunzhi said.

"No." Lu Yunchu shook his head decisively, "We also suspected this at first, but later looking at the tone of the Linyang Sect people, they didn't know that the Hu family's Qingyin Sun Fruit had been taken for themselves, let alone It’s not so easy to find a strong person who has emerged from the dust realm. There is only one strong person who has emerged from the dust realm that is known in the entire empire."

Hearing this, Chi Yunzhi pondered slightly, "So, I have a guess."


Chi Yunzhi did not answer immediately, but just raised his eyes and said, "I want to go meet this mysterious strong man."

"Are you crazy?" Lu Yunchu said in shock: "That's a strong man in the world. Even my old man doesn't dare to go near the back mountain anymore. Are you going?!"

"Didn't you say that the mysterious strong man just expelled the people who went to the back mountain after taking the Lu family's Qingyin Sun Fruit for himself? He also gave your old man a bottle of elixir, so I think that The person's original intention is not to hurt others, nor does he want to cause unnecessary trouble, otherwise there would be no need for him to do so with his strength." Chi Yunzhi analyzed calmly.

Lu Yunchu nodded hesitantly, "What you said makes sense, but..." Lu Yunchu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "After all, this is the trouble caused by my Lu family, how can I be so embarrassed to let you go."

"I have been harassing the Lu family for so many days, and in order to cure my injury, the Lu family threw a lot of precious medicinal materials on me, so I should be rewarded." Chi Yunzhi said with a smile: "Of course, although the mysterious The strong man doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone, but there is no guarantee that he will suddenly change his mind. This matter is still risky, so if I didn't want something, I wouldn't be so willing to take the risk."

Hearing this, Lu Yunchu was slightly startled, and then nodded repeatedly: "It should, it should, if you can really persuade that strong man to return the Qingyin Sun Fruit to the Lu family, then you should get part of it." Look. When Lu Yunchu came, he subconsciously mistakenly thought that Chi Yunzhi was also trying to clear the Yin Yang Fruit.

Chi Yunzhi smiled and shook his head, "The Qingyin Sun Fruit is indeed very attractive, but since I know its importance to the Lu family, how could I have such thoughts? What I am doing is not the Qingyin Sun Fruit."

Lu Yunchu was stunned again, and then suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "Is it the moon flower at the bottom of the pool connected to the Qingyin Sun Fruit?"

Chi Yunzhi nodded.

The Qingyin Sun Fruit has a fire attribute and is originally a medicine with violent properties. However, taking it has the effect of getting rid of distracting thoughts and concentrating energy and spirit. It grows in the pool of water precisely because of the moon flower that is connected to it at the bottom of the pool. .

Moon Flower has a cold attribute and grows at the bottom of a pond. Its only function is to enable the Qingyin Sun Fruit, which has a fire attribute, to grow in the pond and neutralize the original violent medicinal properties of the Qingyin Sun Fruit. In addition, , Moon Flower itself has no other significant effects, so people often only remember the Qingyin Sun Fruit and ignore the existence of Moon Flower.

Coincidentally, because of the special role of the moon flower, it has become the fusion agent between the "spirit" and the body.

After the doll's body is damaged, there will be a repulsive phenomenon when it is fused with the new body. Therefore, a fusion agent must be used to smoothly fuse the "spirit" with the body.

Of course, this was what Chi Yunzhi learned after reading a large number of books in the Classics Hall when he guessed Fan Yi's identity.

Therefore, after hearing about the Qingyin Sun Fruit, she deliberately asked Lu Yunchu what happened to the Lu family in order to find out about Yuexiahua. Only then was she willing to take the risk even though she knew it was dangerous, because this That was her real purpose, and what she promised Fan Yi to do.

"The flowers under the moon are of some use to me. Of course, I also know that the Qingyin Sun Fruit cannot be separated from the flowers under the moon, so you can rest assured that I will not take away all the flowers under the moon. I just hope that if things work out, can you allow me to take them afterwards? Just take away one of its cotyledons?"

"It's natural!" Lu Yunchu responded happily, "Losing a small part of the Moon Flower will not have any impact on the Qingyin Sun Fruit, but you, after taking such a big risk, just took away a useless bit. Isn’t it a loss for the flower under the moon?”

"Let's see. When the time comes, I will talk to my old man and find some high-level elixirs for you. Otherwise, compared with the fact that you have saved the reputation of my Lu family, a family of refining medicine, the Lu family's contribution is really too small. Guo Xiaojiazi is a little angry."

Seeing Lu Yunchu's righteous words, Chi Yunzhi shook his head helplessly and said: "It's too early to say this at this time, let's wait until we can really get the Qingyin Sun Fruit from the hands of the mysterious strong man. "

"Yes, haha." Lu Yunchu smiled and patted his head, but for some reason he was in a much better mood. He seemed to be interested in the woman in front of him who was only in the Seventh Condensation Returning Spirit Realm but could win the first place in an academy competition from various countries where experts gathered. Inexplicably, I felt a sense of confidence...

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